Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:34 AM

Chapter 321: Reunion Dinner

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Su Chen said: "Xiaozhe, this kid is actually quite good, and he has his own goals and ideals, and he is working hard for them. I believe his wishes will be realized soon."

Su Haoxi knew that his son's goal was to become an operator driving a mech. He thought this idea was too unrealistic before, because at that time he didn't know when the real mech would come out.

But now that Su Chen has made mechas, does that mean that his son's wish may also be realized?

This thought made Su Haoxi more relieved to look at Su Chen in front of him.

The family sat down for dinner happily, and the group and musicians were holding toys inside.

Tuantuan asked Su’s father and Su’s mother, "Grandpa and grandma~Which one is the grandfather? We know now that it was the uncle who accompanied us to open the toy~"

There are so many people in the house all at once, the two little babies are still a little confused~

So Su Chen introduced them to the Su family, and then brought Yan Bingxue to meet everyone.

It was the first time that Su Sanye and Su Haoxi saw Yan Bingxue and they just knew Yan Bingxue's identity, and they were a little surprised.

"It turns out that my nephew and daughter-in-law are the president of Chaofan Group. Is that the only daughter of Zhonghai Yan's family?" Su Haoxi asked.

Yan Bingxue nodded, "My father is Yan Zhenwei."

Su Haoxi laughed and said, "This is a coincidence. I saw your father a few years ago! And I also saw you when you were young. At that time, you seemed to be just two or three years old. At that time, I thought you were just two or three years old. This little baby is so pretty. I didn't expect you to be my niece and daughter-in-law one day. This is really great."

"Time has passed for a long time. You were too young at that time. I guess you have forgotten that. The reason why Grandpa San can remember for so long is entirely because you were cute and beautiful at the time, just like the small Tuantuan now. It's an unforgettable little cute baby~"

Second Master Su said with a smile: "It seems that the fate of our family meeting in the dark has already been doomed~ Hao Qian, now everyone is here, let's drink a toast again!"

Everyone raised their wine glasses happily, Tuan Tuan and Lele were too young to reach, so Su Chen and Yan Bingxue each held one, and asked them to hold a glass full of juice and clink with everyone. .

After a sip, Tuan Tuan and Le Le Ke were happy.

Tuantuan said sweetly: "It's great. There are so many people in my grandfather's house. After that, our family will be a super big family. It will definitely be very lively~"

The cute voice of the little guy coupled with these heart-warming words immediately made everyone at the table happy.

This is a reunion night, everyone is destined to be very happy, the wine table is staggered, coach Yan Bingxue and Su Ma also drank a lot of wine tonight.

Dad Su drank the most. When he met the family again, his mood was obviously very high. After hearing Tuantuan’s words, Dad Su thought of his father and mother.

Everyone ate this meal very happily. When they left, Su Da, Su Haoxi and Su Sanye drank too much.

Su Haoxi said with a sigh, "Big Brother, it's great to see you again!"

Su's father nodded: "Well, more than 20 years have passed. The two of us are no longer the young ones. When I saw you today, I didn't recognize you for a while, thinking about my original little brother, why? Has he become a wrinkled old man?"

"I thought about it later, am I also a wrinkled old man? Haha~"

Su Haoxi waved his hand and said, "Big brother, I recognize everything else, but I don’t recognize my face with wrinkles. I have taken care of it all these years, so that when I see you again, you can recognize it at a glance. I come!"

"And you are not an old man, although Chenchen is not as handsome as you are now, but you are almost the same as when you were young!"

Papa Su shook his head, "I am getting old and old, I am now a grandfather!"

"Speaking of being a grandfather, I really envy you, big brother. Why do you say that Chenchen in your family is so obedient and upright? Not only does you have to worry about your career, but you are also so good in marriage and relationships. I brought you such a wonderful daughter-in-law just after graduating from university. After the marriage, I already have a child. I really don't have to worry about you for half a year!"

"Look at my Xiaozhe again, this is twenty years old, and he is like a **** all day long, running here and there, let alone getting married, there is not even a partner!"

"Hao Xi, don't always say that. I think Xiaozhe is a good boy. He is almost the same as when you were young, lively and likable!"

The two brothers were about to hug each other. Su Zhe rubbed his head with a headache, looked at Su Chen over there apologetically and said, "Cousin, don't care, my dad is like this when he drinks too much. There are so many special words~"

Su Chen smiled and said, "It seems that the two of them are really brothers, and my dad said a lot!"

The two arrogantly sent their fathers to the car. The Su family arrived suddenly today, and they didn't prepare anything in Zhonghai in advance, so they booked a better hotel near Su Chen's house.

Su Zhe put the drunk father and grandfather in the car, Yan Bingxue called a few riders, just in time to send everyone back together.

Emperor Su’s family basically got on the car, UU reading www.udukanshu. com Su Erye was about to get in the car, but suddenly stopped. After seeing Su Chen put Su Da back in the car, he walked to Su Chen's side.

"Chenchen, do you have time, I want to have a chat with you."

Su Ma, Yan Bingxue and the two children were all seated in the car. Su Chen saw this and said to his wife: "My wife, you take your children and parents home first, I will send them to the hotel, and then Go home again."

"Okay." Yan Bingxue nodded.

Second Master Su also drank a lot of wine today, but he didn't drink much, just a headache.

When he arrived at the hotel, Su Chen ordered him a cup of sober tea, and the two sat in the room chatting.

"Chenchen, I called you over suddenly, don't you think it's a bit weird?"

Su Chen shook his head, "No wonder, Second Grandpa, do you have anything to say about my dad?"

Second Master Su glanced at him, gave him a thumbs up and said, "You are really a very smart boy. When you were at the wine table today, you should have seen it too. Although your father was very happy after meeting us, his heart There is always something hidden in the noodles."

"I did see this." Su Chen nodded.


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