Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:07 AM

Chapter 298: 2 babies have learned a lot~

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More than an hour later, Tuantuan and Lele happily returned to the cruise ship with their bulging pockets and three empty buckets.

"Baba and Ma~ Our fish has been sold out!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue stood up, looked at the empty buckets, picked up the two children and said, "Our Tuan Tuan and Lele are awesome~ Actually we really sold out the fish~"

Tuan Tuan and Lele, who have been praised for doing business, are particularly happy. This is their first attempt. They did not expect it to be so successful!

On the way back, the two little ones clutched their pockets tightly. Yan Bingxue asked them to count the money, but Tuan Tuan He Lele shook his head firmly.

"Ma Ma~ No, the wind on the sea is too strong, what should we do if we blow away our money? This is hard-earned money for my sister and I. Let's count it when we get home!"

Tuantuan nodded in agreement, "Yes, Ma Ma~ My brother and I made a lot of money today. We have been working hard to sell fish, but we are still very happy. They all like the fish we sell, saying that the fish we sell are fresh and fresh. It’s cheap, everyone likes us~"

The two little guys did what they said, and they really waited until they got home before they put the medicine bag down and counted the money.

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen sat on the floor with the children, watching them take out the crumpled banknotes from their pockets. There were piles of red, green and green banknotes.

Su Chen said: "Tuan Tuan Lele, you haven't forgotten what Dad said to you, did you collect too much money from others?"

The two little guys shook their heads firmly.

Lele said: "No, Dad, we all collect money according to the price. The aunt next door helped us a lot. He weighed the fish for us and told us how much we should sell. We are all Follow the market rules!"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Oh~ Have you still learned the word market rules?"

"This is what an uncle who sells fish told us, saying that we are very disciplined and a very honest kid. He wants to give us 200 yuan, but his fish is only worth 120 yuan. We can't charge him more~ "

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled at each other and touched the heads of the two little guys and said, "Tuan Tuan Yue Le is awesome!"

Yan Bingxue is in charge of counting the money, and Su Chen is in charge of the calculation. Just like that night, he quickly counted the income of the two children today. This number is really incredible.

The two little guys actually made seven hundred and sixty-five yuan today!

Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le heard this number and danced happily in the room.

"Wow, brother, we are so amazing, we actually made more than 700 yuan, and more than 700 yuan can buy a lot of lollipops!"

"Yes, Tuan Tuan, you performed very well today~"

"My brother behaved better than me, if it weren't for my brother's encouragement, I would be a little scared~"

Seeing the two children who praised each other, Su Chen felt very relieved.

It seems that today’s plan is very successful. The two children have learned a lot from the practice of selling fish~

Moreover, it also cultivated their courage and made them feel proud.

That night, Su Chen felt this deeply, because the two little guys couldn’t wait to start a video with their grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, sharing their fish-selling experience today. They also put more than 700 yuan in front of the screen and got close to them. Look at the four elders.

Su’s parents, Su’s mother and Yan Zhenwei, Tang Shuyun were very surprised, and were happy and proud of the two children.

"Our Tuan Tuan and Lele are really great~ You can make money at such a small age! In the future, you will definitely become a super awesome person like your parents!"

"Haha~ Our grandson and granddaughter are not the same ha~ Whoever wants to take over from my mother in the future, take care of a large group~" Yan Zhenwei smiled from ear to ear.

Papa Su said to Su Chen next to him: "Son, you guys are out to play today, two little guys are selling fish, have you taken photos? Send them to me and your mom, we are going to Moments~"

Tang Shuyun heard it, and immediately said: "In the group, we also want to post to the circle of friends, Xiaosu~"

Su Chen posted the photo to the group, and the parents on both sides immediately saved the photo and sent it to Moments.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le were also inspired. After hanging up the video, they called their friends to share their experiences today.

The little guys didn't go to bed until ten o'clock. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had a rest this afternoon, but they were not sleepy, so Su Chen took the red wine and took his wife to the pool downstairs to have a small world of two people late at night.

These days they have been playing with the children. The couple has almost no time to spend alone apart from sleeping.

Su Chen knew that this was the responsibility of being a parent.

The two ran in the swimming pool. The water temperature was a little bit cooler, but the heat in the air had not faded, so it was very comfortable to soak.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Yan Bingxue suggested: "Husband, let's swim in the competition~ I lost face in the fishing competition today~ I want to get it back from swimming~"

Su Chen said: "Yes, come on! Then, what is the prize for this competition?"

Yan Bingxue asked: "What color do you want?"

Su Chen smiled unkindly, "Wife, can I have any color I want?"

Yan Bingxue blushed, and lightly waved her powder fist: "Of course not~ hum~"

"Stingy~" Su Chen said with a smile: "Forget it, it's fun to play, let's get any more prizes for the two games, just come on."

Su Chen poses and said: "I have an advantage over you, wife, to be fair, I will let you five seconds."

Yan Bingxue immediately set off after listening. Su Chen was counting down. When the count reached O, he kicked on the wall of the swimming pool, relying on this strength to jump out for a long distance, and directly caught up five seconds in advance. Yan Bingxue who set off.

Both of them use freestyle swimming. They are very fast. Yan Bingxue feels her husband is by her and hears his voice.

"Come on, my wife~ I want to surpass you~" After saying this, Su Chen has already surpassed her.

Yan Bingxue struggled to catch up, but Su Chen's speed was beyond her reach. When she returned to the point, Su Chen was in a sprint and passed Yan Bingxue directly. At this distance, she could never catch up. .

Yan Bingxue had an idea, and suddenly she was not moving forward. She stretched out her hand to lean on the water, and kept shouting in her mouth: "Husband, help! Cramps... cramps!"

Su Chen heard the movement and did not hesitate for a moment. He turned around and swam back, grabbed Yan Bingxue's arm, and stood up directly holding Yan Bingxue.

Yan Bingxue was trying to dive down, and was suddenly pulled up. She was taken aback, and she hung herself on Su Chen's chest.

Su Chen immediately understood this posture and said with a smile: "My wife, you are not honest~ Are you shameful?"

Yan Bingxue saw that he had been dismantled, and blushed, he said: "No, I just had cramps, but I was scared by you, all right~ Husband, it doesn't count this time, let's start again~"

Su Chen said in a low voice: "It's all like this, why do you start over? Go, go back to sleep!"

After finishing speaking, he directly hugged Yan Bingxue back to the room in this position.


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