Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:54 AM

Chapter 262: he k in to pra ti e alligraphy and gain alligraphy skills!

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Su Chen, because his parents went out shopping and sent him a message in advance, he personally picked up Tuantuan and Lele today.

The two little guys didn't see their grandparents when they came home.

"Baba~ Where did grandpa and grandma go? Why did you pick us up from school today~" Tuantuan looked around at home, but did not see grandpa, grandma ran back to Su Chen and asked.

Her small face felt awkwardly that it had been so many days since her grandparents walked back to their hometown last time. She wondered if she would not see her grandparents for many more days.

Su Chen smiled and said, "What's the matter? Tuantuan, Dad will pick you up from school, don’t you like it? It seems that after grandparents come, Mom and Dad will fall out of favor~ Obviously you all liked me the most before going with your mother. Pick you up~"

Tuantuan immediately changed her complexion, her big beautiful eyes opened wide, and she said softly, "It's not Baba~ My brother and I like you to misunderstand me, but you and your mother are very busy at work. They are tired every day when they come back, and have to pick them up. We worked so hard, grandparents happen to be at home, they can pick us up~"

Su Chen happily picked up her daughter, "My family Tuantuan is really cute and caring~ Dad was just joking with you, how can Dad eat the vinegar of grandparents~"

"Baba, you are good or bad~ hum" The little girl turned her head and pouted her mouth as if she was angry.

Su Chen quickly kissed her cheek, "Dad is not bad, Dad is wrong, Dad likes our Tuan Tuan and Lele the most~"

Tuan Tuan immediately laughed, "Hehe~ I was also joking with Baba~ I'm going to be a fool~"

"You little villain~ dare to tease dad~"

Before Su Chen had finished speaking, Tuantuan slipped from his arms and ran away very flexibly.

Su Chen went after her and hid, and the father and son had a great time.

Lele watched her father and sister having fun, with a happy smile on her face.

"Okay, Tuantuan, let's truce first. You just came back from the outside, and the temperature of the air conditioner in your home is low. People running around like this will make you catch a cold easily if you sweat~" Su Chen spoiled her daughter. In his arms.

"Grandpa and grandma went shopping, and they will be back soon. Dad will accompany you to do your homework first, okay?" Su Chen said.

Tuantuan and Lele obediently took out their schoolbags and sat on the small desk over there.

Su Chen carried a small stool and sat between his son and daughter.

This feeling is curious~

Others say that tutoring children to do homework is a headache, but Su Chen thinks it is a very beautiful thing.

Parents are the best teachers for children. His words and deeds and personal guidance are very important to the two children.

"Come on, Tuantuan Lele, take out your homework today, and Dad will help you see~"

Lele very obediently took out the homework book and handed it to Su Chen, but Tuantuan twisted, and the action seemed to be slowed down several times. It was obvious that a simple action of taking the homework book took two minutes. Take it out.

Su Chen has taken a brief look at Lele's homework. The little guy performed very well, his handwriting was neat, and his writing was very serious.

Su Chen touched Mo Lele’s little head and said with a smile: "Le Le Guai, you are a good copywriter of new words, especially your own name, Su Jiale is very beautiful~"

"Tuan Tuan, where's your workbook? Why didn't you find it for a long time? Did you leave it in school?"

Tuantuan was a little nervous at first, but when she heard Su Chen's words, her eyes suddenly brightened, she put her schoolbag aside, and smiled embarrassedly: "Baba~ you are so smart, I forgot to bring back my workbook. It's~"

Su Chen looked at his daughter, raised his brows and said: "Tuantuan, the child who lies is not cute~"

He could see Tuantuan’s small movements at a glance. The workbook must be in his schoolbag, but Tuantuan hasn’t taken it out for a long time. Why?

Is the homework unfinished?

No, Tuan Tuan Yue Le performed very well in the kindergarten. When I was picking them up from school today, the teacher personally came to him and told him that it was mainly for the family gathering last time, praise and encouragement. The two children and their parents also talked about the performance of Tuan Tuan and Lele in school recently.

Tuantuan heard his father's words, her pink lips puffed slightly, and she lowered her head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Baba, I lied."

Su Chen touched her head and said, “It’s okay. The kids who know what’s wrong and can correct are also very good~ Tuantuan, you don’t want to show your workbook to Dad, right?”

Tuan Tuan looked up at Su Chen, not to mention how cute his little expression was.

She scratched her head for a while, and said with a pouting mouth: "It's not Baba~ Yes... Yes..."

Lele saw that her younger sister couldn't say it, so she said next to her: "Baba~ It's because Lele doesn't know how to write her name."

"Well?" Su Chen snorted softly, and laughed: "What does it matter?"

"Tuan Tuan, it's okay. You and your brother have just changed their names. It is not very normal to write them now. Moreover, Tuan Tuan and Lele are kindergarten children, and there is still a lot of room for improvement~"

Tuantuan did not become happy because of his father's encouragement, but continued to lower his head and slowly took out the workbook.

"Baba, look at it~"

"Mine is not as good-looking..."

Su Chen took over Tuantuan's workbook. Recently, they are contacting simple Chinese characters and they are writing new words.

Tuantuan's homework was completed and Lele glanced at it, but after opening the homework book, Su Chen instantly understood why her daughter had been tugging and reluctant to take it out.

Although the little girl is only three years old, she is already ashamed.

Her handwriting is really...

can't say that it is not beautiful, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is only a three-year-old child who seems not to know much about gestures. The Chinese characters of the Dragon Kingdom pay attention to strokes and strokes, smooth and natural, but Tuantuan does not seem to know the sequence of strokes, and she has opened up many of the continuations of the strokes. So it looks weird.

Su Chen looked at Tuan Tuan with his head down, and his eyes were full of pets.

"Tuan Tuan, your homework is done very well~ Just like my brother, they are all great kids~"

pouted and raised his head, and said with red eyes: "Baba, it's wrong to deceive people~ I know, I can't write, it's ugly, and the writing is pretty good. The teacher praised him.

Looking at her daughter's grievance Baba's little face, Su Chen felt that his heart was about to melt.

How can there be such a cute little girl in the world~

"Tuan Tuan, it doesn't matter, if you want to write beautiful characters, dad can teach you personally~"

Tuantuan’s eyes lit up for an instant, and his pupils dilated a lot, "Really?"

Su Chen nodded, and then a familiar voice rang in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host and Tuan Tuan for punching in and practicing handwriting, and rewarding the host for the primary calligraphy skills, which can reach the level of calligraphers on this planet. May I ask the host to activate it now.


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