Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:39 AM

Chapter 273: Luxury dowry

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Yan Bingxue was very moved, she raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and continued to open the next floor. All the real estate certificates were placed on this floor.

Tang Shuyun said: "Daughter, there are a total of more than 30 properties in this area. These years, when my dad and I traveled across the country, I bought you from different places. Among them are sea view rooms and landscape villas, southern ones. From the north, east, and west, your dad and I bought it for you. If you want to travel, you will have a place to stay no matter where you go."

"Baby, if you can't find a good place to travel, you can also look through these properties. The places where these properties are located are all places that my dad and I went to play. I find it very interesting and interesting. We like it very much. You can buy real estate there for the beautiful scenery or places to play, so that it will be more convenient when you want to go in the future."

Yan Bingxue has always known that since her father retired in the past few years, her parents have often traveled. At that time, everyone said that her parents really wanted to think about it, and they could play with confidence after handing over the company to her. I didn’t expect them to think about themselves when they were playing happily outside.

"Mom and Dad~" Yan Bingxue put down the grid in her hand, walked over and hugged her father and mother.

Yan Zhenwei hasn't been so close to his daughter for a long time. Although it was only a brief hug, he still couldn't help but blush.

didn't want to cry in front of her daughter, so she quickly said: "Okay, you continue to look down, there is more inside~"

Yan Bingxue continued to look down. This floor is still a real estate and there are some land deeds.

"Parents, you have prepared too much for me, right? I didn't get married in ancient times, so I don't even have the title deed to the real estate~" Yan Bingxue said while crying.

Tang Shuyun wiped her tears with her handkerchief, and continued: "The properties and land deeds on this floor are all local to China Overseas. They are filled with shops and undeveloped areas. These are some of the more popular shops at home. It also includes the two rows of facades in the middle of the CBD."

"Daughter, although it is not in ancient times, your dad and I certainly hope to leave the best for you. In fact, we won’t need these things in the future. You take it. No matter what you encounter or do in the future. , All have confidence."

"Mom~ What do I want to be so emboldened for? My husband is so kind to me. We will always get along well."

"Of course I know this. Our son-in-law is a very good man. We are not afraid of your hardship after you follow him, but this is what I and your dad prepared for you two. You see Xiao Su is so good, he is now He just graduated from university and worked in Chaofan Group and Long Academy of Sciences. In the future, he will definitely come out and start his own business. Man, the future will be very spacious. These real estate deeds have a facade. If you need funds in the future, you can always use it Sell ​​it and do what you want to do."

"Thank you mom and dad~"

Only the last layer of the dowry box was left. After opening, Yan Bingxue found that there was only a thin sheet of paper on this layer.

She picked it up and took a look, but couldn't help crying immediately.

"Dad, what are you doing? I got married and didn't do anything else. Why did you prepare such things for me?"

"What are you crying? Silly boy, this notarized will was prepared by your mother and I after we met Xiao Su. To be honest, in our family situation, although your mother and I are looking forward to your marriage, we are also worried about each other. The purpose is not pure, but we are very satisfied after seeing Xiao Su. I believe you can keep going, so it's time to take out this will."

In the will, Yan Zhenwei promised that after he and Tang Shuyun return, all the property will be inherited by his daughter.

Yan Bingxue collected the things and hugged his parents and said, "I don't want this! Mom and Dad, you two are still young now, and you are in such good health. You will definitely not need this thing. I will talk about it in a few decades. Right~"

"You stupid boy, this is just a will made by your father, and nothing else. Anyway, your father and I are only your daughter. After we are old, these things will definitely belong to you. I am afraid to make a will in advance. In life, what unexpected situations may be encountered."

"There will be no accidents!" Yan Bingxue said loudly.

Tang Shuyun smiled and said: "Good, good~ My dear daughter Jinkouyuyan, if you say there is no, there will be no, but this will has been notarized. Legally, it is a valid thing. There is also a deposit certificate."


"Good boy, this is what your father and I think of you. In fact, you can see that the reason why we are willing to entrust everything is because we recognize the son-in-law, Xiao Su, who is excellent for you. As with children, of course our old couple must have reservations."

"After you marry tomorrow, if you are willing to take out these things and share with Xiao Su, you can take them out by yourself. If you want to keep some private money, you can keep it by yourself, but your dad and I want you. If you can share all of this with Xiao Su, your dad and I also want him to know what our old couple’s feelings are. We all hope that you can live with us forever. Anyway, in this life, we will look for Xiao Su. Son-in-law!"

"Dad, mom, do you guys do it like don't you be afraid if I am between Su Chen..."

"Bah, bah, tomorrow is the day of great rejoicing, don't say anything unlucky!" Tang Shuyun said angrily.

Yan Zhenwei said: "I'm not afraid. Although I have not been in contact with Xiao Su for a long time, I trust this child very much. Whether it is character or cruelty, this child is top notch, and even though I have no reservations about it. Everything is given to you, but this is probably just a drop in the bucket for Xiao Su's future."

"So, Xueer, you don't have to feel burdened for these dowries, these things are what you and Xiaosu should hold!"

Yan Bingxue nodded moved, "Okay, Mom and Dad, I understand your intentions, don't worry, I will definitely convey this news to my husband, and I believe my husband will also feel very moved."

"If you are moved, you don't have to, we hope you two can live a good life together~" Tang Shuyun cried.

The family of three rearranged the dowry. Yan Zhenwei put the things directly in Yan Bingxue's room and asked her to take them with them when she left tomorrow.

As soon as    was fixed, the doorbell downstairs rang, and it was Gu Yuxin who came.

Tang Shuyun and Yan Bingxue wiped their tears, Yan Zhenwei went to wash their faces, and the three of them went downstairs together.


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