Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:38 AM

Chapter 447: Return to the Imperial apital

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In the end, Su Chen decided to go to the imperial capital again the day after tomorrow.

One day is needed, and Yan Bingxue has to deal with the company's related matters.

And there are still things to deal with at home.

The small ball cannot be taken to the imperial capital.

The ball is now just over two months old and the vaccine has not yet been shot. This situation is not suitable for long-distance travel, and this age is the most dangerous time for dogs. The infectious bacteria in the body are in two It is most likely to occur in about a month.

So Su Chen could only keep the ball, planning to put it in Yan Zhenwei's house for a few days.

When    Tuantuan and Lele knew that they could not bring the ball to the imperial capital together, both of them had their mouths flat.

"Dad, why can't we go back to the old house with the ball? The ball is also our family, and the ball is really healthy!" Tuan Tuan said with a pouting mouth.

Lele looked at the ball with eyesight. Although it didn't take long for the ball to go home, the two of them played with the ball every day. For them, the ball was already a part of the family. .

And the ball is super cute and clingy. Every day when they come back, the ball will happily pounce on them at the door. Now they will be away for a while and can't see the ball. Whenever they think about it, the brothers and sisters love them. very sad.

"Dad, otherwise let's take the ball. If I can't see the ball for many days, I will miss the ball very much. And the ball is used to being with us. If I go to my grandparents' house The ball will be scared, just like coming to our house for the first time."

Su Chen looked at the two little ones, and had to repeat what he said just now.

"Tuan Tuan Lele, Dad knows that you don’t want to be separated from Qiuqiu, but for the sake of Qiuqiu’s health, we can’t take her to the Imperial Capital at this time. Think about whether you want a healthy ball or hope that the ball can be How about going back to the old house with you?"

Lele and Tuan Tuan both kept their mouths open and looked down at the unknowing little ball on the ground.

"Well, then we will go back without the ball this time, but next time we go home, the ball will grow up and the vaccine is over. We must take the ball over. I want to take the ball. Go for a run in the garden of the old house, there are so big balls, you will love it~"

"No problem, Dad promises you that when the ball gets bigger, we will take the ball back to the old mansion of the imperial capital together and let her run in the big yard."

"Dad, when shall we send the ball to grandfather's house? Can Qiuqiu still sleep at home tonight? Can Qiuqiu sleep with my brother and me at night, because we have to come back many days, I will I miss the ball!" Tuan Tuan said sadly.

Su Chen was a little embarrassed, and pursed his lips, "Hey, baby, we will fly to the Imperial Capital early in the morning tomorrow. It would not be good to disturb grandpa and grandma too early, so what I discussed with my mother is that we will be tonight. Take the ball to grandpa and grandma’s house for dinner, and then put the ball over there."

"Is it going to be delivered tonight? Then we won't be able to see the ball tonight, ooh~ Dad, I really can't bear the ball."

Seeing his daughter's sullen mouth and tearful eyes, Su Chen felt distressed in his heart. He held his daughter in his arms and gently stroked her back to soothe her emotions.

"Okay, Tuantuan, don’t be sad. Let’s go to the Imperial Capital to play for a few days. We will be back soon. You will be able to see the ball again in a few days, and the ball is at Grandma’s house. If you want to play the ball, Just play a video for grandma and chat with Qiuqiu in the video."

fell on his father's shoulders, sobbing sadly, "But the ball can't speak, Dad..."

The brain circuit of this little girl is really sober.

"The ball can see you in the video."

"okay then."

Lele squatted down, held the ball in her arms, stroked its little head and said, "I beg mom, dad and brothers and sisters to leave for a few days. In the last few days you will be sent to grandpa and grandma’s house. You have to listen to what your grandpa and grandma say, we will be back in a few days, and we will buy you some meat when we come back~"

The young ball couldn't understand what the owner was saying, but seeing Tuan Tuan and Lele with red eyes, the ball was also sad, his small eyes looked at the little owner with tears, and his hands kept holding Lele. His arms, as if trying to comfort him when he got up early.

Because we are going to be separated from the ball tonight, so the whole afternoon, the group and Lele spent the whole afternoon playing with the ball in the sun room. When we got tired of playing in the room, we took the ball to the yard and let it sit on the grass. Run unscrupulously.

Yan Bingxue finished handling the things in the company and went home early. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tuan Tuan and Lele playing games with Ball.

The two children sighed from time to time. Yan Bingxue asked her husband when she saw it, "Husband, what's the situation?"

"What else is going on, our dear son and daughter are reluctant to bear the puppies at home." Su Chen said helplessly.

He has been listening to Tuan Tuan He Lele and sighed a lot this afternoon.

Seeing the ball having a great time, Tuan Tuan sighed softly, and said to his brother sadly: "Brother, I think the ball is really good, she is not like we don’t know that we will be parting soon. Now, UU reading thought we were playing with her intently."

Lele said: "Yes, the puppies don't know what they are, so they don't feel sad, but we send it to grandma's house at night, and the ball will definitely be very sad when we leave."

Yan Bingxue was helping the ball to pack things up, and she couldn't help but smile when she heard the conversation between her son and daughter.

"Husband, how do I feel that Tuan Tuan and Lele are becoming more and more like little adults, look at what they are saying."

"For Tuan Tuan and Lele, Qiuqiu is the children in the family. They may instinctively regard themselves as big brothers and sisters. This is also good. The two little guys have become more and more sensible and mature because of taking care of Qiuqiu. , When we really have a second child in the future, they will treat their younger siblings very well.

"Puff~ brothers and sisters, don't you want me to have a third child, husband?" Yan Bingxue said irritably.

Su Chen smiled, holding his wife in her ear and whispered: "That's not necessarily true. Wife, you see, we both gave birth to dragon and phoenix fetuses. Maybe the second child is still two babies. We have this at home. gene."

Yan Bingxue lightly hit him, and Xiaofen put her fist on his chest, "You think it's good, there are two births, so you don't want to envy others~"


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