Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:31 AM

Chapter 451: Yan Bingxue parti ipates in the mother ir le of the Imperial apital

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After    Tuantuan and Lele returned to the imperial capital, they immediately posted to Moments.

The friends in   Emperor Capital knew that they were coming, and they were all super happy, and they chatted with them on WeChat in order to meet them.

So Tuantuan took her mom and dad’s hand and acted like a baby, "Mom and dad, shall we go and play with friends? We have not seen each other for more than a month. Although we have been chatting, we still want to sit and eat together. Let’s talk about the delicious food~ I finally came back this time. Like a riverside barbecue, can we also gather with friends from the Imperial Capital?"

Su Chen has no objection. The two children have a lot of friends. This is a good thing. The children have a cheerful personality and it is good to socialize with friends.

So he nodded and agreed, and Tuan Tuan and Lele immediately went to talk to their friends. Finally, everyone agreed to go to the restaurant for afternoon tea and meet and chat this afternoon.

Su Chen has to deal with the Su family's affairs, and the afternoon scene is basically children and women, so Yan Bingxue took the group and Lele to the afternoon party.

Yan Bingxue knew about this, so she dressed up in the room specially.

Su Chen looked at her with a smile, "Wife, two children are going to a party this afternoon, what are you doing so grandly?"

Yan Bingxue smiled at him in the mirror, holding the clothes on her body and making gestures, while saying: "Of course I have to be a little more grand~ Husband, this is the mother circle of the Imperial Capital~"

"Although I accompany the group and Lele, I represent you and the face of our Su family. As your wife, I must dress impeccably~"

But she remembers that at the banquet last time, many women were crazy about her husband~

At the party last time, she was considered to be very prestigious. Of course, she must continue to be elegant and decent when she goes to the children's party this time.

"Husband, you can help me see which of these two skirts is more suitable?"

Su Chen looked at the two long skirts, pointed to one of them in a champagne color and said, "This one is elegant and generous, suitable for the temperament of a wife."

Yan Bingxue nodded happily, and immediately took the clothes to change. After coming out, she continued to put on makeup, ready to dress herself properly.

"Husband, this time I will bring the group and Lele to the party, and I must let everyone know that I am a good woman who is worthy of you~"

When Su Chen heard this, he smiled gently.

The meeting place in the afternoon was in a children's restaurant. Although everyone did not specify it, Yan Bingxue still directly booked the restaurant so that no other guests would be disturbed, and so many children can also chat and play in peace.

Tuantuan and Lele saw the children they hadn't seen for a long time, and their emotions were very high.

The children in the Imperial Capital saw Tuan Tuan and Le Le, and immediately surrounded them happily.

Last time at the party, Tuan Tuan and Le Le showed great performance. In the hearts of all their children, Tuan Tuan and Le Le are Xiaoxiao’s heroes!

"Tuan Tuan Le Le~ You are finally back to the Imperial Capital again, and we have all missed you so much recently~ I haven't seen you at many gatherings, and we talk about you every time we get together~"

"Tuan Tuan~ Didn’t your ball come here? I saw the photo posted by your friends. The ball is really cute. I thought you would bring the ball over. I want to take a photo with the ball. ~"

Hearing this, Tuan Tuan happily explained to a friend: "Ball Ball did not come with us this time~ Because Ball Ball is still a puppy, only two months old, the vaccine has not been finished yet, if you sit at this time If the plane changes to a different place, it is very dangerous for the ball, so this time we put the ball in Zhonghai, but the next time we come back, the ball has grown up, we will definitely bring the ball over Yes, you will be able to see her then~"

"Really? Then we can play with the ball next time, you and Lele posted a video of you playing with the ball in the circle of friends, we all like the ball~"

The two little guys talked to their friends about the ball, and they were both extremely happy.

also patiently explained to his friends why the ball could not come this time.

Yan Bingxue felt very pleased when she saw this scene.

When the two little guys were at home, they were not willing to be separated from the ball, but now they can explain this matter patiently with their friends, and their performance outside is really good~

The children talked about the Lele game again, saying that they all watched the live broadcast of Lele, saying that Lele’s performance was very exciting.

The boys said they liked the little robot made by Lele.

"Lele, your Xiaole is so cool, especially after the transformation, holding a shield in the left hand and a weapon in the right hand, biubiubiu~ can shoot a lot of bullets, super handsome!"

"Lele, we saw your game. You finally defeated an oversized robot, and that robot was made by a big brother. My father said, you are the champion and the best!"

The girls also like the robot, they prefer the little music before the transformation.

"Tuan Tuan, I am so envious of you~ The robot your brother made is super tired, and he can play with you~"

The parents over there sat on the other side, watching their children while chatting with Yan Bingxue.

"Mrs. Su, UU reading, these two genius babies in your family are really excellent. We have watched the Lele game. It was on the news these two days. Lele is just like your Mr. Su. They are all geniuses in scientific research."

"Mrs. Su, it is a great honor for our children to be good friends with Tuan Tuan Lele. After the children met Tuan Tuan and Le Le at the banquet, they chanted Tuan Tuan music at home every day, and Tuan Tuan Le made a circle of friends. They can talk about it for several days~"

"Yeah, Mrs. Su, you don’t know. My daughter said that Tuan Tuan Yue is their idol every day at home, and because Tuan Tuan Yue has applied for interest classes, she is also going to apply for interest classes. They are all great, she is a good friend of the group music, can't hold back, haha~"

"My son is also not active at all in his homework. Mo Haw can be anxious to death. I saw Lelefa's circle of friends doing homework with the group. I took my schoolbag and went to the study to do my summer homework without saying anything. His dad didn’t know what was going on, but the child told us that he wanted to do homework with Tuan Tuan Yue Le. The power of this role model is really great~" It was Huo’s daughter-in-law who said this. I greeted Yan Bingxue and introduced myself.

Yan Bingxue knew her identity and was very polite to her. In the circle of the imperial capital, everyone knew who she was. Yan Bingxue was a star among the crowd, so she was naturally the only one who could sit next to her. big family.


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