Published at 21st of December 2021 09:39:22 AM

Chapter 31: Brother Su, your wife is the president of haofan Group!

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Yan Bingxue walked up to Su Chen and said to Su Chen: "I took Tuantuan and Lele. They don't want to go home with me first. They have to come to find Baba. I will bring them here. Didn't you bother you?"

Su Chen shook his head and stood up holding Tuantuan, "Don't bother, we haven't started eating yet."

After finishing, he looked at the big guy and said, "I'm sorry, the two little babies at home are too sticky to me. I will bring my family to have a meal, don't you mind?"

The classmates immediately shook their heads, looking at Yan Bingxue and the two cuties next to Su Chen with excitement and excitement.

The male classmates can’t stop the envy. Although the girls are a bit disappointed, they are also beautiful by this pleasing family of four~

Chen Zhiqiang was originally sitting next to Su Chen, but he immediately gave up his position, but he could also take a big step over there to make room for the two children.

"Brother Su, this is our sister-in-law, little niece and little nephew, right?"

Su Chen nodded, opened the stool and said to Yan Bingxue: "Sit down."

Su Chen's family sat down, and the atmosphere in the box instantly ignited.

"Su Xiaocao, you are actually married~ And the sister-in-law is so beautiful, and there is such a lovely pair of twins, this is too enviable!"

"Brother Su, these two cute little ones in your family are just pirated copies of you and your sister-in-law~ You and your sister-in-law are so good at giving birth to twins, you and your sister-in-law are really good at giving birth! If you are so good at birth, you have to have more births! Bless our dragon The current level of marriage in China, haha!"

The people in the room were very excited to greet Yan Bingxue and the two little treasures. Only Lin Tianxiang and Qin Qianqian beside him had a dirty expression.

Lin Tianxiang did not expect that Su Chen actually has such a beautiful wife and a pair of babies born with dragons and phoenixes!

The mockery he had just made to Su Chen now turned into an invisible big ear scraper, slamming it on his face fiercely.

Even if no one pays attention to him, he feels embarrassed.

He originally wanted to say that Su Chen has been a single dog for four years in University, and it is impossible to get married, let alone have such a big child.

But Tuan Tuan He Le Le is simply a copy of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, even if he is blind, he can't say such a thing!

is really hateful!

Qin Qianqian was a little sad, she felt as if she had missed a hundred million!

Su Chen is so powerful, handsome and rich, what if she could take the initiative in the first place and ignore so much? Maybe she is sitting next to Su Chen now, she is the one who carried the fetus with him!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world!

The two of them were sitting here. They couldn’t eat enough food. Lin Tianxiang simply ran away. "Classmates, I have something to do. Let’s go now!"

After    finished, he ran away quickly, and even forgot to bring his girlfriend whom he was proud of when he came.

Qin Xiqian sat there awkwardly, glanced at Su Chen, and ran out with her face covered.

This small episode did not seem to affect the lively CP atmosphere in the box.

"Huh~ My sister-in-law looks a little familiar. My sister-in-law is so beautiful, is it a star?" A female classmate asked in surprise.

Ge Yu looked at the insider's smile and looked at the classmate and said, "Sister~ Our sister-in-law is not in the entertainment industry. Our sister-in-law is a female president who is out of the circle by her strength! You probably watched it on the Finance Channel. Her sister-in-law is the president of Chaofan Group!"

The female classmate looked shocked, "Oh my god! My sister-in-law turned out to be the President Yan of Chaofan Group! That's my idol!!!"

Other students were shocked.

"God! Su Xiaocao, how many things have you concealed from us~ It turns out that you have been married to President Yan, and you gave birth to a pair of lovely twins!"

"I finally know why when we were all running around for work, Su Xiaocao was not at all impatient. It turns out that our Chaofan Group was run by our Su brother!!"

Before Su Chen said that Chaofan Group was his home, many students didn't believe it.

Now after seeing Yan Bingxue, I completely believe it!

"Brother Su, share with us the love story between you and your sister-in-law! This is a realistic version of the school grass and the beautiful president, thinking about it is exciting!"

"Su Xiaocao, talk about it~ Give us some blueprints for our evening dreams~"

The big guys were making a noise. Su Chen turned his head and glanced at Yan Bingxue. The other party happened to look at him. The moment his eyes met, Yan Bingxue lowered his eyes slightly.

The cheeks are hidden in the shadow, but the ears are already red.

The sharp-eyed classmate could no longer hold back the screaming mind, and hurriedly greeted the classmates next to him.

This is too much to post!

It is rumored that Yan Bingxue, the beauty president of the Transcendent Group, as the name suggests, is a big beauty who thinks that she is cold and beautiful, she did not expect to show such a shy blush in front of Su Chen!

The charm of Su school grass is so great!

Su Chen saw that Yan Bingxue was a little embarrassed, so he turned his head and lowered his voice in her ear and said, "They all want to hear, then I can say something?"

The distance between the two people was already close. Now when he talked, his warm breath sprinkled on Yan Bingxue's side face.

Yan Bingxue's heart beat a little faster, and she felt a little excited.

In fact, it's not just that the babies don't want to go home and want to find their father, she also doesn't want to go back by herself, she wants to be with Su Chen.

But Su Chen had dinner with his classmates, she was not sure whether he would like her to come.

After all, Su Chen didn't post a circle of friends about getting married.

Yan Bingxue felt that the reason why Su Chen married her was mostly for Tuan Tuan and Lele, so she was actually a little nervous when he appeared on Su Chen's meal with him as a husband and wife.

But Su Chen asked her if she could share, and she was a little happy.

Su Chen is willing to say, does it mean that he actually recognizes their relationship in his heart?

Yan Bingxue nodded, looking at Su Chen expectantly.

She wants to know what the story between them looks like in Su Chen's heart~

Su Chen got permission, and then said to the classmates: "The love story between me and your sister-in-law is a long story. After all, my two children are already three years old~ I will tell you something closer. Son, it was last night when I proposed to your sister-in-law."

"In the Central I prepared a drone wedding for your sister-in-law, I have spent a lot of thought to win your sister-in-law~"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, a classmate who was surfing 5g immediately reacted.

"The drone local tyrant in the Central Plaza proposed yesterday! God! This is actually a proposal planned by Brother Su to his sister-in-law!"

"Damn~ My Douyin has almost turned into a marriage proposal from last night to today. I didn't expect this to be a love story between our school grass and my sister-in-law! Ahhhhh, I have eaten a first-line melon. It's so exciting!"

The roommates all know that Su Chen is asking for marriage, but they don't know the specific link, but when Su Chen talks about the drone proposal, they immediately have the picture.

Ge Yu secretly gave Su Chen a thumbs up, "Brother Su, cow!"

"You said you wanted to propose to my sister-in-law, and I was thinking about doing something for you. In the end, you went straight to the luxury version of 400 drones. Wow, my brother Su is the best!"

"Sister-in-law, the proposal last night must have been very touched? To be honest, I was a big man seeing Douyin's marriage proposal, and I was moved!" Chen Zhiqiang sitting there said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue nodded with blushing cheeks, looked at Su Chen and said with a happy face: "Well, I was surprised and moved."

"It is really rare to be able to impress me with money."

With this remark, the students who were talking were convinced, and looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue with a smile on their aunt.

Who is Yan Bingxue? That is the beautiful president of Chaofan Group! Chaofan Group has a market value of trillions!

Compared to this, the inhumane marriage proposal of four hundred drones is actually the touch of the accumulation of money, but Su Chen's thoughts really moved Yan Bingxue!

"Wow, this is the power of love!"

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