Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:05 AM

Chapter 254: My baby's lassmates were sho ked: Your father is so amazing!

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The atmosphere was full of joy, but at this moment, Tuan Tuan and Le Le shouted at the same time.


Tuantuan hurriedly picked up the mecha model that the classmate almost came across, looking a little sorry at Lily who had just been scared, "Lily, I'm sorry, this toy can't be played with."

On the other side of    Lele, she also hugged her mech in her arms like a baby.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, this toy was made by Baba myself for my sister and me. It is very precious and cannot be used for casual play."

The children in kindergarten all looked over curiously.

Tuantuan and Lele glanced at each other, and Tuantuan made a decision.

She took out the mecha model in her hand and said, "Classmates, this is the mecha model that I made for me and Coco. It is based on the real fighter armor. Me and Coco are one of us. This is ours. The most precious gift, so you can’t just play it casually, but if you like it, we can take it out and share it together, but we can only hold it by ourselves, okay?"

Lele agreed with his sister's idea.

The children came around curiously.

They are all very fond of mecha toys~ The little girl is no exception.

"Everyone sit down, me and Gawk tell you about this mech?"

"Good~" the children said in unison.

The little carrots form a big circle, Tuan Tuan and Lele sitting in the middle, Tuan Tuan facing the girls, Lele facing the boys, holding the mechas made by Su Chen for them in his hands, and explain intently. With.

In the living room downstairs, parents are watching this scene from the large LCD TV screen.

Lily's father laughed and said, "Mr. Su, you are really amazing. This mecha model is made like real, let alone my child, even me as an adult is amazed!"

Another kid’s father said: "Yes, Mr. Su, you really made this model by yourself? It looks too realistic, and it's so flexible!"

"Mr. Su, what kind of work do you do?" Everyone asked curiously.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I work in the mecha research department of the Long Academy of Sciences and the mecha research department of Chaofan Group."

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately, someone suddenly realized: "That's it!"

"Mr. Su, you originally studied mechas. No wonder the models of this mecha are so good!"

"Mr. Su, you are so good. I didn't expect you to be in the mecha industry! And you are still working in the mecha research department of the Academy of Dragon Sciences. Mr. Su is so young that he can enter the mecha research department. After doing research, you are such a genius!"


At noon, everyone stayed at Su’s house for dinner, because there were a lot of children and adults, eating in the house seemed crowded, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue deliberately set up an awning in the yard, so that they can be in a spacious and comfortable environment Dine down.

The meals are delivered by the chef of Yan's family. There are some that are loved by adults and some are suitable for children. There is a long table full of them.

The parents were full of praise, "Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, what you have prepared is so good, it's almost like a full-fledged banquet~"

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, the food made by your chef is really delicious~ Where did you find it?" asked a parent from a relatively wealthy child.

Yan Bingxue said: "This is the chef from my mother's house, hired from Michelin."

The parent was dumbfounded, and then smiled: "No wonder it tastes so good~ It turned out to be from the chef~ I wanted to find one too, but it seems that I don’t have this strength, haha~"

The adults didn’t talk about this topic anymore. The children were eating super happily. They were so young that they could not feel the gap between the rich and the poor. They just thought the food today was super delicious~

After dinner, the children went to swim in the pool. This is also one of today's game sessions. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue said in advance in the group that everyone brought swimsuits for the children.

More than thirty white and tender little babies are swimming around in the pool, like small energetic fishes.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le are the happiest, sharing their pool toys with friends, riding on the cute flamingo swimming ring for a while, and playing an air relay in the water with a small ball...

The family gathering did not end until after four o’clock in the afternoon.

"Baba, can't we play for a while? I really like the party organized by Tuan Tuan and Le Lejia~"

"Baba, I want to play for a while, I’m so happy today~"

"Let’s play together next time, it’s too late today, we have to go home for dinner~"

After the parents persuaded for a long time, the children reluctantly said goodbye to the group music.

"Tuan Tuan Le Le~ We are going back, next time you go to our house to play~"

"Uncles and aunts, thank you for the gift you gave me. I like it very much. I had a great time today. Next time, you will also bring Tuan Lele to our home as a guest~"

"Goodbye, uncle and aunt~Tuan Tuan Le Le, see you at school on Monday~"

"bye bye~"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue sent the children and their parents away. When they got home, Yan Bingxue slumped down on the chair and said with a sigh of relief: "Oh, my husband. Family gatherings are so tiring~"

Although most of the procedures today were prepared before, and the actual products were delivered directly from the Yan family, Yan Bingxue still felt tired after greeting so many parents and Chen In the past, I gently squeezed my shoulders to my wife, and said with a smile: “It’s a little tired, but the kids are very happy to have fun. They seem to like the family gatherings we prepared for them, especially our family’s. Tuan Tuan and Lele are going crazy today."

Yan Bingxue curled up her mouth, raised her head and smiled and said: "That's true, Tuan Tuan and Lele have always been very optimistic and cheerful children, but today I know that they are so happy when they play with the children~ So although Today, the two of us are a bit tired, but this party is still very good~"

"Husband, work hard~"

"Wife, you too~"

Tuantuan and Lele ran over and hugged Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

"Baba and Ma~ Thank you for the family gathering that you prepared for us today~"

"We are super happy~ My classmates also like our house very much, and they said they would come to our house next time, and they invited us to play at their house too~"

"I feel that everything is so good after Baba comes home~ We haven't called the children to play in the house before, and every time the classmates play together, my brother and I are at home. Now we can finally play together. La~"

"We are the happiest children~"


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