Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:01 AM

Chapter 257: Take a family portrait

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The shooting of the first family portrait went smoothly. After the shooting, everyone went to change their hairstyles and clothes to prepare for the second set of shooting.

Yan Bingxue sat there letting the makeup artist play with her, bowing her head and playing with her cell phone boredly.

Ms. Gu, who is bored at home, is constantly "harassing" her.

Gu Yuxin: "Xue'er~My baby Xueer~ Why are you so busy now~ I've been back for so many days, so I only had lunch with you. We haven't seen you for so long and haven't been well. Reminiscing about the past, today is the weekend, shouldn't you come to accompany my poor little girl who has just lost love?"

Yan Bingxue: "Ms. Gu, it may not be good today~"

Gu Yuxin: "Why? When I made an appointment with you yesterday, you said yesterday that your family was going to organize a family gathering for Tuantuan and Lele. This is understandable, but today is Sunday. Do you still have to go to work baby , You are all about to get married now, shouldn't you take a good rest?"

Yan Bingxue: "Our family came to take a family portrait today, and we will take a wedding photo later~"

When Yan Bingxue said this, her face couldn't help but be filled with a happy smile.

Gu Yuxin immediately bounced off the sofa when he saw this sentence.

Gu Yuxin: "Have you taken a wedding photo? Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing, baby, I will be your bridesmaid then, shouldn't you choose a dress or wedding dress? Will this bridesmaid and my best friend accompany you? Oh oh... I feel that I am really out of favor now. After you have your family Mr. Su, you have completely forgotten, you still have my best friend~"

Yan Bingxue: "Don't talk nonsense, we are just here to take wedding photos. We haven't started choosing the dress to wear when we get married. You are my bridesmaid. You will definitely be with you when you make customized dresses. , And I have to order you a bridesmaid dress~"

Gu Yuxin: "Oh, yes, I forgot, you are going to have a traditional Chinese wedding, you shouldn't have to go to the bridal shop to choose a wedding dress, then, if you say that, will my bridesmaid's dress be a traditional dress? ?"

Yan Bingxue: "That's right~ I have chosen a master teacher. This master teacher is the teacher and introduction who often made cheongsam for my mother. He is a person who specializes in traditional wedding dresses. His craftsmanship is very good. Then we will go together~"

Gu Yuxin: "No problem! Xue'er, this time I'm covered by you. I can still wear traditional clothes. In recent years, there has been this trend of retro fashion, but although I like to be abroad, I didn’t have a chance. I didn’t expect that after returning to China, I would be able to try Hanfu because I attended your wedding~ it’s pretty good~"

Gu Yuxin: "When do we go? I have time every day. I have been at home recently, and the live broadcast business has to be stopped first. In addition, I am not in a good mood recently and I just don’t want to work. I am at home every day. It’s almost time to fart, baby, can you come and play with me soon?"

Yan Bingxue looked at the rude words of his old friend, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Yan Bingxue: "Don't worry, it's just the last few days~ Because we will spend time and energy to prepare for the wedding later, my husband and I have been working harder at work recently, and want to take care of things as soon as possible. After processing, I will make time to prepare for the wedding later."

Gu Yuxin: "Tsk tsk~ This husband shouted so smoothly~ Xueer, I found out that you and Mr. Su of your family went on a business trip abroad. After returning, the relationship seems to be better!"

Yan Bingxue smiled happily, thinking of everything she and her husband had experienced in Hai Country, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

She and Su Chen were also considered to have lived and died together. Of course, this kind of relationship is stronger than before.

Yan Bingxue: "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I have changed my makeup. I'm going to continue to take pictures. When I'm done with the wedding photos, we'll go to make a custom dress~ You wait a minute."

Gu Yuxin: "Okay~ The sky and the earth are not as big as the marriage of our family's Xueer~ Then I'll just spend a little more time on my own boringly. You can do your job first, and call me whenever you have time. I On call~"

Yan Bingxue put down his phone and appeared in front of everyone in a beautiful wedding dress.

This set is in a modern style. Yan Bingxue wears a sparkling wedding dress with a luxurious crown on her head. The exquisite makeup with a white and slender neck and collarbone is simply too beautiful.

Su Chen wears a black suit with gold trim on the neckline and cuffs, which looks much more expensive than the suits he usually wears.

Two little ones, Tuan Tuan is wearing a fluffy princess dress, Lele is wearing a small suit, looks like a little adult, and his hair is neatly combed.

This is an orthodox family portrait. Su Chen sees that everyone looks good in clothes, so he proposed: "Mom and Dad, let's enlarge this photo and put it on the wall in the house and hang it up. I think we The clothes now are very suitable for taking a family portrait hanging in the living room."

Su's father and Su's mother nodded with joy, Tang Shuyun also said to Yan Zhenwei: "Old Yan, I think the lady said it is good. The clothes we are wearing now are very suitable for the present age. Then we will wash it out and put it in our living room. Inside, it doesn't violate peace at all."

"Xiao Su, Bingxue, then you will tell the photographer and the staff here, when you wash the photos, write two large ones and put them in your home, and the other one in our house~"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Well, let's take this one at our house. Let's take this one at my father-in-law's house. My parents will not participate."

Tang Shuyun said: "No, the photos of the parents-in-law and the mother-in-law are the same in our house. Since your two children are already then we are now one family!"

Papa Su gave his son a recognized glance, and said to Tang Shuyun: "Mother in-law, I think Chenchen is right. The family portrait hanging in your house, my mother and I will not take it in."

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "It's okay, then just take three pictures, one is a big picture of our family, the other is a picture of us and our children, and another picture of our father-in-law, mother-in-law and children. When the time comes, our father-in-law and mother-in-law will be able to take them back and put them in the album or hang them in the room in their hometown."

Yan Zhenwei said: "Yes, this is a good idea."

The photographer and the staff nearby listened to everything in their ears and whispered among them.

"It turns out that the man's parents and the woman's parents came together~ I didn't see it when I took the photo. The relationship between the two is so good~"

"Yes, even if someone else’s family is better than a couple, the parents on both sides are somewhat grudged, but the family really looks like a family, and the relationship is really good, which is so enviable~"

"Not only are the parents on both sides good, but today's host and hostess have a good relationship. Actually, parents don't want to see their children live well? As long as the two children have a good relationship, both parents are happy. ~" The photographer said with a smile.


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