Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:04 AM

Chapter 255: Wedding photographs

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The second day after the family gathering ended was Sunday. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue didn’t have to go to work, and the Su family’s villa had been restored to its original state.

When the family was eating together in the morning, Yan Bingxue received a call from Haiguo.

After she hung up the phone, she said excitedly: "Husband, the wedding photos we took in Haiguo have already come out. I will go take a laptop and have a look at it. If there is no problem, we will find one later. Wash it out in the photography shop~"

She quickly went to the study on the second floor, brought a laptop, and connected it to the LCD TV at home.

Su's father and Su's mother also put down their chopsticks and brought the child and Su Chen to the living room.

When Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were taking their wedding photos in Haiguo that day, they posted a video in the past, but what they saw at the time was just what it looked like in the video. Now when they see the finished wedding photos, Su's parents and Su's mom are super super. Surprised.

"It's so beautiful~Ice and snow, what you took is really beautiful~"

Yan Bingxue couldn't help being a little shy when she heard Su Ma's praise, with a happy smile on her face.

Tuantuan and Lele said happily: "Wow~ the wedding photos of Baba and Mama are so beautiful~"

"Ma Ma is a fairy in the sky~ Baba is also super handsome~"

"And the scenery over there is also good, this wedding photo is really excellent." Dad Su said with a smile.

Ma Su quickly took out her phone to take a photo, "I have to send this photo to my mother-in-law. They must like it too, haha."

Yan Bingxue saw this and said, "Mom, I will pack these photos and send them to mom and dad. They should also want to see the wedding photos of my husband and me."

"Okay, it just so happens that the photo I sent in the past was taken with a mobile phone. It may not be that clear. If you post this photo directly, they will be able to see it more clearly~"

After reading the photos, Dad Su said to his son: "Chenchen, what you took in Haiguo was all location shots. Since it is a wedding photo, we still have to take some different styles, as well as our traditional dragon and phoenix gowns from Longguo. That’s right, aren’t you going to have a Han marriage? A big picture of a dragon and a phoenix gown at the door must be particularly eye-catching."

"There is not much time left before the wedding. Should you find a place to take wedding photos in China?"

It is reasonable to say that you should prepare for the wedding photos about half a year before getting married. However, the economic strength of the son and daughter-in-law is so superior, so there is no need to worry.

Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue and said, "My wife, we should indeed take wedding photos. These photos were taken by the two of us in Haiguo. We have agreed that we will take the whole family together after returning to China. Wedding photos and family portraits, it’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Today is Sunday, everyone is resting. Why don’t you go find a place today and take a photo of the family first.”

Yan Bingxue nodded in surprise, "Okay~ Do you want to add my parents?"

"Of course I have to call my father-in-law and mother-in-law, we are all a family!"

"Okay, then I will call my mom now and tell them the good news~" Yan Bingxue took the phone and went to call.

Ma Su also got busy, "Tuan Tuan Le Le, we will go out to take a family portrait later~ now let’s go upstairs and put on beautiful clothes!"

"Okay~ I will be able to take family portraits with Baba Mama, grandparents, grandparents and grandparents in a while, Tuantuan is so happy!”

Lele also went upstairs with her grandma very excited.

At nine o'clock, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun came over in person. The Su family was just getting ready and was about to set off. Who knew they would run into their old couple as soon as they left the house.

Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "Parents? Why are you here? Didn't I tell you? Let you wait at home, we will pick you up directly later."

Yan Zhenwei cleared his throat and said: "Isn't it because of your mother? He couldn't wait to take pictures with you, and couldn't sit still for a minute, so he pulled me out in a hurry."

Tang Shuyun smiled at the side and winked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue over there and said, "Yes, this old woman likes to take a family portrait with her son-in-law and daughter, so she hurriedly picked out a piece of clothing and went out. The buttons are not fastened~"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yan Zhenwei immediately lowered his head to check his buttons. Sure enough, he found that none of the buttons in the middle of his shirt were buttoned. He turned around awkwardly and hurriedly buttoned them.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue looked at each other and smiled, and the two little ghosts, Tuantuan and Lele, also covered their mouths and laughed.

A family of eight people drove two cars. Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun sat in their car with Lele. Su Chen drove a car with his wife, Tuan Tuan, and parents, and set off one after another. .

The wedding photography shop was discussed by Su Chen and Yan Bingxue before, and they chose the best fashion Bazaar wedding photography in Zhonghai.

Su Chen bought a VIP VIP card in advance, so as soon as he walked in, a manager came over to receive them.

"Mr. Su, you are here, the reception room is ready, some of you go to the room for a rest, let's discuss the style of family portrait and wedding photo."

Su Chen nodded, and took the family to the reception room upstairs.

Bazaar is a world-renowned chain brand. The VIP reception room is decorated simply and luxuriously. Sitting underneath is a leather sofa, and there are some wedding photos of celebrity couples hanging on the table in front of you There are dozens of photo albums on it.

The service staff came over with the brewed tea and coffee and gave the two children specially prepared hot milk. The service was very considerate.

It is the manager Li of this store who is in charge of entertaining them. Professional women in their early thirties are well dressed, with delicate makeup painted on their faces, and their voice and conversation are very comfortable.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, family members, here are the representative works of each style of our store. These are the family portraits on the left and the wedding photos on the right. You can choose your favorite style."

Su Chen looked at everyone and said, "Since we are here today, let's complete our family portrait photo first. First choose the style of the family portrait and the wedding dress. My wife and I will decide later."

The parents on both sides agreed that Tuan Tuan and Lele can’t wait to start looking at the photos.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue also picked up the photo album and looked at them.

The manager went out for a while and thoughtfully left the time for their family to discuss alone.

Yan Bingxue read a few pages and said, "Husband, the photos here look really good. It seems we chose the right place this time."


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