Published at 21st of December 2021 09:36:53 AM

Chapter 176: Won the game

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Since there is no possibility of losing, of course you have to fight for victory. As long as they work harder, they can get small red flowers for the children!

"Come on, parents, Dad Tuantuan is in the back for us, we must do it!" Dad Lily shouted in front.

The blue team was a little discouraged, "What's the situation? Why is Lele's father so powerful, and he looks very thin, why can't we pull him!"

"Sure enough, no matter what kind of game, it’s impossible to win by brute force. Although Lele’s dad doesn’t look fat, he is really strong. I think I’m not a team at all. It's a big mountain that can't be pulled at all!"

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, we have to continue to cheer ah ah ah ah..."

Dahu's father's sentence, the old elder who tailed it to pull, the whole person also rushed forward with Su Chen's sudden force.

The team was in a mess for a while, the blue team all rushed over, the red team also sat on the ground, and the red rope that was originally maintained in the middle has now completely entered the red team's camp~www.novelhall .com~Get red envelopes] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Su Chen was the only one standing in the audience. He walked over and helped Yan Bingxue up for the first time, and then lifted the Tuan Tuan and Lele with both hands.

That strength instantly made the opposite blue team amazed.

After a brief shock, there was a burst of deafening cheers.

"It's great, we actually won!"

"we won!"

"Daddy Tuantuan, you are so amazing, you have completely reversed this situation alone!"

"Mr. Su, you are really a real person without revealing your face. When you just said that you were going to hold the battle, I actually didn't know what to do. I didn't expect you to be so powerful! Haha, baby, we all have little red flowers!"

"Mr. Su, have you practiced? Our team's weight can't be compared to the opponent. I didn't expect it to turn defeat into victory. At the end of the day, I felt that the rope behind me was pulled back all at once, let alone the opponent. The blue team, even a member of the red team, I didn’t expect it!"

"Mr. Su, you are really amazing!"

Su Chen was holding the two children in one hand and Yan Bingxue in the other. The family was surrounded by the crowd, and it was a great compliment.

The big tiger and the little tiger on the opposite side angrily said, "Why did we lose!"

"We are the strongest kids in the class, how can we lose the tug of war!"


Dahu’s parents walked over, and each of them smashed their heads on the heads of their two sons.

"Big tiger, little tiger, now you understand. Mom and Dad always tell you two to lose weight, because not everything can be solved with effort, nor is the greater the weight, the greater the strength. You can no longer eat so much. Now, you see Tuantuan and Lele’s father is so thin, but she is still very strong, and the most important thing is to exercise!"

Regardless of the fact that Dahu and Xiaohu’s parents are quite heavy, but in fact, this matter is the most annoying thing for their family. One family has a physique that is prone to obesity and gains weight after eating a little bit. The two adults are even more troublesome. I don't want the children to be so chubby.

So now that they found the opportunity, they immediately began to educate their two children.

Dahu Xiaohu made a frustrated face, but still couldn't help but walked to Su Chen and asked, "Uncle, why are you so good?"

Su Chen raised his arm, revealing the strong muscle shape inside, "Because uncle often exercises, if you want to be as strong as your uncle, you must listen to your parents and exercise your body more. Muscles are better than fat. But it’s much more useful~"

"I hear you, Dahu Xiaohu, when he is your mom and dad taking you to the gym, you must not cry and scream tired. If you want to be as good as your uncle, you have to work hard!"

Big Tiger and Little Tiger nodded vigorously, "Okay! We will definitely work hard, and we must beat Uncle next time~"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Come on!"

In the second round of the competition, Tuan Tuan and Lele once again won a small red flower. When the two children stood on the stage, they waved to the parents below happily. It was the first time for Yan Bingxue with that proud expression. See.

She smiled slightly and said: "So what kind of parent-child activities are held in kindergartens? If I knew that Tuan Tuan and Lele liked so much, I should have accompanied them to participate early."

Su Chen took her shoulders and said softly: "Wife, it's not too late now, and the parent-child activities held in the kindergarten are meaningful only when we come together as a family. It's not that you are late, but I am late. ~"

Yan Bingxue turned her head to look at him, her heart full of happiness.

She chuckled and said, "That's right, even if I came with the children before, I am afraid there is no way for the children to get the little red flowers."

Because today's little red flowers are all because of Su Chen's greatness, so I can get them~

Her husband is really super good in every aspect!

Today I don’t know that Tuan Tuan and Lele are super happy, and Yan Bingxue is also very happy in her heart. She never knew that it was such a proud thing to be praised in the kindergarten with the children~


After the power competition like tug-of-war competition, the mothers of the children are a little tired, so the next mini game is the mutual interaction between the father and the children.

The teacher stood on the podium and said, ", can you tell the teacher that when you are usually at home, do you spend more time with your father or your mother? "

The answers below are surprisingly unified. All the children are calling mothers, even Tuan Tuan and Le Le.

Because Su Chen only lived with them recently, so if you count the previous time, it's better for his mother to spend more time with them.

"When you are at home, your mother spends more time with you, right? So the teacher set up a small game to let you and dad have fun together~"

"The name of this game is Kangaroo Run. Kids all know what a kangaroo looks like. The mother kangaroo has a big pocket on her chest. You can put the baby kangaroo in it, right?"

The children nodded lovingly, making a group of parents laugh.

"So the rules of this game are also very simple. Today, our dad will play the role of kangaroo mother. The babies are baby kangaroos. During the game, the babies have to lie on their father’s arms and hold their father’s neck and feet. You have to hook dad’s waist, and then dad runs with the babies from the starting point to the finishing point, and then runs back after getting the balloon. Whoever is faster, whoever is the first one can get the reward of the little red flower~ "


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