Published at 21st of December 2021 09:31:01 AM

Chapter 433: Tuantuan is really a genius baby

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Yan Bingxue hadn't finished speaking with Tuan Tuan, when the phone next to him suddenly rang.

She glanced at the caller ID, and said to Tuantuan: “Tuantuan, mom has an important call to answer. You will wait for mom here for a while, and mom will come to explain to you later.”

The little guy nodded obediently and digested what his mother had told her.

After Yan Bingxue left, the atmosphere in the meeting room instantly relaxed.

The high-level who had already packed up their things and was about to leave, did not leave now, and sat down and watched Tuantuan.

"Tuan Tuan, you are so cute~ How come you come to the company with your mother today? Aren't you on summer vacation now, baby~"

Seeing such a cute baby, everyone doesn't want to leave at all.

But just now, Yan Bingxue was thinking of Gao Lengfan, the president of her own, and everyone didn't dare to play around casually.

Now that Yan Bingxue is gone, they must seize the opportunity.

Tuantuan raised her head when she heard someone talking to her, "My hobby class is on holiday, so I came to the company with my mother, and I want to learn from my mother~"

"Tuan Tuan, do you like your mother's job? Then do you want to be the female president of the company like your mother in the future?"

"The dream of other children is to be a scientist, what is Tuantuan's dream?"

Everyone thinks that at Tuantuan’s age, maybe they still don’t understand what dreams are, just like everyone else, thinking that scientists are the best.

But Tuantuan said seriously: "My dream is to be like a mother! I can manage a lot of things every day, and I know a lot~just like my mother~"

Everyone laughed happily when they heard Tuantuan's words.

"We Tuantuan is indeed the president's baby. We already have a clear goal at such a young age!"

"Tuan Tuan, if you want to be a powerful female president like your mother, you have to work very hard. Auntie, how good are you in the test? See how you study at school~"

Tuantuan nodded, and said confidently: "Yes, auntie, my grades in school are very good. My brother and I both took the first place in the class at the end of the semester, and all three subjects were full marks~ "

"Is it? I got 100 points in all three courses. That group is really amazing! But to become a mother-like CEO, the most important thing is to be sensitive to numbers, so let's take your math test. ?"

"No problem! Auntie can test me for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division within one hundred~ But for anything other than one hundred...I can only do addition and subtraction for the time being. Multiplication and division are a little bit difficult, the teacher hasn't talked about it yet~"

Seeing what the little guy said in a good manner, everyone was amused by her.

No one thought about being embarrassed, but thought that Xiao Mengbao was too cute and wanted to play with her for a while.

So, the female colleague came up with a very simple addition and subtraction, "TuanTuan, how much is 7 plus 8?"

Tuantuan seemed to be shocked when he heard this question.

The female colleague was also shocked and smiled awkwardly. She was about to make a rescue, but she saw Tuantuan frowning and saying: "15...Auntie, I am already in kindergarten, not a one-year-old kid, you don't need to rely on me... Simple question."

The female colleague was completely taken aback. From the look in Tuantuan’s eyes, she saw contempt...

Um~ Is she being disgusted by Tuantuan?

"Haha~ I'm sorry Tuantuan. Auntie hasn't been to kindergarten for a long time. I don't know that the children in kindergarten are so good now. Then auntie is taking a harder question for you. Listen well~ How much is 68+29?"

As soon as she finished talking about the topic, Tuantuan’s answer was already given, "97."

The big guy looked at it and looked at Tuantuan in surprise.

"Tuan Tuan is so amazing~ Aunty just finished talking, even if you come out?"

Tuantuan nodded and said: "Auntie, I have said that I am not a one-year-old kid, I have learned mental arithmetic, you can test me with difficult questions~"

The little guy's self-confidence look stunned everyone.

Zhang Tezhu looked at the small group with a smile on his aunt.

woo~ The genius baby of the CEO’s house is so cute~

cute and smart~

How can there be such a perfect baby~

Such a smart Tuan Tuan will definitely become a strong woman as good as the CEO in the future!

It seems that she has to work hard and continue to learn so that she can continue to assist Tuantuan in the future~

Next, colleagues took turns to give Tuantuan questions. The questions became more and more difficult, but Tuantuan worked very quickly. Even for the multiplication and division of two digits, she gave the answer in seconds.

This stunned these high-level personnel.

Two-digit multiplication and division, let alone tuan tuan, even for them, some have to borrow a computer or make a draft to calculate it, but tuan tuan only needs to move a finger to calculate it directly!

Is such a genius baby real?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

Everyone finally understands that Tuantuan's remarks are not for fun, she is really going to be the successor of the president!

"Tuan Tuan, you are so amazing, you already know such complicated calculations at such a young age!"

"Yes, Tuan Tuan, the question just now took a long time for uncle, you actually figured it out all at once!"

"Tuantuan, how did you do it? Can you teach auntie?"

Tuantuan smiled happily in the crowd of compliments, and said: "Uncles and aunts, I have already told you, I learned mental arithmetic, these calculations are very simple for me."

"I know, to be like a mother, this is only the most basic, and I will continue to work hard in the future~"

The little guy is serious, UU reading www. Everyone at takes it seriously.

"The president is really amazing, Xiao Tuantuan is a genius child!"

"Yes, it seems that the future successor of our president is undoubtedly Tuantuan. It is really unexpected that Tuantuan already has such an IQ at such a small age."

"I was really shocked. I originally thought that our president is the most powerful, and we must be managed so well when leading the company at a young age. Certainly no one can match. But now seeing Tuan Tuan, I feel that Tuantuan might be better than us in the future. The president is amazing! With a strong woman mother like the president, and a heroic father like Mr. Su, our small group has a bright future!"

"Woo~ Tuantuan, you must remember Auntie~ Auntie wants to hug your thigh now!"

"And I~ Tuantuan, in the future you will take over the Chaofan Group, and my uncle will continue to work for you!"

Yan Bingxue opened the door and saw the lively scene at a glance. Everyone surrounded their daughter for a while.

She chuckled and said, "The meeting is over, what are you doing here? Now the president of Chaofan Group is still me! Go and work."

Everyone walked out with a smile, and did not forget to say: "President, Tuantuan is such a genius baby!"


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