Published at 21st of December 2021 09:32:11 AM

Chapter 385: Su hen

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Xu Yuncong was full of grievances at the moment, but when his grandfather asked him that, he was even more unhappy. He cried and shouted: "Grandpa, Tuan Tuan and Lele have been bullying me. They don't want to be with me. Play together, they also bullied me with other kids!"

"Nonsense!" Tuantuan scolded angrily.

Su Chen gently patted his daughter on the back, and said warmly: "Tuantuan, it's okay, don't be angry."

Xu Yongsheng looked at Su Chen and said, "Master Su Chen, look at this... it seems that the children are not getting along well, and the problem is not big..."

"What problem is not a problem, do you think I came here to solve the problem? I am here to support our two children. What is the matter? Since the three children don’t know what to say, let the adults around you Let’s talk about it, the staff, call them to me immediately, if they don’t know anything, they will immediately adjust the monitoring!" Su Chen was a little angry, the staff immediately acted, and the parties all ran over. Someone has to adjust the monitoring.

Xu Yongsheng knows his grandson’s beating sex, and it’s happening right now. The company is Xu Yuncong’s fault. He doesn’t want to make things big, so he said to Su Chen: “Master Sucheng is just a little joke of the children, there’s no need to do it. It must be so big. Today is the Su family's banquet and there are so many guests. I want to show a joke to others. Or else, I ask Yun Cong to apologize to Tuan Tuan and Lele."

"Apologize? It seems that my family's music is very unreasonable, and it is taking advantage of us? Mr. Xu, what happened, we will know when we look at the monitoring later, today is our Su family's banquet. I'm not afraid to make things big, I just ask for the truth!"

"This...this is really unnecessary, Master Su Chen..."

"It's not up to you whether it is necessary or not!"

"But now, it's my Yun Cong who is crying." Xu Yongsheng said.

"Who is crying and who is reasonable? It's just that children deal with the problem like this, but you, an adult, don't even understand this truth?" Su Chen scolded angrily.

Xu Yongsheng frowned slightly and stood there awkwardly.

At this time, the monitoring has been brought over, Su Chen looked at it once, and then threw the tablet computer to Xu Yongsheng over there.

"Look for yourself!"

The children next to him couldn’t help saying, “It’s Xu Yuncong’s fault. He bullied other children in the children’s playground. He still had to be friends with Tuan Tuan Le Le. Tu Tuan Le Le didn’t want to be friends with him, so he bullied others and made friends with him. In the Tuan Tuan Music Competition, if he loses, he refuses to admit it. If he asks him to apologize, he will cry!"

"Yes, Tuantuan and Lele are right, they are great! They have protected our children! And the competition has won!"

"Yes, this is Xu Yuncong's fault!"

Xu Yongsheng got out of a cold sweat, and silently said in his heart, this Su Chen is really hard to deal with. The adults know about the children, and he also apologized just now. Why did he have to find out?

After watching the video absentmindedly, he felt that there was nothing wrong with what Yun Cong did. He asked Yun Cong to be friends with Tuan Tuan Yue Le. Who would have thought Tuan Tuan Yue was so...just right?

is obviously a child, it is just a moment of emotional disturbance, in his opinion it is not a big deal.

But now Su Chen got angry, and the other children were also leaning towards the group. Xu Yongsheng could only slap his baby grandson on the back, and said fiercely: "Yun Cong, who told you to bully the kids so much, you If you did something wrong, you don’t have to apologize properly. Why cry? Hurry up and apologize to Tuantuan and Lele!"

"Grandpa!" Xu Yuncong was extremely wronged. He had already apologized to the little girl just now, and now he has to apologize to Tuantuan and Lele. Why? Grandpa used to support him, so how come he has to apologize this time!

"Are you obedient or not? If you listen to Grandpa carefully, grandpa will take care of you when you go back!" Xu Yongsheng sent the goods, and Xu Yuncong didn't dare to resist any more.

He walked in front of Tuan Tuan Lele, and was forced by Xu Yongsheng to bend his waist, and bowed: "Tuan Tuan. Lele, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"There's more! Apologize to Uncle Su too!"

"Uncle Su Chen, I'm sorry...uuuuu..."

Tuantuan and Lele saw Xu Yuncong crying, so they couldn't help but look at his father.

Su Chen sneered: "Mr. Xu, what you said is correct. They are just children. Some things done wrong can be forgiven, but it is not because they are children that they did wrong things. Can be forgiven!"

"The things Xu Yuncong said to my son and daughter, I kept saying that it was taught by your Xu family, and you have also seen the video just now. Although Xu Yuncong did not bully our family and Lele, he bullied many other children. Your Xu family must give an explanation to the other big families!"

"Today is a party hosted by our Su family. Everyone is a guest of our Su family. If such a thing occurs, our Su family must also give an explanation to others!"

In this posture, he asked him to apologize to other children and parents?

Xu Yongsheng clenched his fists involuntarily.

It doesn’t matter if the child apologizes. He is in the Xu family now that he is in control. His father is the head of the Xu family. How can Su Chen dare to do this to him?

"Master Su Chen, I really watched the video just now. The child Yun Cong has been spoiled since he was young, and he has been used to a lot of stinky problems. After I return, I will educate her and his parents. But today He also overthrew a little girl. He didn’t actually make any serious mistakes to other children. Just now, he had already apologized to the little girl under the guidance of group singing and Lele, or else I think it's fine for this matter."

"Xu Yuncong is not bullying our child. Tuantuan and Lele have already competed with him. He is the one who loses. As for other children, do you want to forgive your Xu Yuncong or even forgive your adults from the Xu family, I It's up to you to tell their parents yourself!" Su Chen's attitude was firm.

Xu Yongsheng clenched his fists and raised his head to look at Su Chen and said, "Master Su Chen, are you asking me to apologize to the parents in public?"

"I'm just telling you what to do. As for whether to apologize or other ways of compensation, just see what other parents say you can do it!"

"I..." Xu Yongsheng didn't finish speaking, so Erye Su came over.

"What's the matter? Why do people come here?" He asked seriously.

Seeing Su Chen, he smiled and walked up and said, "Dust Chen, why did you come to the kid? Many people in the front hall are looking for you."

"Second grandfather, there is a little problem with the child, I'll come and take care of it."

Su Erye was taken aback for a moment, and then asked the staff next to him. After knowing what happened, Su Erye said angrily: "Your Xu family is really good!"


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