Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:57 AM

Chapter 260: hoose bridal lothes

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A few minutes later, a gray-haired female master came down the wooden stairs.

Her name is Wang Qin and she is in her sixties this year.

"Mrs. Su, hello."

"Hello, old sir." Yan Bingxue greeted politely.

In the crafting business, all those who do well are called Mr.

Even if she is a woman, she is called a husband.

This is an honorary name for craftsmen.

"Mr. Su contacted me last night. I have some ideas with him about your wedding dress. I asked you to come over today to discuss some details and see what you need, and then you need to measure the size."

Yan Bingxue nodded, enjoying the feeling that her husband arranged everything for her.

"Okay, old sir, everything depends on your arrangements. This is my good friend and the bridesmaid on the wedding day. Her dress is also made by you. My husband should tell you, right?"

"Well, Mr. Su said it, let's go, let's go to the back to see the embroidery."

The three of them went to the back room together. As soon as they entered, Gu Yuxin was shocked and closed her mouth from ear to ear.

"Wow, this is too beautiful!"

Yan Bingxue was also shocked, "These embroidery samples are so beautiful."

Wang Qin proudly smiled and said: "These embroidery products are all hand-embroidered, and the machine embroidery on the market is simply incomparable. Every detail of the whole body can be carefully studied with a magnifying glass."

"Mrs. Su, Mr. Su discussed with me for nearly an hour yesterday, confirmed your dress style, and deliberately missed a lot of information on the Internet. As a young man, I am really interested. The relationship between your husband and wife is definitely Okay?"

Yan Bingxue nodded shyly, and Gu Yuxin next to him said: "Their relationship is so good~ Mr. Su to our Mrs. Su, that's a thoughtfulness~"

Wang Qin smiled, and said: "There are very few people doing orthodox Chinese weddings nowadays. There are not many people who pay attention to traditions like the two. Mrs. Su, look at these three embroidery patterns. It was me and Mr. Su last night. After discussing the selection, the wedding dress will be embroidered like this at that time."

Yan Bingxue walked over, and there were three embroidery patterns on the table in front.

One is a bird with a great meaning as a phoenix, the other is a mandarin duck playing in the water, and there is a peony picture.

Each one is so delicate that people can't move their eyes.

Gu Yuxin's eyes were directly red, and he took Yan Bingxue's arm and said, "Ice and snow, this is too beautiful. When the time comes, your dress will be a work of art!"

Yan Bingxue was also very shocked. She originally had expectations for the orthodox wedding dress, but she did not expect that it would be so beautiful.

Wang Qin said: "Mrs. Su, look at the style, whichever you like, you can use this embroidery pattern for the upper body long gown and Xia, and the lower body horse skirt is our signature woven gold."

Wang Qin brought the finished gold-woven horse-face long skirt, Yan Bingxue took it carefully, and Gu Yuxin carefully appreciated it.

"I asked my female apprentice to come over to measure the size of the two. You can take a look first." After Wang Qin finished speaking, he went out.

Gu Yuxin said excitedly: "Xue'er, your Mr. Su is really very thoughtful. The orthodox Chinese wedding dress is a hundred times better than a wedding dress! Our ancestors of the Long Kingdom are really particular about people~"

"This woven gold dress is so beautiful, I wear it on Xueer, and it will definitely become the focus of everyone's attention on the wedding day!"

Yan Bingxue looked at the dress and patterns in front of her with happiness, thinking about the way she was standing with her husband in a beautiful wedding gown on the wedding day.

will be beautiful!

It is said that a woman is the most beautiful when she is a bride, Yan Bingxue thinks that when she is a bride, she should be the most beautiful~

Because she knows that her husband loves her very much and prepares such beautiful and exquisite wedding clothes for her, as well as ingenious Chinese weddings!

"Xue'er, which pattern do you want to choose? These three kinds of embroidery are very beautiful~" Gu Yuxin asked.

Yan Bingxue carefully admired the three sets of embroidery, and thought and said: "Do you think this bird is good for the phoenix? The meaning of the mandarin duck is also good. The peony is a bit too rich and noble. Since it is a Chinese tradition, it is naturally suitable for the dragon and the phoenix. wedding."

Gu Yuxin nodded, "I also think this is the most suitable~ Mr. Su of your family is really careful. The three sets of tricks you picked are all very beautiful and have good meanings, ice and snow, to be honest, I knew it when I was abroad. You found Mr. Su, and you have not felt relieved, but after I came back and saw it with my own eyes this time, I am 10,000 satisfied with your marriage~haha~"

Yan Bingxue chuckled and stared at her angrily, "How can you speak like my elders, Ms. Gu, are you taking advantage of me?"

"Hee hee, don't tell me if you see it through~" Gu Yuxin smiled and ran away.

Soon a woman walked in, measured Yan Bingxue's size, and went out before Wang Qin came back.

"Mrs. Su, are you ready?"

"Well, old sir, I want to set this century-old Zhaofeng."

The old gentleman laughed, "Okay, this is actually your husband's favorite. You are beautiful and generous, and this Hundred Bird Chaofeng is the best match for you. You husband and wife have a good understanding.

After Yan Bingxue chose her own dress, she went to see Su Chen's dress again and also chose her bridesmaid's dress with Gu Yuxin.

When I went back, Ms. Gu was extremely excited in the car.

"Sher, I am really looking forward to your wedding now!"

"The beautiful dresses just now are so beautiful, I can't wait to get the finished product now, haha~"

Yan Bingxue smiled happily, "Embroidery products will definitely take time. It is very fast to get embroidered products in a week, and many people have to work together~ you are content!"

"That's right, you can work slowly in order to do fine work~ Master Wang's craftsmanship is so great, it will definitely take time~"

Gu Yuxin looked at Yan Bingxue excitedly, "Xue'er, do you know what I am thinking after reading the dress today?"

"What?" Yan Bingxue asked casually while driving

Gu Yuxin's face was full of longing, "I'm thinking, how grand will be my Xueer's wedding by then!"

"Look, it's just the wedding dress. Your Mr. Su is so hard. I think there will be other surprises at your wedding by then~"

"Xue'er, tell me the truth, are you looking forward to the wedding?"

Her remarks seemed to be in Yan Bingxue's heart.

Yan Bingxue pursed her lips slightly, and the corners of her mouth could not be restrained from rising.

In front of Gu Yuxin, she didn't need to pretend to be herself.

"Well, I am looking forward to it."

"What I look forward to is not just the wedding, but the wedding with Su Chen."

"Yuxin, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

Gu Yuxin covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes full of blessings and expectations.

"Cher, congratulations~ I am also looking forward to attending your wedding. I will watch you personally and walk into the wedding hall with your favorite person~"

"Thank you~" Yan Bingxue's eyes turned into crescents with a smile.


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