Published at 21st of December 2021 09:39:04 AM

Chapter 46: Su's father and Su's mother are at the door of Su hen's house!

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Panpan kept dropping the golden beans, Tuantuan came immediately, took Panpan's hand, and gently wiped her tears with one hand, "Panpan, it's okay, I forgive you."

"I'm not angry, we are good friends."

Panpan nodded vigorously, and then the two children happily sat aside to eat skewers.

Panpan's father took a small stool and sat beside Su Chen, and said apologetically, "Mr. Su, I'm so embarrassed."

Su Chen shook his head, "It's okay, Panpan father, look at the two children, isn't it all right now, it was a trivial thing originally."

"It's still your generosity! Indeed, sometimes we parents are not as transparent as children. Tuantuan is like you, a generous kid. I hope to have such classmates. Her mother and I are very happy."

The children are reconciled, and the parents don’t have any knots. Panpan’s father simply moved the barbecue rack over and learnt to grill with Su Chen, because Su Chen’s grill is really delicious!

The two fathers had a barbecue while discussing their experiences with children.

Su Chen, a novice father, listened with gusto.

"Mr. Su, it's hard work to take care of children, but it's also happy. It's really amazing to watch the little guy grow up day by day."

"By the way, Mr. Su, I think your family Tuantuan also likes meat, not vegetables, is it also a bit picky?"

Su Chen nodded, "Yeah, Lele is okay, I eat both vegetables and meat, but Tuan Tuan doesn't work, so I love meat."

Panpan's father smiled, "It's strange to say that our two daughters love meat instead."

"Children don't have any body troubles, meat must taste better than green vegetables." Su Chen said.

"Yes, in order to correct this child’s picky eating problem, my mother and I did not know how many methods were tried. Now it is somewhat effective. I always mix the vegetables and meat with the cooking machine every time I cook. It's broken, and then squeezed into meatballs, kids, it's so foolish, it can't make a difference at all, haha."

Su Chen smiled and said, "This method is good, anyway, even if they think there is a problem, they will not doubt it when they see it is meat. I will try it later!"

"Well, this feasible method is coupled with Mr. Su's craftsmanship, Tuantuan will never find out, and..."

The two fathers were chatting about parenting experiences, and Su Chen's movements did not stop. His small barbecue stall seemed to be the barbecue restaurant here. The children were all standing by, making the parents embarrassed to come over and lick Replace the raw skewers with Su Chen's grilled face.

But eating people's mouths is short. After eating Su Chen's skewers, the children enjoyed themselves very much with Tuan Tuan Yue Le.

When going back, Tuantuan happily and Panpan said: “Panpan, this place is really fun, I will come now! Next time I will come with Baba Mama”

"My mother is going to work today to earn money, but Baba will accompany us. When the Ma Ma room is over, our family will come out to play together."

Panpan nodded, "Okay, then we have to come out to play together next time."

Tuantuan happily pulled the hook with her, Lele beside her, her mouth slightly raised.


When Su Chen returned home happily with the group, Yan Bingxue had already returned.

After she finished the video conference, she still had some work at hand, but there was no need to deal with it at the company, so she went home with the computer.

After moving to Su Chen's side, she suddenly found that she was much happier at home than at the company.

As long as there is a chance, she is willing to be by Su Chen and the two children.

The sound of opening the door came from the entrance, Yan Bingxue immediately raised her head and looked over. Before she saw anyone, she heard a happy voice.

"Baba Tuantuan is really happy today. Panpan told me that Baba barbecue is the best in the world."

Yan Bingxue stood up immediately and walked over to meet them.

"came back?"

"Ma Ma" rushed towards her quickly, plunged into her arms, Lele also happily walked over and stood beside her mother.

Su Chen changed his shoes and walked over, "Well, I'm back, you came back early today."

Yan Bingxue nodded, "I will bring back the rest of the work after the meeting."

"Dian Tuan Tuan and Le Le are not naughty, right?"

Before Su Chen answered, Tuantuan immediately replied: "No, my brother and I are super obedient."

"Mama, we are really super happy today, the barbecue made by Baba is really delicious, all the children love it."

She couldn't wait to share with her mother an interesting story about going out today, and she also talked about her quarrel with Panpan and then reconciled. She looked like she couldn't stop.

Yan Bingxue listened, looking at Su Chen who was drinking tea from time to time.

Hearing Tuantuan said that Su Chen baked a lot of skewers today, and the children around him ate them, she looked at him distressedly and said, "Thanks for your hard work today."

Su Chen shook his head, "It's not hard, I'm very happy to hang out with Tuantuan and Lele. Besides, if this is all hard work, how hard did you have before?"

Yan Bingxue lowered her head slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised.

He is very considerate of himself

It turned out that in his heart, she felt that it was very hard for her to raise Tuantuan and Lele until she was three years old.

People, it’s really strange that when she raised Tuan Tuan and Lele alone, she didn’t feel hard, but when Su Chen said that, she felt like a thousand grievances in her heart, and she wanted to ask the other party to hug her to relieve her. .

However, Yan Bingxue thought of seeing herself and Su Chen sleeping together in the morning and laughing, she quickly threw the idea out.

Turning his head to look at Tuan Tuan and Lele beside him, Yan Bingxue suddenly felt that the two of them seemed a bit bright in this scene.

She was amused by her own thoughts, looked up at Su Chen and said: "I don't have a hard time. UU reading"

Su Chen was slightly shocked when he heard this, and then laughed.

There seemed to be something self-evident in the smiles of the two of them.

After resting for a while, Su Chen checked the time and got up and said: "Mother, since you are back, then you accompany the group and Lele at home, I will go downstairs to buy some food, and I will cook a good meal for your mother in the evening. ."

"I cooked dinner for Tuantuan and Lele yesterday, but I haven't made a meal for you seriously yet."

After yesterday and today, Su Chen is now super confident in his cooking skills. He believes that his skills will definitely defeat the chef at home, making Yan Bingxue also applaud.

Yan Bingxue looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect that he was still worried that he hadn't eaten the food he cooked. In fact, she had eaten his noodles last night and was already very satisfied.

But Su Chen thinks of her, and of course she is happier if she wants to cook for her

Tuan Tuan clapped their hands happily, "Baba cooking is super delicious, and you can eat baba cooking again tonight."

"Oh, do you want to eat Baba rice?" Tuantuan was not only happy, but also asked Lele.

Lele's awkward little face blushed, originally wanting to say no, but thinking about the food Su Chen made last night, he couldn't help swallowing.

He wants to eat too!

The son's action has explained everything, Su Chen smiled and said: "Then you will wait at home for a while, I will buy you vegetables and cook."

Su Chen happily went out.

As he walked out of the complex to go to the vegetable market next to him, the other half, Father Su and Mother Su just arrived with big and small bags.

The three of them almost wiped their shoulders and missed it.

Father Su found his son's home according to the address on the phone.

The old couple stood at the door, and Mother Su asked nervously: "Old Su, we came suddenly and didn't say a word to our son. Will my son not be home, right?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!