Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:41 AM

Chapter 272: Wedding eve

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It was the eve of the wedding in a blink of an eye, and Yan Bingxue was taken back to Yan's house in the morning.

Reluctantly, she got up from the bed next to her husband, brushed her teeth and washed to get what she needed tonight.

While brushing her teeth, she looked at Su Chen aggrievedly, "Husband, do I really have to go home and stay one night? Can I still live here tonight, and then go back tomorrow morning?"

Su Chen said: "My wife, I know you don't want to sleep separately with me, and I can't bear you either, but this is what the mother-in-law said personally. After all, things are related to wedding etiquette. According to the custom, we shouldn't meet today. ."

"Ohhhh~Why can't these customs be inherited from the essence and discard the dross? In the past, when people got married, they still said that men and women were not married. In this era, everyone loves first and then gets married. We are connected. Now that the children are there, why should I pursue such unfounded rules..."

Su Chen didn’t explain the truth to his wife, but just comforted her and said: "It’s okay, my wife, although we can’t sleep together tonight, we can sleep on the video. Now that the technology is so advanced, it’s just one night. Soon. Just passed."

"And we can still see it this afternoon, we have to go to the wedding company to discuss the details of tomorrow~"

"Okay, husband, then I will pack my things and go downstairs first. My parents are already waiting for me downstairs, as if I'm afraid I won't go back~"

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law know that we are in a good relationship, and I am afraid that we cannot be separated and cannot bear each other, so I came here to pick you up~Be happy, wife, tomorrow you will be the most beautiful bride~"

"By the way, my wife, the dress will be here this morning, and I will send it to you in the afternoon."


After kissing goodbye, Yan Bingxue went back to her home with her parents.

Along the way, Yan Zhenwei looked at her daughter a little unhappy, hummed and asked: "What's the matter? Can't bear your husband?"

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Reluctantly, Mom and Dad, why do you have to follow this rule, and that you can't meet before the wedding, but this afternoon we will both go to the wedding company, and now many people have to rehearse at the wedding scene~ the first night All stay together."

Tang Shuyun smiled and said: "Okay, daughter, don't complain. My father and I secretly prepared a surprise for you, so today I helped you pick you home early. It doesn't mean that you can't do it before the wedding. See you, you guys go to see you this afternoon, your dad and I won’t stop you, but you must live at home tonight, because tomorrow morning at four or five o’clock, you have to get up and dress up, you think you are married Is it that easy, mother?"

"It's a surprise again, how come everyone has prepared a surprise for my wedding?" Yan Bingxue smiled.

Yan Zhenwei wondered, "Are there any surprises for you besides us?"

"Yes, my husband said that he was going to give me a big surprise at the wedding, but I asked him for a long time and he never told me."

"Oh, that must be a surprise that I can't tell you. Since it is a surprise, you can only reveal it on the day of the wedding. It is a surprise and joy~ and it is a double joy. Your mother and I will prepare you for a surprise. , You’ll find out later when you get home, and it won’t make you curious for long."

"Bingxue, I called Yuxin to tell you about your return home. She said that she will come over later in the morning and sleep with you here tonight."

Yan Bingxue's expression finally eased a bit. Although she can't sleep with her husband tonight, at least there is Ms. Gu with her, so it shouldn't be too boring.

After arriving home, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun called her to the study.

Yan Zhenwei took out a big box from the password box and put it directly on the table.

Tang Shuyun said happily, "Daughter, look at these dowry and these things that my dad and I prepared for you, but we have prepared them for many years. Since you were 12 years old, we have been giving You are ready to dowry. Over the years, you have accumulated more and more things, making up a big box full of things."

Yan Bingxue laughed and said, "Mom and dad, you guys are too exaggerated. This is not where the dowry was prepared at the age of 12 in ancient times. I can't get married at the age of 12. The current legal marriage age is at least By the age of 21!"

"You have to wait for you to get married before preparing your dowry. Your dad and I thought very clearly back then. We only want you as a daughter, so we want to give you the best of everything. You are 12 years old. From a little girl to a big girl that year, this moment was a very important moment for me and your dad, so we started planning for your future from that moment~"

If her mother didn't say anything, Yan Bingxue actually didn't think about the importance of 12 years old to her.

Now she remembered that, in the winter of the 12-year-old, she had her official holiday for the first time.

From then on, she really became a big girl.

Yan Bingxue didn't look at the dowry inside, but reached out and stroked this chronological mahogany box.

Here, parents have accumulated endless love for her for many years!

"Mom and Dad~Thank you~" Yan Bingxue choked up.

Tang Shuyun was also a little Before she tried to persuade Yan Zhenwei, now when she thinks that her daughter will marry tomorrow, she realizes that she can't help it at all. It's not reluctance, but the kind of heartfelt. I feel that my daughter will be another woman from now on, and it feels different.

"Okay, why are you crying? Don't shed tears on the day of rejoicing. Open your eyes and have a look. Do you like these dowries? What else do you want? Say now, your mother and I will prepare immediately. , I will prepare everything for you before the wedding tomorrow.” Yan Zhenwei said quickly when he saw that the mother and daughter were about to cry.

Yan Bingxue opened the box, and on the top were some precious jewellery, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, headwear, pearls, metals, and gems.

Under this grid, there are full of gold bars, yellow gold, which is so dazzling that people can hardly open their eyes.

Yan Bingxue smiled, "Parents, are you too exaggerated?"

Yan Zhenwei said solemnly: "It's no exaggeration. Gold has been an item of value preservation since ancient times. In this society, money is becoming worthless day by day. Moreover, various wars and natural disasters occur frequently, in case there is something force majeure. The times have changed, at least these things can be preserved and replaced with money."

Dad even thought of such force majeure. They should have been thinking about it all these years, what is the best thing to give my daughter, right?


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