Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:28 AM

Chapter 281: Xiao Su, awesome!

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"The strongest daddy: sign in 100 million at the beginning! New ( to find the latest chapter!

The welcoming team arrived as scheduled and had already attracted crowds along the way. Many people followed and broadcast the wedding live on their mobile phones.

Old Gu's family was also in the team. Old Gu and his wife said: "I really didn't expect Xiao Su to actually use mechas to welcome his relatives, as well as a fleet of armored vehicles and tanks, and so many intelligent AI robots. This scene is really unprecedented. !"

"Yes, I guess Lao Yan is so happy right now! Xue'er's vision is really good, not only has the ability, but also is intimate and romantic, for us Bingxue, it really took a lot of thought~Today's wedding, it will definitely be Particularly wonderful~"

When the convoy and the mecha arrived, the Tan Palace Villa instantly became lively. The residents here were either rich or expensive, but even so, they had never seen such a big battle.

Sister Xu and his family couldn't help but walk to the door to take a look. Yan Zhenwei actually wanted to go too, but he is the old man today and can only wait at the door of his house.

"Oh my god, this is a real mech? What's the situation? How come in the community with armor and armored vehicles? This scene is too magnificent!"

"Look, there is someone on the shoulder of the mecha! This is... the groom's officer?"

"It seems that there is a married family in our community today. It is from Chaofan Group? I heard that Chaofan Group has a mecha research department. Recently, they have cooperated with Long Science Academy. They have made a real machine. A? Oh my god, this is big news that shocked the world!"

"Mecha welcoming relatives, armored vehicles and tanks clearing the way, intelligent AI all the way, such a high-tech wedding, the Chaofan Group is too shameful? It seems that the son-in-law of the Yan family is not an ordinary person!"

Su Chen was sitting on the shoulders of the mecha, the group music was beside him, and the seat was placed on the wide shoulders of the mecha, and the seat belt was very safe.

Along the way, the group was very happy.

"Baba, it's so high here~ the scenery is great~"

"Baba, we are sitting on the shoulders of the mecha! Great!"

"Baba, Ma Ma will be surprised to see us sitting on the mech later, hehe~"

"Tuan Tuan, Baba, we are sitting so high, can Ma Ma see us? Will grandpa and grandma not find us?" Lele said excitedly.

However, Yan Bingxue, who was standing on the second floor, saw them from a distance. After the AI ​​robot entered the community, he began to play festive salutes. Nowadays, fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed in the urban area, but the electronic sound is accompanied all the way, making it a little lively. Unabated.

Tang Shuyun took Yan Zhenwei and hurriedly walked into the house, "Old man, don't look at it. We should be out in a while. Let's go to the house quickly. It's not good to stand outside."

Yan Zhenwei turned his head one step at a time, his eyes couldn't be separated from the armor. While being pulled into the house, he said excitedly: "It's great, this mech is also great!"

"Shuyun, this mecha can really be used on the battlefield! It will become a powerful weapon across the ages! It's really unexpected. Thanks to our son-in-law, we were the first to see it!"

"Shuyun, I am so happy today!"

Tang Shuyun smiled from ear to ear, "Yes, yes~ I am also very happy. The son-in-law can prepare such a welcoming team for my daughter. I really didn't expect that this child is really attentive to our daughter."

"Well, you come back soon, it's time for your son-in-law to come to welcome you."

When the team arrived at the door, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun had already returned to the house.

Yan Bingxue upstairs also reluctantly left the floor-to-ceiling windows, returned to her big red wedding bed and sat down, gently holding the fan, elegantly covering her face.

Gu Yuxin didn't have so many rules, she craned her neck and looked around.

"Xue'er, this is too spectacular!"

"Your Mr. Su is really amazing! When you leave later, do you have to sit on the shoulders of the mecha?"

She turned her head excitedly, looked at Yan Bingxue, who was in the bright red dress, and said excitedly: "Xue'er, this scene, I feel shocked when I think about it, you see that the dress you wear is the orthodox dragon country and phoenix crown. The big red suit is paired with the mecha, a technological product that spans the ages, and it must be very shocking at that time!"

The corners of Yan Bingxue's mouth were slightly raised, her eyes sparkling, and a smile full of happiness.

She likes the surprise her husband prepared for her~

Downstairs, Yan Zhenwei saw from the floor-to-ceiling windows the big mecha bends down, holding Su Chen and the two children down with his arms. This scene really matches some of the science fiction movies.

The mecha made by my son-in-law is so flexible, it's really amazing!

The door of the Yan family was wide open, and there was no blockage at all. Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun even took the initiative to go to the door to welcome him in.

"Xiaosu, you are here!" Yan Zhenwei excitedly stepped forward to shake hands with him, and took advantage of this opportunity to get closer and whispered: "My son-in-law, your mecha is also awesome!"

Su Chen laughed, "Thank you father-in-law for the compliment! I will first pick up Bingxue and go downstairs, and I will offer tea to you and mother-in-law later."

"Okay, go quickly!" Yan Zhenwei said.

Su Chen went upstairs with two children and a bunch of people watching the excitement. Yan Zhenwei hurriedly said to Tang Shuyun: "You quickly send a message to Yuxin, so that she must not block the door, and put her shoes on her son-in-law. A place to be found!"

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "Old Yan, how can you be? Are you afraid that your daughter will leave later?"

Although she said that, she still sent a message to Gu Yuxin to convey the meaning of the old man.

Yan Zhenwei smiled and said: "Of course, what's the point of having a marriage room? Today's wedding, the team prepared by our son-in-law is the highlight. With this time, it would be nice to sit on the big mecha~"

Upstairs, Gu Yuxin saw the news from Tang Shuyun and heard the knock on the door at this moment.

Gu Yuxin looked at Yan Bingxue on the bed and conveyed Tang Shuyun's meaning.

Yan Bingxue blushed and nodded, and said shyly: "Then listen to my mother."

Gu Yuxin helplessly went to get the hidden tight wedding shoes, and said while holding them: "Xue'er, you hate marrying too much, right? I'm afraid your husband won't be able to pick you up~ and auntie, I actually want to put them earlier You send it out~ It seems that the charm of your family Mr. Su is really great~ Not only does it make you desperate, even the old father-in-law and mother-in-law are also facing him!

Yan Bingxue listened to the knock on the door, staring at the door with burning eyes.

I'll see my husband in a while~

She seems to rush to hug her husband~

I want to tell him I really like the surprise he prepared!

But, today she is a bride~ can't be so bold and bold~

Gu Yuxin took out the wedding shoes and put them on the bright surface, hid them casually, and went to open a crack in the door. Before speaking, Su Chen's big red envelope was already stuffed into her arms.

"Miss Gu, I want to see my wife~ You Lao." Su Chen said with a smile.

Gu Yuxin squeezed the very generous red envelope and opened the door with a smile.

"Groom officer, please come in~"

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