Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:37 AM

Chapter 319: The Su family in the imperial apital was sho ked: Su hen, you are so ri h!

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"Xiao Su, let's meet again, no, this time, should I be able to call you Chenchen?" Su Erye said with a smile.

Su Sanye and Su Haoxi next to    were both the first time they saw Su Chen.

"Second Master, Grandpa, Dad, why are you here so soon? Didn't you say that it will take three hours to arrive?" Su Zhe walked towards them happily.

Second Master Su said with a smile: "It was your grandfather who reminded me that we arrived in Zhonghai by helicopter."

Su Zhe grinned and said, "It seems that you all want to see the uncle soon~ Go in, the uncle, the uncle and the cousin have been waiting for a long time. I have endured the food for a long time~"

Su Chen and Su Zhe led the three of them in. When they arrived at the hallway, Su Chen and Su Ma stood in the living room and looked at them.

The five people looked at each other, and their eyes turned red in an instant.

Su Haoxi rushed up first and hugged Dad Su all at once.

"Brother, we finally meet again!"

"Hao Qian!" Su Erye and Su Sanye also walked over and held Su Dad's hand tightly.

No one spoke, but there seemed to be a thousand words in the eyes, everything was silent.

Ma Su took care of everyone to eat, and sat at the dinner table. Several people in the Su family did not move their chopsticks except Su Zhe, sitting at the dinner table and wept with tears.

Su's dad was also very excited. Su Chen added food to them and said with a smile: "Everyone is finally reunited, dad, elders, you all hurry to eat."

Papa Su nodded and greeted: "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Hao Xi, all have dinner."

Second Master Su and the others began to move their chopsticks, wiped their tears and said, "Hao Qian, it's great to see you again after so many years."

Papa Su smiled and said, "I didn't expect that one day we could still sit at a table and eat."

Su Zhe said as he ate, "Second grandfather, uncle, we will definitely be able to meet. We have been looking for uncle these years. There have been good news several times in the middle, but they all passed with hope, and finally returned disappointed , But this time my second grandfather and I finally found the right one!"

Su Haoxi looked at her son, smiled and said to her elder brother: "Big brother, second uncle just told me on the plane that they found your journey because they met our nephew Chenchen in Haiguo, Chenchen and you were young. When I looked really alike, you said, isn’t this God’s destiny to let us meet again?"

Papa Su was full of emotion, his eyes reddened again.

Seeing this, Su Chen quickly said: "Uncle and two grandpas have been looking for dad all these years. God must have seen them too. That's why we met in Haiguo. The blood relationship is really amazing. Let's It's a family, and we will meet sooner or later."

Second Master Su nodded, "The child Chenchen is right, we are all a family, even after so many years of separation, there will be a day of reunion!"

"Come on, let's toast and drink together to celebrate our family is finally reunited again!"

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their cups, making a crisp sound in the air.

After dinner, Su's father and the three elders of the Su family sat on the sofa and chatted, and Su's mother made a pot of tea for them.

Second Master Su looked at Su Ma with guilt in his eyes.

"Niece-in-law, come and sit down for a while, don't be busy."

Su Ma was shocked, looked at everyone in the Su family, and looked at Su Dad again.

Her emotions were a little bit agitated. This was the first time that the Su family recognized her and Hao Qian's affairs and called her niece and daughter-in-law.

Dad Su was very happy when he heard it, and took his wife's hand to let her sit next to him.

There was a good chat over there, while on the other side, Su Chen and Su Zhe were sitting in the dining room.

Su Zhe is busy booking the hotel for dinner on the phone.

When I just had lunch, Su Erye said that he would book a hotel for the evening, go out for a reunion dinner, and see Su Chen’s wife and children, and the whole family would come.

While watching, Su Zhe asked Su Chen's opinion.

"Cousin, what kind of food do you and sister-in-law like to eat? Is it Zhonghai's local cuisine, Sichuan, or Cantonese cuisine? Or other countries' cuisine is fine."

Su Chen heard his cousin call so smoothly, smiled and said: "It's all right, you can choose."

In the afternoon, Su Chen went to the Chaofan Group and talked to Yan Bingxue about these things that happened at home.

Yan Bingxue was also very happy after listening.

"Great, Mom and Dad finally figured out that their family can be reunited, and Mom and Dad are also very happy in their hearts."

Su Chen nodded, walked over and hugged his wife and said, "Yes, I saw them sitting together for dinner today. Although they were a little restrained because they hadn't seen each other for many years, they said a lot of things before when they chatted. Laughing happily on the sofa, I haven't seen them getting pregnant so soon in a long time."

"Wife, let's go to dinner together tonight, I will show you people at home."

Yan Bingxue nodded, raised her head and asked him: "Husband, do you think they would like my granddaughter-in-law? The Su family in the imperial capital is very powerful."

Su Chen smiled, hooked her nose and said: "Fool, isn't my wife good enough? Our current strength, even in front of the Su family, doesn't have to be a little bit frustrated. Moreover, all those who came today They are relatives who have a good relationship with Dad, they will definitely like you~"

Yan Bingxue nodded when he heard the But I have a meeting in the evening. It was decided many days ago. I can't push it. It may be a little later. You can go there before that time. I picked up the child after work and went together. "

"Then I will accompany you." Su Chen said.

"No need, husband, this is a very important reunion dinner, parents must also hope that you can be with them, you go first, and my child and I will arrive later~ It won't be delayed."

Su Chen thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, you're almost here, call me, I'll go downstairs to pick you up."


In the afternoon, Su Erye and the others didn't leave, they just sat at Su's house and chatted with Su Dad. In the evening, they went to the hotel together.

The car was sent by Su Chen. It was the family's nine-seater nanny car. He drove his car in front.

When Su Zhe saw Su Chen's car, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Wow, cousin, your car is a Rolls-Royce global limited edition? The one with nearly 200 million yuan, right?"

This big red car logo is too cool!

Su Haoxi saw these two cars, and was a little surprised, "Hao Qian, it seems that although you are not in Su's house these years, you are still developing very well without the support of your family."


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