Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:36 AM

Chapter 232: Ready to fight

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Tommy confessed his fate and signed a contract with Su Chen, and the mining rights have now been sold to Su Chen, but a notarization is needed to confirm the transfer of the mining rights.

Su Chen didn't want to waste too much time, so he set the notarization time at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

When this matter is over, there is still some time to buy gifts for my sons and daughters. The flight back at night is just right.

Tommy took the contract and left silently. Boss Ke and Su Chen matched a few smiling faces and left quickly.

just lost his face, he almost made a big mistake, now he dare not continue to provoke Su Chen here.

After they all left, Second Master Su said from behind, "Congratulations."

Su Chen looked back at him, raised his hand and said, "Thank you for the old man's help."

Second Master Su waved his hand, “It’s okay. Everyone is from the Long Kingdom. Of course, they have to help each other when they go out. Besides, I didn’t do anything. It’s just that there are more eyes here, so the organizers don’t dare to be presumptuous.”

"Anyway, I would like to thank the old man." Su Chen said.

Second Master Su smiled, and looked at Su Chen.

looks like!

really looks more alike, even the style of speaking and doing things are very similar!

However, this young man is more powerful than Hao Qian of the year. At this age, he is only in his early twenties. He is so powerful that he can help the country go out and do things. He must be an individual!

Second Master Su didn't say much, nor asked too much. After greeted Su Chen, he took Su Zhe away first.

As soon as they got outside, Su Erye's face changed.

Looking up at the few Great Eagles who were discussing something on the second floor, he frowned slightly.

"Azhe, please go back and remind that Mr. Su, he must be careful when he goes out today. I'm afraid someone will cut off the goods on the way!"

"Huh?" Su Zhe wondered, "Second Lord, this can still cut off the goods? Haven't the contracts been signed?"

"Although the contract has been signed, it has not yet been notarized. If the contract is destroyed, it will be nothing." Erye said.

"But, that Tommy should not have the courage, I think he just couldn't afford the compensation, how can he have such courage to intercept the goods!"

"It's not him, it's a member of the Twitter group. The Twitter group has always used all means and never speaks international morality. You should quickly remind Mr. Su, if he needs help, as long as he speaks, we can't hesitate to define it here. "

"I see, second master, I will go back now."

Su Zhe immediately turned back.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue closed the contract and were about to go out together holding hands when they suddenly saw Su Zhe coming back.

Is he running back, breathing a little fast.

"Mr. Su, it's great that you haven't left yet!"

"What's the matter?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

Su Zhe lowered his voice and said, "Grandpa Er asked me to bring you a message. You must be careful when you leave the auction venue later. Someone may intercept the goods halfway!"

"The second grandpa also said that we are all from the Dragon Kingdom. If Mr. Su has anything to help, please speak up. We have no choice but to define it here."

Su Chen looked at a face somewhat similar to himself, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr., for reminding me, and I will bother you to give the old man a word of thanks, but the help is not needed. The old man has already helped us a lot today."

"By the way, this..."

Su Zhe scratched his head and thought to himself: "Why don't this Mr. Su want our family to help? One more person can do more, and he is facing the Twitter group!"

"Forget it, go back and talk to Grandpa Second!"

Young people do things like a gust of wind. Before Su Chen's words were finished, Su Zhe ran away quickly, leaving Su Chen and Yan Bingxue and his wife staring at each other.

Su Chen chuckled and shook his head, "This is a mess tonight. I forgot to ask the other party for contact information. This time the old gentleman helped a lot. It is not convenient to do anything in Haiguo, but After returning to China, you should thank others for whatever you want."

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Husband, you are right~ We must know how to be grateful, but we don't even know their identities. How can we find them after we go back?"

Su Chen looked at Su Zhe's back running away, and some deep emotions surged in his eyes. After a while, he said something strange.

"I think we and them should meet again."


Su Chen and Yan Bingxue returned to the outside of the venue, Assistant Zhang immediately took the jackets of the two of them, and there were two more bulletproof vests inside.

Yan Bingxue saw these two bullet-proof vests and asked in surprise: "My husband, how come there is this?"

With body armor, it is much safer!

At least I feel more at ease.

Su Chen smiled, and Assistant Zhang next to him said: "Mr. Su asked me to arrange it~"

"President, Mr. Su is really amazing, I don't know how he did it!"

"Body armor is hard to get. We asked on the black market before, but many shops said no, but I went as Mr. Su told me, and the other party immediately took out the body armor, but only in quantity. There are only two."

Yan Bingxue looked at Su Chen in surprise and admiration, "Husband, what are you doing quietly?"

Su Chen smiled lightly, and said, "How about it, isn't my husband very good?"

"Hmm! Husband, you are super amazing. Tell me how to do it. I went to the black market but spent a lot of money to ask a lot of them. They all said they didn't have body armor."

Yan Bingxue thought that he had performed very well on the black market at that time, but why the store was reluctant to sell her body armor to her, but was willing to sell it to her husband instead?

Su Chen smiled, lowered his voice, and said in Yan Bingxue's ear: "In fact, when I went downstairs, I found a sea country bodyguard, talked about it, and inquired about some things, so I got them. The customs clearance password on the black market here~"

"There are also things like customs clearance codes. No wonder when I asked, no matter how much money I took out, they were not willing to sell them at first. Even these weapons were bought by me at a high price! "

"My husband, I find it really frustrating to be with I used to think I was quite capable, but now I feel like I can't do anything!" Yan Bingxue said annoyedly.

Su Chen squeezed her hand, "Wife, how can you think like that~ You can bring back so many weapons on the black market, it is something that many people can't do~ Besides, you still have the biggest one. Didn’t I tell you about an ability, you can firmly control even a man like me in the palm of your hand, this is not something ordinary women can do!"

"You're here again~" Yan Bingxue flushed embarrassedly, and glanced up at Assistant Zhang next to her.

Assistant Zhang was standing next to them. These whispers must be heard clearly, but she stood there quietly like a deaf, the expression on her face did not change at all, her eyes kept looking towards elsewhere.

When Yan Bingxue saw Assistant Zhang, she suddenly said with some worry: "My husband, we only have two bulletproof vests, so only the two of us are wearing them. What should Assistant Zhang do? Xiao Zhang has been with me for so many years, and I don't want her to take risks. Besides, I have learned to shoot. Xiao Zhang has never touched a gun. I am a little worried about her."

Assistant Zhang heard this and said immediately: "President, Mr. Su, you don't have to consider my problem, I will protect myself when the time comes!"


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