Published at 21st of December 2021 09:32:44 AM

Chapter 362: It was sho king! The me h is too powerful!

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The family was laughing and making noise. A group of people suddenly came over there, surrounded by an old man, who was the one from the wedding of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue who appeared last time.

Later, Yuan Lao talked to Su Chen about the identity of this person, and Su Chen knew that he was the boss of this military area, Chen Shaoping.

It is no wonder that when he came to the wedding last time, he was also surrounded by straight security personnel.

Today, there was a whole team behind him, but when Chen Shaoping walked in front of Su Chen and the others, those teams stopped three miles away.

Chen Shaoping saw Su Chen and immediately walked up happily, bent over and stretched out his hand, "Mr. Su, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Su Chen shook hands with him, "No, we just arrived."

Chen Shaoping smiled and said, "Mr. Su is really embarrassed. You have to take a trip yourself. It's because of this mech that we are all helpless with it. This is the first time we have seen such a big thing, so we don't dare. Feel free to get started, you can only let his maker come here in person."

Su Zhe has been in the imperial capital for a long time, so he naturally knew Chen Shaoping. Seeing his attitude towards his cousin, Su Zhe admired his cousin more and more in his heart.

"The cousin is really amazing, even big people like Chen Shaoping should be so polite to the cousin."

"The Su family has a cousin, and he will definitely get better and better in the future!"

Chen Shaoping pointed to the mecha next to him and said: "Mr. Su, you said that you came here today. Last night we had already looked at the mecha in advance, but you can rest assured that we did not touch this mech casually, just after reading your submission. The data that came up, the data alone has already shocked us and stunned us!"

"Although I haven't seen you rehearse this mech in person, Yuan Lao sent me a video before, plus a few of us yesterday discussed the data and reports. We all know that this mech is definitely not a problem. Yuan Lao said that you have done some basic tests when you were in Zhonghai, and now we are short of actual combat drills and weapon tests, but Zhou Hai’s Long Academy of Sciences cannot provide a suitable venue. Now we have prepared the venue. Explosion-proof systems are all installed around this area. You can operate and practice here as much as you like."

"Mr. Su, it's true that it is true. After reading all the mecha data yesterday, we all felt that this mecha would be very powerful, so I would like to observe the actual combat exercise for today."

"No problem, but to ensure that the power of the surrounding security mechas is not trivial, the explosion-proof measures must be made very strong, and if you want to see it, you must stay far away, this is not an ordinary weapon attack." Su Chen said.

"I understand, Mr. Su, the explosion-proof measures here have been very perfect. Normally, the actual combat drill here is only three explosion-proof, but yesterday we learned that the mecha was coming over, we sent people to reinforce it overnight, and all the surrounding areas The residential areas are all emptied, and you can rest assured to do actual combat exercises here."

Su Chen nodded, and looked at the surrounding environment, "This space and range should be enough, and the mecha can be blasted at a fixed point."

"Mr. Su, do we have to hide away? I really want to observe the real fighter armor up close." Chen Shaoping's somewhat muddy old eyes flashed with excitement and excitement.

Su Chen smiled and said: "When I get on the cockpit, you can stay and observe, but once the actual combat drill starts, you have to go to the podium over there."

Chen Shaoping nodded, "Well, it seems that I can only go to the rostrum over there to watch. Everyone, let's go with me. The telescopes are prepared over there. I know that the children are coming, so I prepared some in advance. Tea snacks."

Can get such a good treatment in the military area, and today's Su Chen is still the first person!

Now that the mecha has just been made, there is no professional mecha operator yet. As the manufacturer, Su Chen is most familiar with this mecha and can only go to battle in person.

He opened the cockpit and walked up the ladder.

And Yan Bingxue and Su Zhe also followed Chen Shaoping to the rostrum.

Chen Shaoping prepared a lot. In addition to tea and snacks, he also has a variety of small cakes, as well as the toffee that children love.

After the adults arrived on the rostrum, they immediately picked up the telescope and looked at Su Chen in the center of the playground.

"It's so spectacular!" Chen Shaoping exclaimed.

Su Zhe’s face was full of envy, "My cousin is really amazing, this is simply letting the movie shine into reality, entering the cockpit from the ladder, this is too handsome!"

He said silently in his heart that he must become an excellent mecha operator in the future. If I can drive the mecha made by Brother Su Chen, that would be great!

The Su family has such talents as Brother Su Chen, and as a cousin, he has to work harder!

There was no such opportunity before, but now that Big Brother Su Chen has laid the foundation, he has made the mecha, and there is room for realization of his ideals.

After Su Chen entered the cockpit, the huge mecha standing on the playground suddenly seemed to be alive. At the moment that huge body moved, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They searched the vocabulary in their minds and found that they couldn't find a word to describe how they felt at the moment.

Especially when the mech raised his arm, it really seemed like a science fiction movie had entered reality.

Su Chen controlled the huge mecha and circled this empty field. When passing by the rostrum, he waved the mecha's hands and waved at everyone.

Tuan Tuan Le Le also waved to him happily, shouting loudly: "Go on, Dad!"

Su Zhe's arms almost broke, "Cousin!"

Su Chen could hear the outside voice inside, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and drove the big mecha back to the other side of the field.

After determining the location of the explosion-proof, Su Chen first raised the left arm of the mecha, exposing the giant barrel inside.

The design of this fighter armor is a left-handed barrel and a right-handed shield, so that it can be both offensive and defensive.

The left-handed weapon is an energy cluster rifle, which uses a medium as a series weapon for amplification or conversion, which is mainly launched by lasers.

Everyone did not hear too much noise, but only saw the laser beam falling down like a meteor, and wherever they went, a big pit was smashed.

The sound of the explosion after the bullet hits the ground is endless. This scene is really shocking.

Amidst the loess flying all over the sky, the huge mech stands like an undefeated **** of war, standing in the raging flames of smoke.

"This is too spectacular! I didn't expect mecha weapons to be so powerful!"


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