Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:25 AM

Chapter 355: elebration wine

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After the      bidding meeting was over, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue returned to the old house.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard two bangs, and their heads were covered with ribbons.

Tuantuan and Lele stood beside the entrance, holding two empty ribbon tubes in their hands.

"Congratulations to mom and dad for the victory!"

The whole family clapped nearby, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue couldn't help laughing.

After entering the house, Su Chen found that the first floor of the old house had been decorated, and the whole floor looked beaming.

This is not going to be ready in a while. It is estimated that these will be prepared at home since they set off.

Everyone knows that it will definitely be their home that wins the bid today.

Second Master Su came up and said happily: "Dust Chen, Bingxue, thank you two for getting things done for the Su family!"

Although all this is expected, everyone in the Su family is very happy.

Su Sanye and Su Haoxi said with smiles on their faces: "Dust has done the last step, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief! I've been really tired during this period of time, but now it's better, we can be a hand shaker again in the future. "

Su Jianqing looked at them irritably and said: "It's not time for you to relax, the third child, don't just think about rest all day long, Hao Xi is still so young, don't take him badly!"

Second Master Su said on the side: "That's right, Chenchen has brought such a good opportunity to our family. We old men can't lose the chain. We must do a big job this time. We will hand over the Su family in the future. When Chenchen is in the hands, we can also have a clear conscience!"

Third Master Su smiled, and said, "Cheng, eldest brother and second elder brother, you all said that, then I will continue to work hard!"

"Chen Chen, don't worry. Grandpa San said that. Grandpa San knows the opportunities you bring to our family. Grandpa San must work hard!"

Second Master Su prepared a celebration wine at home, and a table of good dishes, red wine, white wine, and fruit wine were all served, indicating that he would have a good celebration today.

While eating, Su Erye asked Su Chen, "Chen Chen, I heard that the Xu family also went to the bidding meeting today, did their family say anything?"

Su Chen said briefly and concisely about what happened at the bidding meeting, "Second grandfather, the Xu family seems to be in a hurry to go to the doctor right now. It seems that they still don't know me well!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Su Haoqian immediately said: "How can this family be able to do this! It's too ridiculous, we Chenchen are already married, what do they think!"

Lin Xiu raised her head to look at Yan Bingxue on the opposite side, but saw her looking at her husband tenderly. Hearing these words, it seemed that there was nothing unusual, and she felt relieved.

Su Chen said: "Since the last banquet, what the Xu family did is really hard to accept. I think their family style is unacceptable!"

When Su Erye heard Su Chen's words, he immediately took out his mobile phone, called his assistant, and ordered: "Talk to the senior management of the group. All future contacts with the Xu family must be strictly controlled. Release the water like before!"

After    finished this matter, Su Erye raised his head and looked at Su Chen and said: "Chen Chen, don't worry, we won't have much contact with the Xu family in the future."

"Now most of our Su family's industry has been transferred to the mecha side, and there will be even fewer crossovers with the Xu family in the future. I will let them strictly control the rest, and will not give the Xu family any more opportunities. !"

"Well, Second Grandpa, you can handle these things."

The family happily drank and celebrated, and talked about the future of the Su family. Everyone was very happy in their hearts.

Su Haoqian drank a lot of wine, this was his happiest day after he got home.

Seeing that his son is so talented and able to lead the Su family to a more successful peak, he feels extremely proud and satisfied in his heart.

The adults were drinking and chatting freely. Tuan Tuan and Lele two children were sitting at the table and eating, and everyone did not notice them.

"Brother, everyone is so happy, let's have a drink too~" Tuantuan said happily.

Lele nodded, holding a glass full of juice, and toasting to his sister.

"This juice is delicious, sweet~" Tuantuan took a sip of the juice and blinked happily.

Although the two children don't quite understand the significance of winning the bid today, they are also happy to see the adults so happy.

The atmosphere on the dining table is great, knowing that from the corner of Su Chen's eyes, the faces of the two little guys are getting redder and red, and this vaguely feels something is wrong.

So Su Chen divided some attention between the two children, and seeing them eating obediently, it seemed nothing unusual.

And the two little guys seem to be very excited. When the adults are toasting, they also hold a toast with juice. The more they drink, the more excited they become.

Tuantuan's small body flickered on the chair, looking very happy.

Su Haoqian said: "Our family Tuan Tuan and Lele are also very happy today~ the excited faces are red!"

The big guy looked at the two little ones, and Tuan Tuan and Lele immediately smiled happily, but this smile looked a little silly compared to usual.

Su Chen felt that something was wrong, picked up the juice in front of Tuantuan, put it in his mouth and smelled it.

Dang even frowned.

"What is this? Why does it smell like alcohol?"

"Huh? Alcohol?" Lin Xiu asked suspiciously on the opposite side.

Mrs. Su immediately asked someone to call someone to ask what was going on.

Tuan Tuan is a little confused at the moment. Hearing what Dad said, UU read www.uukahnshu. She grabbed her father's hand and seemed to want to get her cup back.

"Dad, this is juice~ You should give it back to me soon, this juice is delicious, sweet and sour, and it smells like sparkling water~"

Su Chen is now more and more certain, there is wine in it!

The next person came over quickly, and Mrs. Su asked, "What's in the cups of the two children?"

"It's juice..." Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw two unopened bottles of juice on the ground over there. Her face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly said, "This doesn't seem to be juice... over there. The juice hasn't opened yet, so this is..."

Lin Xiu said immediately: "Well, Tuantuan and Lele probably drink fruit wine prepared in the kitchen!"

As soon as he said this, the subordinate immediately knelt down in fright.

The people on the table also became nervous, staring at the two little guys, Yan Bingxue immediately took the cup in Lele's hand.

Lele looked at her mother anxiously, "Mom, I still want to drink juice, why are you taking my glass away~ Everyone is so happy today, can't I drink more?"

The little guy said he was going to get it, but he turned his body and almost fell off the stool. Fortunately, Su Chen's eyesight was quick and he hugged his son.


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