Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:09 AM

Chapter 297: Take the babies to experien e selling fish

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At noon, the cruise ship stopped at another coast. This is not a tourist area, so most of the people who come and go are local residents.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue think this place is very good, it is a good place to sell fish.

Most tourists do not buy fish because there is no place to cook for themselves, but the residents will like it.

So, Tuantuan and Lele fulfilled their promise here, willing to bet and lose, carrying their own pockets and selling fish.

Because they were on a temporary basis, they did not have enough preparations and did not bring weighing tools.

Su Chen said to them: "Tuan Tuan Le Le~ When you will sell these fish, you don’t know how heavy the fish are, so you ask the customer how much the fish is suitable for. Remember, if the customer gives you the money If it exceeds RMB 100, it won’t work~"

Because Su Chen and Yan Bingxue wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to exercise the abilities of Tuan Tuan and Lele, they did not plan to participate in this fish selling activity.

The two children went to sell fish alone, and there is no electronic scale. It is estimated that many customers will give more money because they are children, so Su Chen said to the two children in advance that they should not charge too much. .

Lele nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Tuantuan was a little scared, "Mom and Dad, do you really not accompany my brother and me to go with my brother and I have never sold anything before, I'm afraid we can't do it well~"

Su Chen touched her head and said, "Tuan Tuan, this is a competition between you and mom and dad. When the educational competition was going to be held, didn’t we say that it’s okay? Those who lose will sell fish. But my mother and I both caught fish. Only you and my brother did not catch fish. If we accompany you to sell fish, what kind of punishment is this? You can't be a human being without words~"

"Okay~" Tuantuan followed his elder brother to the shore step by step, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue continued to stay on the cruise ship.

The cruise ship stopped by the coast, and they could see the two children sitting on the roadside stalls when they sat on the deck, but they were not afraid of any danger.

They helped take the three big buckets. Yan Bingxue was a little worried when he left, so Su Chen talked to the fisherman who was also selling fish next to him.

As soon as the other party heard that it was an opportunity for the two little babies to exercise, he immediately smiled and said: "No problem, don't worry, we are right by the side, and I will be optimistic about the two children~"

"You two parents are really interested. You started to exercise your two children at such a young age~ I think these two children are very smart, and they will definitely behave very well later~"

After    asked, Su Chen returned to the deck with Yan Bingxue.

At the beginning, both of them were a little worried, and they did not leave the two children on the shore for a moment.

The two children couldn't let go at first. The fishermen around were shouting loudly, attracting the guests coming and going, but the two of them sat there without saying a word.

Someone came over and watched curiously because they saw two children selling fish. At this time, Lele would ask in a low voice: "Hello, do you want to buy fish?"

"You two kids really sell fish. Why are you two selling fish here? How about the adults in your family?"

The guests were very enthusiastic, but the two little guys were a little scared, and they were afraid to speak.

When the other party saw this posture, he was afraid of scaring the two children, so he looked at it and walked to the nearby fish stall to buy fish.

just missed the first business, Tuan Tuan and Lele both were a little annoyed, the little guys bowed their heads in despair.

Tuantuan said to his brother: "Hey~ Should we just say a few more words with others? Maybe we said a few more words, she just bought things here."

Lele heard his sister's words, and looked at her a little scared, he suddenly had courage in his heart.

"Tuan Tuan, you’re right. If there are guests coming, I’ll talk to others well. You don’t have to worry or be afraid. Just sit next to me. Today I will definitely put these The fish are all sold out!"

Tuantuan turned her head to look at her brother. At this moment, she suddenly felt that his brother was so tall, like a mountain blocking her, she felt safe.

The little guy also plucked up the courage to say: "Oh~ I'll help you too, the two of us are going to sell fish together!"

Lele nodded happily, "Okay, let's sell fish together!"

Tuan Tuan and Lele, who finally found the courage, officially started their first experience of selling fish, but they saw a few waves of customers, and many people passed by them. They just looked at them curiously and left, and then went to other people to buy fish. Up.

After walking for several waves, Lele felt that this was not good enough, so he carefully observed the fishermen next to him and found that everyone was actively yelling, so he gritted his teeth and waited for the next visitor to pass by, he took the initiative to stand up and shout Said: "Hello, beautiful sister, do you want to buy a fish?"

I have to say that the little guy's vision is still very good. The customer is a girl in her twenties with a basket in her hand. She is here to buy groceries.

Women of this age are the easiest to get close to children.

"Hello, kids~ Do you want to sell fish?"

Lele nodded, and Tuantuan said to the side: "Sister, this is the fish my father just caught. It's fresh and still alive~ You buy one and eat it back~ It tastes very good~"

The woman was amused by the cuteness of the two of them, and immediately decided: "Okay, my sister just wants to buy a fish, then I will pick one myself."

She took a sea bass and looked very big, "Kids, can you help me weigh it~ how much is this one catty?"

Tuantuan and Lele have trouble They didn't say it, and they don't know how much it costs a catty...

This is, Lele remembered his father's words, and said: "Sister, we didn't call it, you just give this fish whatever you want~"

When the woman heard it, she hesitated. Give it whatever you want, how much is appropriate?

At this time, the auntie on the side stall smiled and said: "It's okay, girl, bring the child's fish, I will tell you, just give it to the two children at the market price~"

"Their parents exercise them~"

We weighed it. It was four and a half catties. According to the market price, it was 80 yuan. The woman directly took one hundred and handed it to Tuantuan.

Lele immediately said: "Sister, it won't work~ Baba said, it can't exceed one hundred yuan~ This is the fish he caught, and I can give it to you at a cheaper price~"

The woman said, Lele didn't charge 100 yuan, so the aunt next to her helped change her change.

After having the first business, Tuan Tuan and Lele became bold. The two children were innocent and cute, and the fish was good and affordable. Soon they surrounded a bunch of guests.

Su Chen saw this and pulled Yan Bingxue and said: "Wife, let's lie down and drink cold drinks, Tuantuan and Lele seem to be able to do it easily~"


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