Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:38 AM

Chapter 274: an't bear you

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Chapter 274

As soon as Gu Yuxin came in and saw that the eyes of the Yan family of three were red, Yan Zhenwei had just washed his face and felt a little at a loss for a while.

Yan Bingxue took her upstairs after she greeted her parents.

went upstairs, Yan Bingxue told her about the dowry.

Gu Yuxin finished listening and said with his eyes wide open: "Xue'er, Uncle Yan and Aunt Tang, this is for you and your husband directly!"

Yan Bingxue nodded and pursed his mouth: "Yeah, that's why I feel too touched and too heavy, I don't know if I should take it."

Gu Yuxin smiled and put her hands on her shoulders lightly, "Xue'er, what are you thinking about? You are the only daughter in your family, uncles and aunts. These things will definitely be left to you after they return for a hundred years. Yes, I thought very well, anyway, when I get married, my parents will definitely give me everything, it’s nothing~"

"Moreover, I quite agree with Uncle Yan’s remark. With your Mr. Su’s skills, these things are nothing but extraneous things to him. His future achievements should be even more remarkable. I think the reason why Uncle Yan The purpose of attaching the will is to let your family Mr. Su understand that he and auntie really handed over your future completely to him. No matter how rich or poor you are in the future, I hope that he will have a sense of responsibility to you. ."

Yan Bingxue lowered her head slightly, "I understand, Yuxin, I understand all the truths you said. In fact, I just saw these things and thought that I would be married tomorrow, and I felt a strange feeling in my heart."

"I think you are thinking too much, Xue'er, when other girls get married, they must be reluctant to know that they are married. Didn’t Mr. Su promise you to come back often in the future, and you all live in Zhonghai Living so close again, there are so many opportunities to meet~"

"Okay, Xueer, tomorrow will be your big day, get up early to make up, you can't cry for so long today, otherwise your eyes will be swollen like a walnut tomorrow~"

Yan Bingxue was so scared that she didn't dare to cry immediately when she heard these words. She raised her head and wiped her tears quickly, and ran into the bathroom a little worried to wash her face, renewed skin care, and applied some eye cream.

Watching her finish all of this, Gu Yuxin sat on the sofa and smiled and said, "Oh hello, my little fairy Xueer, are you too exaggerated?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yan Bingxue said while looking in the mirror: "It's not an exaggeration. Tomorrow is the wedding. We have been preparing for the wedding for so long, and my husband will be at the wedding tomorrow. The Shang also prepared a super surprise for me. Of course, I also want to be his bride with the best mental state and facial state!"

"Tsk tsk, three sentences are not far from your Mr. Su, it seems that I can't sleep well tonight~ You won't want to chat with your Mr. Su all night, right?" Gu Yuxin thought that she might have to eat dog food up close tonight. I can't help but have a headache.

Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "When I left, my husband said that he could sleep on the video at night, but you sleep with me, of course I won’t keep on the video~"

"Thank you so much, Cher, fortunately, you still have a conscience, so you won't let me eat dog food all night."

"Sorry, you are too passionate. The reason why I chose not to sleep on the video all the time, Ms. Gu, is simply because I don’t want my husband to accidentally see you sleeping. Of course, my husband’s eyes only My sleeping face is suitable for myself~"

Gu Yuxin slapped her head on her head and said, "God, if I am guilty, please come and punish me personally, not let me be sour in front of this stinky couple!"

Yan Bingxue looked at her exaggerated look and couldn't help laughing.


In the afternoon, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue went to the wedding company. After confirming the details of tomorrow one by one, Su Chen sent Yan Bingxue back to Yan's house.

"Husband, is tomorrow's dress in the back seat?"


"A lot~" It's packed in several big boxes~

"Yes~ Orthodox wedding dresses are all a bit cumbersome. The middle dress, outer dress, rosa, petticoat and horse face are all inside. A box can't fit, and Miss Gu's bridesmaid dress is worn separately."

"By the way, the phoenix crown we took in Haiguo last time, I think it matches the dress this time. I already know it. Put it on the back box. You can check it when you go home. Now, if there is any omission, there is still time to deal with it."

"En~" Yan Bingxue nodded expectantly.

The car slowly approached Yan's house, Yan Bingxue watched the target point on the map get closer and closer, her mood gradually lost.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is going to be separated from her husband.

Tonight, they are going to sleep in their respective homes.

At the thought of not being able to sleep with her husband tonight, Yan Bingxue couldn't help but sighed slightly.

After Su Chen heard this, he turned his head and asked intimately: "What's the matter? Wife?"

"It's okay, husband, I just feel a little reluctant to think that we will have to rest separately tonight."

"I can't bear it too, but this short separation is for us to be together for a long time in the We can live together all the time after tomorrow, and it is justifiable to live together tomorrow morning I will be here at about nine o'clock, and you will be able to see me then~"

"Nine o'clock... Then there are more than 0 hours~" Yan Bingxue said depressedly.

Su Chen chuckled and said, "My wife, don't be depressed. We can make videos for more than ten hours. You have to rest early tonight. You will have to get up at five or six tomorrow and put on makeup. You will be tired all day. , We must have a good mental state to welcome the wedding."

"Well, that's right, I must go to bed early tonight, and I have to apply a mask, and I will be a beautiful bride tomorrow!" Yan Bingxue thought of tomorrow's wedding, and her mood instantly improved again.

At the gate of the mother-in-law's house, Yan Bingxue held Su Chen's hand and said, "Husband, why don't you stay for dinner~"

woo woo~ I still can't bear him.

But thinking about the customs at home, Yan Bingxue wrapped Su Chen's neck with both hands and said, "Forget it~ Husband, although you stay and finish the meal, your parents won't say anything, but I'm afraid they laugh at me, and I think about it. Now, the customs must be followed, because I also hope that our love and marriage will last for a long time, and our love will be so beautiful~"

Su Chen smiled happily, and took her hand and kissed softly to his mouth, "Okay, then it's all about my wife~"

Sure enough, this method is still useful. If he refuses, I guess his wife would want him to stay even more~

He doesn’t care, he doesn’t care about the customs, he doesn’t care what others say, but the target is his wife, he is still willing to abide by the rules~

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!