Published at 21st of December 2021 09:32:36 AM

Chapter 367: Want to leave if you lose? There are tri ks!

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The old patriarch pointed to the invitation next to him, "As the referee of this competition, I made a fair and just statistical conclusion. Here are all the invitations. There are also surveillance videos at the door of the old house. You can view these invitations. You can also check the monitored video."

The old patriarch’s words are naturally trustworthy, and if they really want to falsify, there is no need to say that they don’t have an invitation.

Su Liang sank down on the sofa with an earthy expression on his face.

Although Su Zixuan was very unconvinced, he knew that they had lost the game completely!

The people from Xiaosu's house were silent. At this time, the second master said: "Patriarch, since the conclusion that you are also playing here today has come out, then this time Chenchen's position is completely secured?"

The old patriarch nodded with a smile, and looked at Su Chen with satisfaction, "Yes, according to what we said at the meeting, Master Su Chen has passed three competitions and won very beautifully in each of them, so Master Su Chen is the well-deserved heir to the Su family!"

Second Master Su looked at the three of the Xiaosu family over there, "Do you have anything else to say?"

The three of Xiao Su's family lowered their heads, and in the end Su Liang couldn't help it, and actively said, "Second grandfather, we have nothing to say. Young Master Su Chen is indeed very capable and has won three games. This heir is not him. It must be."

Su Yuanzhong saw his father say something, and hurriedly said, "Master Su Chen is really the eldest grandson of our Su family. Naturally, he has nothing to say about his ability!"

Su Zixuan saw that both his father and grandpa spoke, and everyone was looking at him. Although he was unwilling, he had to bow his head.

"Master Su Chen is the well-deserved heir."

Su Liang knew that they hadn't won the chance, so he quickly took advantage of this time to make up for the mistakes they had made before.

"Second Master, Master Su Chen, we booked these three games before because we wanted the Su family to inherit better. These three games are all for the sake of the heir’s ability. Now we see Master Su Chen so good. , We are all relieved, Master Su Chen has a lot of everything before, and don’t have a general knowledge of us."

Su Zixuan was very angry when he heard Grandpa say this.

They came here today to check and accept the last game, but now the result came out. They said it was so embarrassing that Su Zixuan didn’t want to stay anymore. Today’s banquet was prepared by the Su family for Su Chen. There was nothing wrong with them at all.

And none of the people in the venue came for them. Everyone came for Su Chen, and even if they stayed, they would not have any effect.

All the accumulations over the years seem to have turned into a cloud of smoke at this moment. Although their family has exhausted everything, no one is on their side.

Su Zixuan said with a frustrated expression: "Today is a good day for Master Su Chen and Master Hao Qian, we will not bother."

After    finished speaking, he pushed his wheelchair and called his father and grandpa to leave together.

Su Chen, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Do you want to go now?"

As soon as he finished saying this, the butler immediately sent someone to stand up and blocked the way of the three of Xiao Su's family.

The three members of Xiao Su's family looked up at Su Chen, not understanding what he meant.

Su Zixuan said: "We lost the last game of Master Su Chen, and we have already admitted your identity. The purpose of this banquet tonight is to announce to everyone that you and Master Hao Qian are going home. There is nothing to do with the Su family, and we are only afraid that it will hinder your eyes if we stay."

"It seems that you are quite self-aware. Don't worry, I won't keep you for today's banquet, but after talking about the competition, you want to walk away so easily, it's a good idea too!" Su Chen sneered Said.

Just when the three of Xiao Su's family didn't know what Su Chen wanted to do, Su Chen suddenly took a document from the second master.

"This is the agreement of the year that I asked Grandpa Second to find out. I took a look at the content of the entire agreement. The agreement said that the Su family at that time divided one-third of the property to Su Liang, and the remaining three-point. The second is inherited by the Su family."

"The agreement is very clear. This one-third of the property is the inherited property right of your Xiao Su family, but the result is clear at a glance. In the following ten years, Su Liang caused this one-third of the property due to poor management. All the family properties were in decline, and finally when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, it was taken back by the Su family."

"In this way, this one-third of the property has already been lost in your hands."

"And what the agreement says is very clear. At that time, this one-third of the property was your foundation, and the remaining two-thirds had nothing to do with your Xiao Su family."

"Master Su Chen, what do you mean by this?" Su Liang's face turned pale.

Su Yuanzhong and Su Zixuan may not know the specific content of the agreement, but he signed the agreement himself, and he knows it very well in his heart.

So when Su Chen talked about the agreement, Su Liang couldn't help but become scared.

Su Chen said with a sneer in his fearful eyes: "I mean that the property that originally belonged to you has now been defeated by So the current writer has a little relationship with you. nothing!"

"Originally, the second master was also kind, considering your ancestors, you can be regarded as making contributions and contributions to the Su family, so in these years, even after the recovery of your industry, the Su family has given you some financial support. But these are totally illegal in the contract."

"I took out this contract today, just to tell you that the Su family will no longer give you any financial support in the future, and that you can’t bluff and deceive outside under the name of the Su family. Since one part of the industrial losses is recovered, the relationship between you and the Su family has been clearly divided. If you dare to go out under the name of the Xiao Su family, then we will use the content of this agreement , To investigate your corresponding legal responsibilities!"

Su Yuanzhong and Su Zixuan didn’t know what was going on, why did it suddenly become like this?

Su Zixuan asked Grandpa in a low voice, "Grandpa, what is the content of this agreement, why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Su Liang frowned tightly. The content of the agreement is indeed what Su Chen said, but the key is that after he accidentally ruined all his fortunes, the Su family also recycled all these companies back!


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