Published at 21st of December 2021 09:31:46 AM

Chapter 402: Offi ially begin

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After the dinner that day, Su Erye announced to everyone that the uncle’s house had nothing to do with their Su family’s old house. Although this was just a word from Su Chen, it was a catastrophe for their Xiao Su family.

They felt the pain in just a few days.

Before, for the dinner, they had mortgaged all the real estate. Originally, this kind of thing was not a big deal. The bank knew that their identity would not take back the house so quickly.

By relying on the previous industrial land, they can make a living by collecting rent.

But Su Chen and the others spoke behind them, and the snobbery of the bank immediately attacked and took away their houses, and they were almost on the street these days when they returned.

It was Su Zixuan who relied on some of the previous games to save a little bit, which made them reluctantly find a place to sit down.

But that little money was not enough for the three of their grandparents to live, so they pawned many things in the house. They were in very poor condition when they came today, especially Su Liang really seemed to be a dying old man. It is possible to drive Hexi at any time.

Obviously he is younger than Su Jianqing and Su Erye, but he has grown white hair these days. I don’t know if he has no money to dye his hair or something. Today, he didn’t take care of Su Yuanzhong and Su Zixuan much. All of them have not even shaved their beards, and the three stand out among the crowd.

Su Zixuan has had enough in just a few days. This kind of life, he has been a goddess since he was a child, and he has extraordinary abilities when he grows up. He has always been a man of attention, but now he has lived a life like a dog. Days and hearts are naturally unbalanced.

So he said: "Grandpa, we can't just leave it alone. Today, while the big guys are there and in front of the ancestors, we must make it clear to the old house, and they can't lose it anyway. Next door!"

Su Liang glanced at him and shook his head painfully, "Forget it, Zixuan, don't you understand? Now the Su family is under Su Chen's world, and his attitude towards us is very clear, even if we beg for food, He won't want to take a bite, so he will finish this ceremony quietly today, and go back early!"


The old house of the Su family.

Su Jianqing led everyone into the ancestral hall. The butler led the people to stand on both sides, holding the prepared incense in his hand, and giving money and incense to the ancestors one by one.

Tuantuan and Lele are the first to participate in such a serious ceremony. Although they don’t know what to do, they see that the expressions on the faces of father and mother are very serious. They also restrained their emotions and stood by their father and mother very well-behaved. .

The process in the family is relatively simple. After they finished offering incense to the ancestors in turn, Su Jianqing said to the ranking above: "The ancestors of the Su family, today we will be hosting Su Haoqian, Su Chen and their families. The ceremony of acknowledging the ancestors and returning to the ancestors. I hope to get your permission and blessings. In the presence of all the ancestors and ancestors, I will write their names on our Su family tree."

That day they only added Su Chen's name on the Su family's genealogy, but in today's ceremony, they want to write the names of Su Chen and Su Haoqian on the Su family's genealogy.

At 6:30 when I left the old house, I drove to Leiguang Temple at 7:20. Today's ceremony started at 7:30, and the guests had arrived early.

Leiguang Temple is built on the hillside. The ancestral hall of the Su clan is at the top. It takes thousands of steps from below to reach the final ancestral hall.

This also symbolizes the respect of future generations to their ancestors.

The censer in front of the door has been cleaned, and now only 3% of the incense sticks inside, and the air smells of burning incense ash.

The abbot of Leiguang Temple and the people in the temple stood on the steps below, waiting for their arrival.

A huge banner was pulled at the door, with today's theme written on it, with the names of Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu, Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, and Tuan Tuan He Le Le.

The major media also arrived early. Seeing Su Chen and the others arrived, they immediately took out their cameras and started taking pictures.

Seeing Su Chen, Su Zixuan couldn't help clenching his fists.

The three of them are like bereaved dogs, but Su Chen and the others can stand here openly, and they will write their names in the Su family tree later.

How envious this thing makes him!

Because his grandmother is Erfang, their names can only appear in the family tree of the Su family, but not in the family tree of the Su family.

He was thinking before, if one day he becomes the heir of the social, the first thing is to hold such a grand ancestor recognition ceremony and write their names in the Su family tree.

The genealogy of the Su family will only be circulated within the family, but the genealogy of the Su family is different. In the future, anyone with the surname Su can see their names on the genealogy in Leiguang Temple.

But all this was ruined by Su Chen.

The things that I have dreamed of for more than 20 years have all become Su Chen's.

He was very unwilling, but he didn't dare to do anything when he thought of what his grandfather said.

They have nothing to lose, but even so, he dare not continue to provoke Su Chen at this time.

I was deprived of all rights when I just confronted Su Chen last time. Now I don’t even have the qualifications to enter the old house, and the old house is cut off. UU reading will provide all their financial support for them in the days to come. I don't know how to live.

If they are doing something to Su Chen now, I don’t know what they will become!

Su Zixuan's clenched hand slowly loosened, and the whole person's shoulders were drooping, looking at Su Chen who was standing in front of the huge incense burner with his wife and children, and silently lowered his head.

He really lost, he lost terribly.

After they finished the incense, the ceremony officially began. The old patriarch stood at the forefront, reading today's congratulatory message seriously.

"Dear relatives, distinguished guests, and patriarchs."

"Today more than one thousand of us gathered in this Leiguang Temple-also our Su family's ancestral hall, to participate in the'Emperor Su family's ancestor recognition celebration', colorful flags fluttering, golden dragons flying, the sound of firecrackers, one after another, gongs and drums, suona, sweet and sensational. There is a cheerful atmosphere everywhere, and on behalf of the Su family clan of the imperial capital, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu, Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, Su Jiale, and Su Muxue!"

"Several descendants of the Su family, based on the idea of ​​tracing back to the source and the determination to find their roots and ask their ancestors, worked tirelessly to travel from Zhonghai to the imperial capital. After repeated verifications, the two parties agreed that they have the same root and the same origin. Today's ancestor recognition ceremony is hereby held. ."



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