Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:12 AM

Chapter 337: Dad is so popular~

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"That's right, Brother Su, you must not watch the school forum when you are busy with work. The above are all confession posts sent to you by the school girls. There are also many junior brothers who also participated. Several of us will go when we are fine. Reply to those posts on the forum, we are all super proud as your roommates!"

Su Chen felt that these young people were really too enthusiastic.

But doing something as big as a mecha by myself is indeed a supreme honor for this school!

finally walked to the entrance of the auditorium, Su Chen subconsciously went to find the three snack carts.

This is not hard to find, because the big banner falls in front of the school's auditorium with a few large characters clearly written on it.

"Congratulations to Su Chen for graduation!"

Su Chen looked in the direction of the snack cart and immediately saw his wife, mom, dad, and grandparents. Tuan Tuan and Lele were sitting in the snack street, eating, and greeted everyone warmly.

Su Chen quickly said to the roommate next to him: "I know who prepared this snack cart. It is a surprise prepared by my family. I will go look for them first."

Su Chen walked to his wife and family.

Yan Bingxue held a bunch of flowers and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Envying eyes and voices are all behind him.

"It's actually my sister-in-law and Brother Su's family who prepared a snack cart. This is too romantic!"

"I envy Brother Su, we just graduated from university, and the work is done by Brother Su. Not only does he have a successful career, but also a happy family. There are also two such cute little cute treasures. At the pinnacle of life!"

"Brother Su is the eternal **** in my heart, Yyds!"

"Wife and children come to the graduation ceremony with my family, I really make me envy Brother Su, and my eyes are sour with envy!"

"I'm calling my mom now to prepare a bouquet of flowers for me to attend my graduation ceremony, is it too late?!"

After Su Chen walked over, Yan Bingxue handed him the flowers in her arms and said with a smile on her face: "My husband, congratulations on your graduation~"

She opened her hands and hugged Su Chen.

Su Chen walked over and hugged his wife, and whispered in her ear: "Wife, didn't you say you are still in a meeting now? When did you learn to lie to me?"

"Hee hee~ Didn't I learn from Tuan Tuan He Le Le? If you want to promote it, please give me a surprise for my husband!"

"Husband, these things are surprises prepared for you by my parents, grandparents, grandparents, and two babies. Do you like them?"

Su Chen looked at the three small cars and the big banner over there, nodded and said, "I like it, wife, thank you."

Su Chen stood outside for a while, then went to take a graduation photo with his roommates.

The classmates were almost almost there, and I saw all the classmates Su Chen gathered around.

"Brother Su, congratulations! We have all seen your wedding on the Internet, and the big mecha you made, Brother Su, you are so amazing!"

"Congratulations to Su Chen, now it is a double harvest of career and love, which is really enviable~"

"Everyone is a classmate, and Su Chen won on the starting line before graduation~ It's really enviable and hateful, but it's more fun! Being classmates with Su Chen is probably the greatest pride of our life. !"

"Yes, student Su Chen has made a super hero of mecha. From now on, our school, including our classmates, will have bright faces when we go out!"

Wanpin and Lin Tianxiang stood outside the classmates, looking at Su Chen inside, slightly dodging in their eyes.

At the classmate meeting last time, they had a quarrel with Su Chen. They shouldn't have stepped forward at this time.

But Su Chen has now made mechas, and there will definitely be a bright future thereafter.

Since the last time, Lin Tianxiang's house has suddenly had a major incident. Within a week, the company was under investigation, and only later learned that it was Chaofan Group who had spoken.

Only then did he know how serious it was to offend Su Chen.

During the recent period, the family has been having a very difficult time, and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. If it is possible to have a good relationship with Su Chen at this time, maybe Yan Bingxue can let them go.

Wanpin, not to mention, he came from an ordinary family, how dare he offend Su Chen now?

Thinking of this, the two of them passed through the crowd and squeezed into the middle.

The classmates were still vividly remembering the events of the last class meeting. At this time, watching Wan Ping and Lin Tianxiang standing in front of Su Chen, they couldn't help but look at the show.

Seeing the smiles on their two faces, Su Chen instantly chilled.

"Student Su Chen, congratulations." Lin Tianxiang said with an awkward smile.

Wanpin smiled doglegs next to him, "Student Su Chen, you are so amazing, we have all seen the online video, I knew you must be unusual for a long time!"

Su Chen snorted coldly when he heard what they said. He turned his head and walked into the auditorium without paying attention to them at all.

Wanpin and Lin Tianxiang stood awkwardly in place, and the students around them treated them as air.

When taking graduation photos, everyone wanted to be next to Su Chen, but of course his roommates knew that he was next to him. As for Wan Pin and Lin Tianxiang, they were directly squeezed to the last row. With Wan Pin’s height, the photo was directly Can't see people anymore.

When taking the graduation photo, Yan Bingxue and her family held their two children at the door and watched. Su Chen watched them look over and smiled involuntarily.

That moment happened to be captured, and finally left a perfect graduation photo.

After finishing the photo shoot, many parents rushed to send flowers to the children.

Su Chen is the most lively here. There are many people who come here. Everyone holds flowers in their arms. Even the two little guys Tuan Tuan and Lele hold small bouquets of flowers in their My grandson graduated today~"

"Congratulations to my son for his successful graduation!"

"Congratulations to my husband for graduation~"

"Congratulations, dad graduated from college!"

Su Chen's arms are full of flowers, and his face is full of happiness.

The students around me were envious of seeing this scene.

"Su Chen's family is too happy, right? The whole family came to congratulate him at the graduation ceremony, so envious!"

"My parents went to travel, missed my graduation ceremony, and then look at the home of Su Chen's classmates, there is really no harm if there is no comparison."

There is still some free time after the photo is taken. You can take pictures in the school and invite the students to take a group photo together.

As soon as he walked out of the auditorium, everyone rushed forward, all surrounding Su Chen's side.

Many classmates came up for a group photo, and Su Chen seemed to be a busy person.

The family didn't disturb Su Chen's graduation ceremony. They stood by the snack cart next to them and looked at it all with a smile.

Tuantuan raised his head and said, "Dad is so popular at school~"


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