Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:10 AM

Chapter 338: Su Jianqing talked to Su hen and Su Dad about family affairs

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"I believe that everyone has heard about the deeds of Su Chen. Student Su Chen is really amazing. Now he has entered the Mecha Research Department of the Dragon Academy of Sciences and Chaofan Group. Within a month, the first fighter armour was developed for our country!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and everyone shouted in unison: "Su Chen Su Chen, the eternal god!"

The voice lasted for a long time, and finally the principal had no choice but to pat the microphone gently to calm everyone down and continue reading his manuscript.

"Our school is proud of Su Chen. As Su Chen’s upcoming alma mater, the school feels very proud, and the school has prepared an honor medal for Su Chen and a scholarship of 100,000 yuan. I will personally give Su Chen a scholarship. Classmates present awards, let’s applaud and welcome student Su Chen!"

Deafening applause, almost overturning the entire playground, after Su Chen took the stage, the students below became even more excited.

The Su family members all sat on the podium and watched all this happen below, with gratified and proud smiles on their faces.

Even the children Tuan Tuan and Lele couldn't help being flushed.

"Mama, I think Baba is amazing, so many people like him!"

"Even the principal and uncle praised him. Dad is amazing. He even held such a big commendation meeting for Dad. When my brother and I won the first place, the teacher praised us, but we didn’t even call all the students in our class. People."

Lele smiled and said to her sister: "Tuan Tuan, Dad is different from us. Dad is not only as simple as 100 points in the exam. Dad made a big mecha, so he can be praised so much."

Yan Bingxue touched the heads of the two children and said happily: "You two learn from your dad, and you will definitely be able to become idols that everyone admires like dad in the future!"

The lively graduation ceremony finally ended, and Su Chen got his degree certificate and graduation certificate.

Along the way, Tuan Tuan and Lele cherished two certificates, and now they have begun to look forward to their future college life.

Su Jianqing answered a phone call halfway through. There have been calls in the past few days. He went back to the room alone to answer the phone. But now the family is sitting in the car and thinking about the phone call. He can only answer it.

didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone, anyway, Su Jianqing's face was very ugly.

Su Chen and Su Da looked in their eyes, and didn't ask much.

After arriving home, Su Jianqing's expression ceased, and he sat down on the sofa drinking tea sullenly.

Su Ma and the others went to Zhang Luo's family for dinner. The two children went out to play for a day and were a little tired, so they went back to the room to rest first.

When Su Jianqing and Su Chen and his son were left in the living room, he hesitated for a long time, and finally summoned the courage to say: "Hao Qian, Chen Chen, you two come to the study with me. I have something to say to you. ."

Su Chen and his son, of course, knew what he was going to say. Grandpa has been worrying about it these days, and Su Chen didn't ask, he just said it when he wanted to say it.

When he arrived at the study, Su Jianqing closed the door and said sadly: "Chenchen, Hao Qian, I called you over because I want to tell you something in the house."

Su Jianqing's expression was very sad. Su Chen saw it and poured three cups of hot water. The three sat on the sofa together, waiting for grandpa to speak.

Su Jianqing frowned and said: "Our family has just met again. It was originally when we were happy. I didn't want to disturb the atmosphere with these annoying things, but now your second grandfather is also taking care of the things in the family. It's a leisurely time, and I can enjoy the happiness of family relationship with you here, but I can't just ignore the things that happened in the Su family."

"Actually a few days ago, the second child suddenly went back because the house was not peaceful. Do you know Chenchen about these conditions at home?" Su Jianqing looked at Su Chen and asked.

Su Chen said: "Grandpa, if you have any questions, just talk about it directly. Dad has already told me about the situation at home, and I probably understand it."

Su Jianqing looked at his son and grandson and nodded gently.

"Since you all know it, it's not that troublesome to say it, but the second room probably knows that we have found out about the two of you, so it's getting worse recently."

"They didn't know where they heard the news. Knowing that we had all come to Zhonghai, they hurriedly called for a family meeting."

"In fact, this matter has been in chaos for several years. The second room has changed its policy in recent years, and it has become more arrogant and domineering, always thinking about inheritance rights."

"I've been arguing before, but we have suppressed it. This time I guess we knew we had found out about the two of you, so I wanted to cut the mess with a sharp knife, so I called my second child back and held a family meeting. "

"When I was on the road just now, I received a call from my second child. He told me about the situation there just after the meeting."

Su Jianqing took a sip of tea, and said solemnly, "You have seen it too. Before we found you, there is only Su Zhe, a school-age child in our house. The second child is older. They said that the second child is now like this. Looks like, you have to quickly decide on the heir, or else the Su family will have a big business in the future. If there is any change, everyone will be caught off guard. UU Reading"

"When they met today, they kept emphasizing that Su Zhe was only 20 years old or a young age. The second child is now more than 60. If you don't decide on the issue of inheritance, then it will not be justified."

When Su Haoqian heard this, he frowned and said: "They are so anxious, are they trying to clarify the issue of robbing inheritance?"

"Yeah." Su Jianqing nodded.

"In fact, since the beginning of the new era, the issue of their second room status has not been as strict as before, so they have become more and more arrogant over the years."

Su Haoqian said angrily, "What are they thinking? Dad, if I remember correctly, didn’t we have discussions about inheritance when I was at home?"

"I remember very clearly. At that time, we allocated one-third of the Su family's property to the second room. The ones in their hands were not enough. Are you thinking about it again?"

Su Jianqing glanced at him and snorted coldly, “Hmph, they couldn’t afford to hand the property into their hands because they were ineffective at the time!”

"Over the past two decades, the one-third of the property they had allocated was almost defeated by them. If it weren’t for your second uncle to take care of them, it’s estimated that those properties of the Su family would have been long ago. Has been acquired by someone else."


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