Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:00 AM

Chapter 346: Want to prove blood relationship? Then test your DNA first!

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Chapter 346: To Prove Blood Relationship? Then test your DNA first!

Su Ma laughed at this praise.

The old patriarch looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue again, and Su Haoqian introduced beside him: "Grandpa San, this is my son and daughter-in-law, Su Chen and Bingxue."

"Okay! That's great! Hao Qian, look at this son who was raised by him, he was carved out of the same mold as you back then, no, this is more handsome than when you were younger!"

The old patriarch looked around Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, and then went to see the two children, really happy.

"It's great. Our Su family has many more children, and this family will be even bigger in the future. Your grandpa and his grandpa know that they will be very happy!"

Su Erye smiled and said: "Uncle San, the children are back now, and today the family meeting is held again. Let’s just announce the identities of the children at the meeting today. Hao Qian’s name is in our house. But Lin Xiu and Chenchen are not there yet, so they simply took advantage of today’s meeting to add their names to the genealogy together."

The old patriarch nodded, "Well, our Su family hasn't had any new children on the genealogy for a long time, and now there are a few more children at once. This is a big happy event!"

"In every meeting recently, you talked about inheritance. As soon as I heard these things, my old man got a headache. Fortunately, there was a happy event at today's meeting."

The old patriarch had just finished speaking, and the troublesome person over there came.

The three of Xiao Su's family entered the door and immediately walked towards the old patriarch.

"Patriarch, you have arrived? We just said that we will send a car to pick you up."

The old patriarch smiled and nodded at them, a little alienated in his politeness.

After a while, the people from Sanfang also came, but a middle-aged man in his forties came to Sanfang, who seemed to be in poor health. Within a few minutes of coming in, he coughed several times.

Su Chen remembered his father's saying that there were few people in Sanfang, and now that there are not many people left, they are still sick. It's no wonder that Erfang is so rampant.

Everyone arrived, and the family meeting officially began.

At the beginning, the patriarch was happy to share the good news with everyone.

Today, in addition to those from the Su family's main house, some of the outliers, and also a few highly respected elderly people, almost all of them are in their 70s or 80s.

A large table full of people gathered, and many elderly people were very happy when they heard that Su Haoqian was going home.

Only Erfang's face was not pretty, especially when the patriarch announced that Su Chen and their names would be added to the genealogy.

Su Liang raised his hand almost immediately, "Old Patriarch, I object to this matter."

This incident seemed to be expected, so when Su Liang's voice was heard, everyone didn't have any surprised expressions, but they all turned their heads and looked away.

The old patriarch looked a little helpless in his eyes. Seeing this Su Liang, he said, "Xiao Su's family, what do you think about this matter?"

"Hao Qian is the child of our Su family, and now it’s hard to come back. This is a big happy event, and the number of signs has been a family and a business in these years, has children, and two lovely grandchildren. These are all of us. The descendants of the Su family naturally want to write their names on the genealogy."

Su Liang said in accordance with their previous discussions at home: "Old Patriarch, Master Haoqian, we all feel very happy to be back home, but the more this is the time, the less we can be dazzled by joy."

"After all, Master Haoqian has been away from home for more than 20 years. In these 20 years, there has been no news. Now he suddenly comes back with his son, daughter-in-law, and two children. The identity of Master Haoqian is naturally beyond doubt, but he is a descendant. ..."

"The old patriarch, writing the name on the genealogy is a matter of great importance. It should not be sloppy. It is the child of our Su family. Of course, our Su family recognizes it, but if it is not a child of our family, we can't just walk around. All the people who come here add their names to the genealogy!"

"Xiao Su's family, what do you mean? Hao Qian brought the children back. Everyone was very happy. At this time, if you have nothing important, just say less."

The old patriarch’s temper has always been very good, but because of his gentle temperament, what he has always admired most is family and all things, especially the grand family. This kind of thing is very important to him, usually Xiao Su’s house is noisy. It's nothing more than making trouble, this is the child of Guan Su's family, he will inevitably be a little unhappy.

Su Liang smiled and said, "Old Patriarch, don't get me wrong, Master Haoqian, don't take it seriously. I'm not talking about anyone. It's just that you have been away from home for so many years and the children you brought back suddenly have to recognize their ancestors , Adding the name to the genealogy has to go through a process, isn’t it?"

"Let me say that this Young Master Su Chen's family wants to add the name to the genealogy, it should be, but no matter what, he must prove that he is a child of our Su family."

Second Master Su coldly snorted and said, "How do you want to prove it? Hao Qian and Su Chen are sitting here, and they are sitting together. These facial features can be seen by anyone with a discerning appearance, unless they are blind. Guess randomly."

Su Liang was shocked, feeling a little unhappy. He still smiled and said, "This world is so big, there are no surprises. Don’t blame me for speaking carefully, second master. Only at the meeting the day before yesterday, we received the issue of inheritance rights. Today Suddenly there are a few more people claiming to be descendants of the Su family. Isn't this a coincidence?"

"Everyone is here today, and I am not against anything. I just want to make sure that if we can make a DNA and come up with a test report, it can be regarded as speaking with facts. Then Master Su Chen wants to recognize the ancestors. Zong, that’s justified."

In fact, it can be seen from Xiao Su’s Su Chen and Su Haoqian looked alike when they were young. This look is biological, but they still want to make this one today, just to give them Finding something unpleasant, can't let them recognize their ancestors easily, and add their names to the Su family's genealogy.

And the most important thing is that they will mention another thing later, if Su Chen successfully added his name to the genealogy, it will inevitably make him more powerful and domineering later.

So this DNA test is actually to give them a bit of prestige!

Everyone in the Su family's complexion is not pretty, and they have never heard that their children want to add their names to the genealogy, and they have to be DNA!

This clearly makes them embarrassed. Even if the DNA proves that there is no problem at all, just doing this item is unpleasant.

No one from the Su family spoke, and the old patriarch was also a little embarrassed. Of course he felt that this DNA was unnecessary, but someone raised it, and there was criticism at this meeting. As the oldest person, he had to listen to any voice.

(End of this chapter)

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