Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:51 AM

Chapter 264: Su hen won the game! Su's father and Su's mother are sho ked

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Su Chen knows that Su’s father’s handwriting is good-looking. I used to think it was because he was a teacher. But now I think it’s the best training I received in Su’s family a few years ago. Consolidation, so the level is very high.

But he remembers the words of Dad. Although he is not a little better than ordinary people, he is definitely not his opponent, who is a professional master with basic calligraphy skills with system rewards.

Su Ma and Yan Bingxue stand aside, guarding their husband's side, grinding well.

"Honey, come on~" Yan Bingxue said.

Su Chen smiled and held her hand, and said in a low voice: "I have a wife who will grind me with her own hands. I will definitely perform very well~"

The father and mother Su who were on the opposite side saw everything in their eyes and were very happy.

These two children are so happy and sweet.

After finishing the grinding process, Su's mother also learned from her daughter-in-law and said, "Old Yan, our son is not what he used to be. You have to work hard."

Su Chen and Su Dad looked at each other, picked up the brush, and began to write.

Since it is a competition, the same words should be written. Su Chen proposed to write "Family and All Things Hing", and the family readily agreed.

Tuantuan happily gathered around Su Chen, cheering on his father, "Baba, come on! You are the best!"

Lele also said: "Baba, we believe you~ Come on~"

Papa Su saw the reaction of the two little guys and couldn't help but said in a grievance: "Tuan Tuan Lele, you only cheer for Dad, not grandpa, Grandpa is so sad~"

The two little cuties saw Dad Su’s sad expression, and immediately ran to Dad Su’s side, hugging Grandpa’s thighs and said, "Grandpa, too!"

"Haha~ good~ With you guys cheering for Grandpa, Grandpa feels super powerful!" Dad Su said happily.

The two wrote almost at the same time. When the people around saw them doing their work, they stopped talking and quietly watched.

Papa Su's brush calligraphy has been practiced for many years, and every stroke is art.

Looking at Su Chen over there, he is very casual, and his writing is like flying. It seems that he is not particularly cautious because it is a game. It is simply like a random drawing.

But the written word is not that simple.

Su Chen writes running script, Su dad writes affiliation. In terms of speed, Su Chen is naturally better. He quickly put down the pen, and Su Ma on the opposite side ran over and took the lead with Yan Bingxue and two children. Onlookers.

Dad Su didn't look at it, lowered his head and continued to finish his "competition work."

"Baba~ You write it so beautifully~ I know this word, this is ‘and’!" Tuantuan happily pointed to the second word and said.

The little girl showed her little milk teeth happily, as if she knew a word written by her father, it was a super proud thing~

Su Chen hugged Tuantuan and pointed to the words to recognize her one by one, "Tuan Tuan, these words are Jia, He, Wan, Shi, Xing~ Do you know what Jia and Wan Shi Xing mean?"

Tuantuan shook his head, "I don't know."

"It means that as long as our family is together, friendly, not quarreling or awkward, then everything will be fine~"

"Oh, Tuantuan understands~ Ba Ba, this word is great~ Our family just don’t quarrel, we have to be good~"

"But Baba, is this ten thousand? Tuantuan will write ten thousand, which is not how it is written~" Tuantuan said suspiciously.

At this time, Lele said, "Tuan Tuan, calligraphy is a little different from the Chinese characters we usually learn. Many calligraphy uses traditional characters. We now write simplified characters. At this time, the traditional Chinese characters are'wan. ', so you didn't recognize it."

Su Ma happily said: "Oh~ Our Jia Lele is so smart, we even know the traditional characters!"

Lele touched his head embarrassedly, and smiled shyly: "No~ Grandma, I don't know either, it was Baba who said it that I just remembered~"

"Alright!" The father Su who was opposite also put down the brush.

The two works are put together. For the fairness of the competition, Yan Bingxue decided to add two judges.

Of course, what she wants to do more is to send her husband's calligraphy works to her parents for viewing. Therefore, she proposed to send the two works anonymously to her parents, and let them choose Xinyi's works.

Su's father, Su's mother, and Su Chen readily agreed.

Yan Bingxue posted photos over there, waiting for the reply from parents, Su and Su Chen are enjoying each other's work.

After seeing Su Chen's work, Dad Su shook his head and said, "Son, I guess I will lose this game."

"Your hand-written script is almost at the master level."

"The wind is swaying, long waves and big waves, Teton ups and downs, twists and turns, full of connotation, undiminished escape, and it can be called a masterpiece of running script."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Dad, your official script is even better than it was in the past. It is as strong as a bone, strong and strong, with rigorous words and meticulousness."

"You kid, do you still need to talk to me in business? This word is used correctly, right?" Dad Su asked.

Su Chen nodded, "Yes, it's not right, that's what it means, but the two of us obviously praise each other!"

Su's father said: "Okay, well, you say yes, but you can also see who wins."

As soon as his voice fell, Yan Bingxue shouted happily: "The result is out!"

After    shouted, she glanced at Dad Su, and pursed her lips in embarrassment.

Papa Su waved his hand: "It's okay, just say it."

"My parents...both like my husband's character more, but they say Both are very good~ It's just that my husband's character is more fluent and stylish, elegant and graceful. Dragon~"

"Haha, Lao Su, you didn't expect it, one day you would lose to our son in the calligraphy that you are proud of~ I actually like the words of my son, but I am your wife, so I must give it to You voted!" Su Ma said with a smile.

"Yeah~ I didn't expect Chenchen to have such a high level of calligraphy. It is really amazing. Although I lost, I am still happy! It is a good thing that my son is better than me. It is a human progress that is better than blue. Performance!"

"Son, father is willing to bow down!"

"Great, Baba won~" Tuan Tuan and Lele happily circled Su Chen in circles.

After making a fuss for a while, they learned the lesson just now and ran to Su Da's side again.

Tuantuan softly comforted: "Grandpa~ Don’t be sad~ Although you lost to Baba, you are the best grandpa, and your handwriting is also very good, but Baba is a little better~"

"Good Tuan Tuan, Good Lele, you two comfort me like this, Grandpa is so happy~"

"Chenchen, this picture of you is really beautiful, and these five words have a good meaning, why don't you frame it and put it in the study or the living room?" Su Da proposed.


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