Published at 21st of December 2021 09:36:20 AM

Chapter 200: The sweetness on a 10,000-meter high-altitude plane~

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Yan Bingxue nodded, smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

Two people traveling together is really different from one person~

The 16-hour flight journey seems to be a romantic couple trip because of the company of the people around you~

The first-class dinner is very rich, with six side dishes with rice, and a bowl of soup. Although the portion is not very large, the meat and vegetables are paired with balanced nutrition.

There is a small table in front, Su Chen put down his own and Yan Bingxue's, a glass of wake-up wine was placed in front of the two of them, and two sumptuous dinners, watching the movie and eating the romantic dinner for them .

Yan Bingxue doesn't like meat. Looking at the bright-colored Dongpo meat, she picked it up and put it in Su Chen's bowl, pouting her lips and coquettishly said: "My husband, I don't like this~"

Su Chen understands her taste and knows that she can't accept fat, but she really likes this kind of pork belly, which is fat and thin, and the Dongpo meat itself is stewed soft and rotten, and you can't feel it when you eat it in your mouth. The fatty meat is greasy.

He looked at the dinner plate in front of him, then took a large chicken leg and put it in Yan Bingxue's bowl.

"Recommendation, my wife~"

Yan Bingxue smiled sweetly. He just walked to the door and was about to ask his president and Mr. Su if he needed dinner arrangements. Special assistant Zhang saw this scene and silently backed away.

She is really too much of this act. With Mr. Su here, she will definitely take good care of the president!

woo woo~ she should go back to eat her dinner in silence!

After dinner and drank some red wine, Yan Bingxue's cheeks flushed, she was a little sleepy when she lay down and watched another movie.

Su Chen watched her big beautiful eyes slowly closed, and then opened suddenly. After a while, she began to doze off again...

He couldn't help but smiled, stretched out his hand and took it lightly, and took Yan Bingxue into his arms and pressed her head on his shoulder.

"Wife, go to bed when you are sleepy, what's so strong about this?"

Yan Bingxue was stunned by him, but he suddenly became sober, blushing, and said, "Husband, I'm really a little sleepy~ I just drank and watched TV now, my eyes are tired."

Su Chen lightly kissed her forehead, and the two of them were inside the closed hatch, without worrying about privacy at all.

"If you are sleepy, go to sleep. I will turn off the TV and leave a small light. Let's go to sleep."

Yan Bingxue nodded, An Xin leaned his head on Su Chen's shoulder, leaning half of his body in his arms, and when Su Chen had done everything, there was only a small light left in the entire cabin, Su Chenyi Looking down, Yan Bingxue was already asleep.

Seeing his wife's sleeping face, Su Chen smiled slightly.



After    Tuantuan and Lele returned to their grandmother's house, they happily went to play in the living room.

But while eating dinner, my grandfather and grandmother suddenly told them a news that Ba Ba Ma Ma had gone on a business trip!

Tuan Tuan Yuele suddenly felt that the rice in front of him was not fragrant.

倀倀倀倀唧唧唧唧 said: "Why do you have to go on a business trip? Do you usually go on business trips? Did they go out to play, don't you take me with you?"

Lele murmured in her heart: What my sister said is very reasonable, Baba Mama often secretly eat lunch together, when he and his sister are in school, Baba Mama can also meet each other, I feel that they love each other more than him and his sister... …

Tang Shuyun coaxed two little treasures: "Tuan Tuan Yue Le, Baba Ma Ma is going to work~"

"Besides, they called me and grandpa specially before they went, let us take good care of you, these few days, will you play at grandma's house, okay? You can tell grandpa and grandma whatever you want to eat. We will buy it for you~"

Thinking of the freedom of snacks and toys, Tuan Tuan and Lele finally feel better.

Tuantuan while eating the sweet pot meat that grandma gave her, she raised her head and asked, "Grandma, when will the Baba Ma Ma come back?"

"I don't know yet~ Your mother said that it might take several days to go this time because they are going abroad~"

"Foreign? It's far, far away!" Tuantuan said seriously.

Tang Shuyun was amused by the child’s cute face with a smile, and said, “Yes, the place where Mom and Dad are going this time is far and far abroad. They have to stay on the plane for 16 hours in the past. So mom and dad should still be on the plane now."

Lele's little mouth curled, "But we can't play with mobile phones when we are on the plane, so can't we make videos with Baba Ma?"

Yan Zhenwei said: "Well, we know so much about Jialele. You can't turn on your mobile phone when you're on the plane. Mom and Dad won't be able to reach their destination until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and you can turn it on at that time. The phone is up. When Mom and Dad get there, let’s start a video with Mom and Dad right away, okay?"

said roundly: "But we all went to kindergarten after eight o'clock, and still can't see mom and dad, oh oh..."

The little girl cried uncomfortably. Yan Zhenwei said: "It's okay, so let's ask for leave tomorrow instead of going to kindergarten, stay at home in the morning and go to kindergarten in the afternoon. Just like today, then we can start a video with our parents. That's it~"

Tang Shuyun said on the side: "Old Yan, isn't this bad? The two children are going to school after It is always inappropriate to ask for leave."

Yan Zhenwei said: "Just ask for a morning leave. It doesn't matter. The head and Lele have such good academic performance. It should be okay to delay a short time. The two children finally come to our house. You Don’t you want to accompany them more~"

After finishing, he looked at the two little guys and said: "Tuan Tuan Le Le, tomorrow grandpa and grandma will take you out to play? After we finish the video with parents, we will go out to play together and go to the playground, okay?"

Tuan Tuan nodded happily, but Lele said, "Grandpa, this is not good. Tomorrow is not a time to rest. My sister and I should go to kindergarten to study. Let's go out and play again on the weekend."

He is a serious education sister, "Tuan Tuan, we are over three years old. We can't just think about playing, we must study hard, so that we can be as good as Baba Mama in the future. Although Baba Mama is not at home after going on a business trip, we still have to do well. They study in school, so that when Baba Ma Ma comes back, I will be happy to see us. We can’t sneak out to play~"

Tuantuan heard it, and immediately felt that it made sense, "Well, Tuantuan is not playing anymore, Tuantuan is going to school!"

Tang Shuyun laughed and said, "Old Yan, did you see that, the two children are more sensible than you, haha~"


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