Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:34 AM

Chapter 277: Pi k up and go!

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"The strongest daddy: sign in 100 million at the beginning! New ( to find the latest chapter!

A group of people did not leave until almost ten o'clock. The double-decker bus waited outside and sent them back when they were about to leave.

During the period, Yan Bingxue missed Su Chen at her home, and sent him WeChat with her mobile phone.

Su Chen talked about his situation. After Yan Bingxue heard it, she said that's not bad. If someone helps her parents tomorrow, that would be the best. She was worried that her parents would be too busy tomorrow.

The two chatted sweetly for a while, but Su Chen didn't continue to talk because he had something to do.

When Gu Yuxin came out, she saw Yan Bingxue's happy expression.

"What happened to you happy?" Gu Yuxin asked with a smile.

Yan Bingxue said happily, "My husband told me just now that his haircut is here tonight. Thinking of my husband's wedding tomorrow, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep."

Gu Yuxin smiled and said, "I'm excited with you. How about we watch a movie?"

"Okay!" Yan Bingxue is an activist, and immediately took Gu Yuxin to watch a movie in the home theater.

The two watched the movie for a while, during which Yan Bingxue had been looking at the phone, seeming to be waiting for news.

At ten o'clock, Su Chen finally sent a message.

Yan Bingxue got excited immediately, holding her mobile phone to go to video with her husband, but she was a little embarrassed when she thought of Gu Yuxin next to her and half of the movie she had watched in front of her.

Isn’t it too obvious that you value your **** than your friends?

Without waiting for her to speak, Gu Yuxin waved her hand and said, "Hurry up! Don't spread dog food here."

"Okay~ Ms. Gu, or you should pause first, and I'll come back later to accompany you to finish watching~" Yan Bingxue said.

"No need! I didn't see you in the first half just now, so I thought of your husband! Okay, go quickly, don't let your Mr. Su wait too long."

Yan Bingxue immediately took the phone and went to the balcony.

After the video was switched on, Yan Bingxue saw Su Chen on the screen, and the corners of her mouth rose immediately, and her eyes became crescents.

"Husband, the guests are all gone?"

"Well, I just sent them away. My parents sent Tuan Tuan Lele back to the room to sleep. I just went back to the bedroom. Wife, I miss you."

Su Chen's voice came from the other end of the phone, gentle and low, and the sentence "I miss you" seemed to be more touching than any love sentence in this world.

Yan Bingxue felt her heart drifting upwards slowly, and she was about to reach the soft clouds.

"I miss you too, husband." Yan Bingxue's voice became softer, and the evening breeze blew across her cheeks, bringing up a few strands of hair on her face, making her eyes more gentle and blurred.

"Husband, tomorrow is our wedding, what are you thinking about now?" Yan Bingxue leaned against the hanging basket, staring at Su Chen on the screen.

Su Chen thought about it seriously, and said, "I'm thinking, after tomorrow, there will be nothing for us to sleep separately~"

Yan Bingxue smiled softly, "The day before the wedding, did you want this?"

"This is what I want most at the moment, but there are many more. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have thought about what you will be like tomorrow, my wife. I think you must be the most beautiful bride. You will be shocked when you come out. Field, after all, it's my Su Chen's woman!"

"Narcissism~" Yan Bingxue smiled.

"And our wedding, we spent so many days preparing for the wedding, it will definitely be very exciting~ it will be an unforgettable experience for the two of us."

Listening to Su Chen's words, Yan Bingxue's thoughts seemed to have been taken to tomorrow's wedding. She was wearing a big red wedding gown and an exquisite phoenix crown, standing in front of Su Chen, half covered by a fan of mandarin ducks playing in the water. Face, looked at Su Chen with shame...

This scene is really beautiful~

When Su Chen said these words again, he was thinking of the big surprise he had prepared.

His wife must have never imagined that he would use mechas to greet his relatives, and not only mechas, but also armored vehicles and tanks. All the service personnel on the scene and those who sprinkled sugar on the way were prepared for him by the Dragon Academy of Sciences. Multiple intelligent robots.

This is a high-tech welcoming feast. The wife wears the orthodox dragon country and phoenix crown, and the fiery red wedding dress sits on the halving of the tall technology product mecha. This is the collision of tradition and technology, and the combination of humanity and science. , That scene will be very spectacular!

Although the two did not speak, they imagined tomorrow's scenes with each other, and they were full of longing for tomorrow's wedding, and the happy smiles on their faces were exactly the same.

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen talked until eleven o'clock. Su Chen checked the time and said to Yan Bingxue over there, "My wife, it's eleven o'clock, we should go to bed."

Yan Bingxue also looked at the time on the screen, and looked at Su Chen on the screen again. His expression was still unfinished, but tomorrow is the wedding of the two of them. They must ensure that they use the best mental state and skin condition to face each other. Correct.

"Okay, husband, let's see you tomorrow morning~" Yan Bingxue's voice was dull, and it seemed a little bit unwilling.

When Su Chen saw his wife like this, he had an idea, and suddenly changed his words and said: "My wife, or let's hang up the video later. Although you said that Ms. Gu was there with you, we can't sleep with the video, but now you are not. Are you outside? Or let’s play a video for a while. I haven’t taken a shower yet. We can take a shower and video."

Yan Bingxue's eyes widened when she heard these words. Across the screen, Su Chen could see two red clouds floating on her face.

"Why take a shower while video? Husband, what are you talking about? Okay, you can take a shower by yourself. I'm going back to my room to rest!"

"Good night." Yan Bingxue still hung up the video after saying good night.

The other end of the phone shrank and smiled happily. As expected, he still knew his wife.

If you just hang up the phone like my wife will always think of him in her heart when she goes to bed later, and probably won’t be able to fall asleep for a while, but because of this, my wife’s shyness, I must have forgotten about missing him.

The next morning, when the first ray of morning light poured into the room, Su Chen woke up with a happy cry.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Tuan Tuan Le Le lying on his bed, wearing beautiful new clothes, with two small faces like sunflowers facing the sun, full of vigor.

"Baba Lazy, get up quickly, we are going to grandpa and grandma's house, and bring Ma Ma back~" Tuantuan said happily.

Su Chen raised his hands and touched his daughter with one hand and his son with the other.

"Okay~ Dad will get up, and Dad will take you to pick up mom with you later, Dad will tell you secretly, we will take the big mech to pick up mom later~"

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 277 to pick up the relatives!), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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