Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:16 AM

Chapter 334: Double 0 points! No. 1~

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Su's father and Su's mother only knew that the children had won a lot of awards, and didn't know which awards they were. Now they heard Su Jianqing's words and took the awards over to take a look.

After reading it, Ma Su frowned and said: "Dad seems to be right, Lao Su, we have never paid much attention to Tuantuan and Lele's academic performance."

Dad Su said: "I don't think it is a problem. The children are developing well in all aspects, and their academic performance is definitely not bad. Moreover, Tuan Tuan and Lele are very smart children."

"That's right, but in the recent semester, Chenchen and Bingxue got married, and we also ran over. The two children often took time off at home, which caused a lot of blood loss. I don't know if it will happen. It will affect the final exam results of both of them..."

"It's true. A few days ago, they went to Sanya with their parents on their honeymoon. They played for a week. It was difficult for children to take the final exam so quickly. I wonder if it will be affected."

In this way, the parents who were full of confidence in the final exams of their two children suddenly became a little worried.

Yan Bingxue's side, she texted Su Chen: "Husband, let's go early later, the babies will finish the exam at 4:30, how about we go by at 4 o'clock?"

Su Chen just happened to have not much work in his hand, so at four o'clock, he set off with his wife to pick up the children in the kindergarten.

When they arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, many parents were already waiting here, and everyone was discussing the children's usual learning conditions in the school.

are very homely and relaxed.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are also chatting.

As soon as    Tuantuan and Lele came out, the two of them immediately greeted them, one holding his daughter and the other holding his son.

The two little guys didn't rush over happily as usual, but instead looked a little awkward.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue glanced at each other, and when they asked about the results, they all went on the same.

It seems that the child did not do very well in the exam.

On the way back, Yan Bingxue looked back several times and wanted to ask about the results, but Su Chen's eyes stopped him.

Because Tuan Tuan and Lele sat in the back seat and said nothing, no one mentioned today's exam.

Kindergarten exams are scored on the same day. After the exams in the morning, the teacher corrects the papers at noon. The reason why they waited until 4:30 in the afternoon is not because the exams have to reach 4:30, but because the teacher has to read the papers .

So the two children should already know their grades by now.

was silent all the way home. Because they came back earlier, Su's father, Su's mother and Su Jianqing and his wife were not at home.

Su Jianqing bought the villa next to it, but the next door is a rough house. Now I am busy decorating things. Although I have handed it over to the decorating company, I still have to look at some of the materials myself.

Tuantuan and Lele didn’t see their grandparents and grandparents after returning home, so Tuantuan said to their parents: “Mom and Dad are a little tired from the exam today. I want to go upstairs to rest first.”

Yan Bingxue nodded gently, and said softly: "Go, Tuantuan, when dinner is ready, mom will go up and ask you to come down for dinner, okay?"

"Hmm." The little girl went upstairs boredly.

Lele also said that he wanted to go upstairs to do his homework first.

As soon as they left, Yan Bingxue couldn't help feeling sad.

"Husband, did you say that Tuantuan and Lele did not do well in the exam today? They were too abnormal today. They are usually very lively. How can they be willing to do their homework the first time after returning home? They must think about playing first. Well, what went wrong today must be because of the results, which are not ideal."

Su Chen lightly hugged her shoulders and patted comfortingly, "My wife, don't think about it so much. Even if the children really didn't pass the exam, it wouldn't mean anything. It's just the result of a final exam. ."

"You see Tuantuan and Lele both feel sad. At this time, we should encourage them as parents."

Yan Bingxue nodded gently, "Yes."

After the four parents came back, they immediately asked about the whereabouts of the children. Su Chen told the parents about the unhappy children after returning home. Everyone guessed that the two little babies did not do well in their academic performance.

When the four old people heard this, they immediately said: "It doesn't matter if the exam is not good, what can the kindergarten score show..."

The four old people are very optimistic.

Mrs. Su told Su Jianqing, “Old man, don’t ask the children about their grades later. If they want to say it, let’s say it. If they don’t want to say it, let’s assume that nothing happened!”

Su Jianqing nodded, "I know, let's encourage the children later."

Su's mother hurriedly went into the kitchen, "I'm going to make some delicious food for the two children."

Tuan Tuan and Lele came down from upstairs during dinner, still holding their own test papers in their hands. The papers were all tightly rolled together. The two little guys bowed their heads, looking like a defeated rooster.

Su Chen hurriedly walked over, touched the heads of the two little guys and said: "Tuan Tuan Le Le, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Bingxue asked: "My dear, did you have a bad result on the final exam today?"

The two little guys didn't speak, but their expressions had already defaulted. UU reading www.

Su's father and mother, and Su Jianqing and his wife, said quickly.

"It's okay for Tuan Tuan Yue Le, one test result will not tell you anything, even if you fail the test this time, we can still work hard next time~"

"Yes, and this is just a small exam for kindergarten, kids, there are always times when studying is good or bad. During this time, you are all busy with the wedding of your parents at home, so your academic performance has a good result. It’s okay to slide down a little bit~"

Tuantuan and Lele lowered their heads, listening to the comfort of everyone, Tuantuan finally couldn't help it, and laughed hahaha.

"Hahaha~ Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandma, you are all fooled!”

The big guys all showed up, and then the two little babies put their test papers on the table and said happily: "My brother and I have scored 100 points in the test this time, and all of them are 100 points!"

The big guy hurriedly gathered around and found that all six papers were 100 points, and all of them were correct in Chinese, mathematics, and English.

"My brother and I are tied in the class, the first place, the second place was not tested, we scored so many they only have more than 90 points, only my brother and I both got 100 points~" Tuantuan said proudly. .


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