Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:17 AM

Chapter 289: Honeymoon~

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Seeing them go downstairs, Su Ma smiled and said, "Oh~ Our bridegroom and bride got up~ Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Ling Jing, also learning from his grandmother, said: "Oh~ Our bridegroom and bride got up~ Did you sleep well yesterday?"

The little guy was so milky that he made everyone laugh.

Yan Bingxue was a little bit shy, but Su Chen said generously: "Excellent~"

"Excellent~" Tuantuan came over and said.

Su Chen laughed and hugged his daughter and said, "When did our family Tuantuan become a repeater?"

"When did our family Tuantuan become a repeater?" The big guy was happy, and Tuantuan laughed.

Su Ma called them to eat, lunch was ready, and there was a familiar red jujube black-bone chicken soup in a casserole, which was obviously prepared for Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, with the addition of angelica and wolfberry, which was really a tonic.

Su Chen took a bowl of soup, skimmed the slick on it and handed it to Yan Bingxue.

Ma Su fished two chicken shanks, peeled them, and the group music one person.

The two big ones were given to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue. She herself and Su Dad ate some chicken wings and necks.

Su Chen saw it, and picked up the chicken inside and gave it to his parents.

"Parents, you two should also make up for it. Recently, we have been busy with wedding matters. Everyone has worked hard. Now that the wedding is over, our family can take a good rest for a while."

Su Ma happily said: "Okay~ We will eat too, Chenchen, are you and Bingxue on vacation now?"

Su Chen nodded, "Well, the mecha has been completed. I have transferred the marriage leave and can rest for a week."

Yan Bingxue also said: "I also took a week of wedding leave."

Su's father and Su's mother smiled at each other, and said, "Since you two are on vacation, it's better to go out and have fun and have a honeymoon~"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue didn't think about this before, but now their parents reminded them, they thought it was pretty good.

Su Chen said: "Yes, let's go out and play as a family, call the father-in-law and mother-in-law, let's be together as a family."

Dad Su waved his hand: "The two of us old people will not go to join in the fun with you young people, and this morning, we have already discussed with in-laws over there, the four of us will not go anywhere, just play in Zhonghai. , Bingxue's parents said to take us out for a stroll, your young couple will take Tuan Tuan and Lele to spend a honeymoon!"

Su Chen understands what the old man means and hopes that their family can have a wonderful honeymoon trip.

"Okay~ Wife, let's take the children out to play, do you want to go somewhere?"

When Yan Bingxue heard that she was going to spend her honeymoon, she felt very sweet. When she heard Su Chen’s question, she thought for a while and said: "Just pick a place in China. We still have a lot of beautiful scenery in Long Country. We talk about it in a week. It’s not long or short. If you are in China, you should be able to have fun for a few days."

"I think so too, so you can check your phone to see if there is any place you want to go."

Yan Bingxue nodded happily, and looked at the phone.

Tuantuan and Lele heard that they could hang out with their parents, and they were very happy.

"Oye~ I can hang out with my parents~"

"Baba~ Let’s go to a super beautiful place to play~ Tuan Tuan wants to take beautiful photos and eat delicious food~"

Yan Bingxue watched for a long time, and said, “I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I’m shocked when I check it. There are so many scenic spots in Long Country~ I’m all guilty of choice.”

Su Chen saw that she didn't know which one to choose, so she simply suggested: "My wife, the weather is a bit hot at the moment. Our choices can be narrowed down a bit. We can go to the beach or the summer resort."

Yan Bingxue's eyes lit up, and she immediately looked with her mobile phone.

"My husband, I took a look. The most famous seaside is Sanya, and the climate there is pretty good at the moment. For the Mountain Resort, Chen De can do it, but most of the Mountain Resort is for viewing the scenery, which may be suitable. There are not many projects that the group plays."

Su Chen immediately understood what she meant, and said: "Sure, then let's go to Sanya!"

Su Ma said: "Sanya is good! The scenery in that place is very beautiful. I heard that it is not bad compared to the famous foreign tourist attractions, and the weather is too suitable to go to the beach. The two little ones in Tuan Tuan Le Le can see the sea. I will definitely play crazy~"

Su's dad agreed, "Sanya is good. Many couples go there to take wedding photos. That place must be very suitable for your young couples to play."

Yan Bingxue heard these words, her eyes were full of expectation.

"Then let's go to Sanya for our honeymoon. I will ask Xiao Zhang to arrange air tickets and accommodation for us~ Oh, by the way, I looked at the properties that my parents bought. There is a sea view room in Sanya. Husband, since there is a ready-made sea-view room over there, let’s live in our own home, and it’s more convenient to bring a band to play."

Su Chen thought of the dowry box last night, nodded and said: "Okay, then live in your own home!"

"Okay~ I will let Xiao Zhang arrange a life housekeeper to clean the house before we go over~"

Yan Bingxue finished talking and happily went to arrange, but the chicken soup in the bowl was not finished.

Su Chen could tell that she liked this honeymoon plan very much.

Not to mention    Tuan Tuan Le Le, they didn’t eat anymore, they had to take Su Ma and Su Dad upstairs to help them pack their luggage.

"Grandpa and grandma, let's go upstairs and pack our luggage. My brother and I haven't been out for a long time. I can go out with my parents this time. I want to bring a lot of beautiful clothes~"

Lele said: "Tuan This time we are going to the beach, we must remember to bring our swimsuits and swimming rings~"

"I don't have a swimming ring. I already know how to swim. That's what children who can't swim need~" Tuantuan said proudly.

Lele scratched his head and said, "But the sea is different from the swimming pool. The sea is very dangerous. We still have to bring a swimming ring~"

"It won't be cool if you bring a swimming ring~" Tuantuan pouted.

Su Chen saw that they couldn't stop arguing, and said: "Okay, you two can bring swimsuits. If we need a swimming ring, we will definitely have this kind of thing for sale at the beach. There is no need to take the plane."

resolved the only dispute, the two little guys immediately ran upstairs to pack their luggage.

When Yan Bingxue came back, Su Chen was left alone in the living room.

"Hey~husband, how about parents and two children?"

"Tuan Tuan and Le Le went upstairs to pack their things in a quarrel, parents will help."

Yan Bingxue smiled and said: "They are too anxious~ But husband, let's hurry up. Xiao Zhang booked us a ticket at five o'clock in the evening, and we will be there after six o'clock~ Let's hurry up. After dinner, go and pack up~"


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