Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:18 AM

Chapter 157: The president is so fier e today

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

Gu Yuxin nodded in agreement, "I know, it's not difficult to tell from your performance. I remember that Xueer used to be a workaholic in my family. She used to be a workaholic. She didn't touch the ground every day. Now it's okay. On the contrary, I don't think Mr. Su is too busy. , This is love, baby~"

The two chatted for more than half an hour, Yan Bingxue's mood improved a lot, and she still had to talk to ease her mood~

Seeing that it was almost half past twelve, Yan Bingxue felt a little sleepy, so she said goodnight to Gu Yuxin, and she went to bed by herself. She deliberately left a small night light for fear that it would be inconvenient for Su Chen to come back at night.

The first thing Yan Bingxue did when she woke up the next morning was to look at her side.

The bed next to it was empty, but it was obvious that someone had slept in, and the quilt was half pulled over.

Yan Bingxue was a little disappointed, she reached out and touched the bed sheet beside her, she could not feel the temperature anymore.

Did Su Chen get up early?

She washed up quickly and went downstairs quickly. Only Su Ma was eating breakfast downstairs.

Seeing Yan Bingxue, Su Ma immediately waved at her: "Bingxue, are you up? Come over for breakfast. Chenchen specially went out for breakfast today, and bought your favorite crystal shrimp dumpling~"

Yan Bingxue walked over, feeling dull after eating her favorite shrimp dumplings, she asked, "Mom, where is Su Chen?"

Su Ma said: "He left before he had eaten, saying he was going to work."

Su Ma saw the little disappointment in Yan Bingxue's eyes. She also knew that her son was a bit too busy recently. If she hadn't gotten up early today, she wouldn't even be able to see her son.

She and Su's father talked about it when they slept last night. Their old couple is a little better, but they are used to not seeing their son for a short time, but the daughter-in-law is probably a little unhappy.

So Ma Su filled her with a bowl of hot porridge and said: "Bingxue, Chenchen seems to be a little busy these days, I guess I want to get everything done at work early, and then come back intently to prepare for the wedding of the two of you~ "

Yan Bingxue knew that Su Ma was comforting her, and smiled and said, "Well, I understand, Mom, I've eaten well, I'm going to work too~"

Su Ma looked at Yan Bingxue's somewhat lonely back and sighed slightly.

For the next two days, Su Chen was still in a busy state, often working overtime until one o'clock at night before returning home. Yan Bingxue hadn't seen him for two days and was very upset.

Zhang Tezhu was keenly aware of this because she found that the president was in a bad mood recently.

Mr. Su ran to the Academy of Dragon Sciences all day long, and every time he returned to the Chaofan Group, he came and left for a while. Shenlong never saw the end.

The president always looks at his mobile phone, his face is colder than before.

The person in charge of the project department came to report on the progress of the work today. This meeting has lasted for an hour and a half, and Yan Bingxue's mood is very impatient.

Zhang Tezhu carefully sat next to him, turning his head to see Yan Bingxue's face from time to time.

She had a cold face and her expressionless look was really daunting.

The person in charge of the project department is also aware of it, so be careful when reporting work.

It is treated strictly on weekdays, but now it can be said to be cautious, facing every number very carefully, for fear that something went wrong and hit the muzzle.

But even so, Yan Bingxue got angry.

She glanced at the time on her watch, frowned and said, "Have you not been familiar with the content of today's report before you came? Or are all these reports made with artificial hands?"

The project manager on the stage trembled with fright, and quickly bowed his head and said: "President, I wrote these reports myself."

"Then you still look unfamiliar! Is it so difficult to read your own report? Do you think the company's leaders are very idle, can sit here for a few hours and listen to your primary school students?!"

The manager of the project department didn't dare to show up. After bowing his head to apologize to everyone, he immediately accelerated his speed. The next few project department leaders who did the report all read it quickly, not only to ensure the speed but also to ensure that there are no mistakes. , It can be said to be very hard. When going up and down the stage, the clothes of the reporting personnel were all wet with cold sweat.

The original plan was a three-hour report meeting, which ended in less than two and a half hours. Even so, Yan Bingxue still went out with a very bad face.

After she had been away for a long time, the project leaders in the office breathed a sigh of relief.

The big guys looked at each other, and it took a long time for someone to speak weakly, "What's the matter? The president doesn't seem to be in a good mood today!"

Another person followed up and said, "Yes, I was scared to death just now. Fortunately, it was not me who came to the stage and was criticized, or I had to kneel down on the spot!"

The one who was criticized wanted to cry without tears, "I'm going to kneel in shock, too! But speaking of it, is our president a bit wrong recently? When we had a meeting last time, the president seemed to be in a good mood. Surprisingly, I remembered that it was Kobayashi at the time when UU read She didn't get criticized if she reported a mistake. The president smiled and asked her to pay attention. Why is it like this today!"

The named Kobayashi raised his hand and whispered: "Do you think that our president is like this, it seems to be in love? I feel that people in love are like this, and the mood is always good and sometimes bad..."

When she said this, it seemed as if she awakened the dreamer with a single word, and everyone immediately nodded.

"I think it's very similar! The president must be in love!"

"I don't know who the president's boyfriend is. If we do, we can still work hard to keep the president in a good mood every day. Now, who can bear it!"

"God bless me, I am willing to use my three years of being single for the president to have a relationship with her boyfriend. Don't hurt Chi Yu again!"

Zhang Te helped follow Yan Bingxue, and from time to time he had to speed up a few steps, or else he couldn't keep up with Yan Bingxue, who was still walking fast with eight centimeter high heels.

She shouted in her heart: "Mr. Su, you come back quickly!"

"The president is like this, I can't handle it at all!"

Su Chen, who was busy making mechas in the Long Academy of Sciences, didn't hear Zhang Tezhu's voice at all. The appearance of his mechas had been preliminarily completed. Looking at the assembled parts, Su Chen was in a good mood.

Everything is going very smoothly. Although he was very tired this week, he is very happy and excited now seeing the little results.

This hasn't been shown to anyone for the time being, even Yuan Lao and Yan Bingxue don't know about it, he is going to perfect all the systems, and then show it again.

When Yan Bingxue returned to the office, she threw the folder in her hand on the table, and with a snap, the assistant Zhang behind was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!