Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:14 AM

Chapter 462: What does my wife want to do?

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They booked the presidential suite. Open the balcony door and you can see the Erhai Lake outside. This is the best suite in the hotel.

The air quality in Yuncheng is indeed much better than that of Imperial Capital and Zhonghai. When you look up, you can see a blue sky, blue sky and white clouds. This is a scenery that is difficult to see in a big city.

came to a new place, about to start a sweet family trip, Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked very excited.

The two little guys stood on the balcony, held up their mobile phone to take a picture of the sky, and then pointed the camera of the mobile phone at the Erhai Lake over there. They took a lot of photos, made them into a nine-square grid, and sent them to a circle of friends.

Gu Yuxin swiped her phone boredly, and suddenly saw two similar Moments, which were posted by Tuan Tuan and Lele at about the same time.

This place looks really familiar. Ms. Gu usually has no hobbies. She loves to stay at home, but she likes to watch other people travel online.

So she knew at a glance that this was the Erhai Lake in Yuncheng.

"Huh? Didn't Xue'er and their family Mr. Su take their two children to the Imperial Capital? Why did they go to Yuncheng again?"

"Call us Xueer to give condolences~"

Gu Yuxin called Yan Bingxue, "Hey, Xueer, what are you doing? Did you go to Yuncheng?"

Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Ms. Gu, have you installed any positioning software in my mobile phone? Your call came when I arrived in Yuncheng."

"I don't have that strange hobby~ I saw Tuan Tuan and Le Lefa's circle of friends. The photo looks like Erhai Lake in Yuncheng, but didn't your family go to the imperial capital? Why did you go to the cloud again? The city is gone?"

"I was back to the capital before, but my husband wanted to take advantage of the two children before school started, and the whole family would come out and play together."

"Tsk tusk tusk~ I am really envious, Mr. Su of your family is really the husband who came out of the idol drama! How long did your honeymoon trip end? Some time ago, the family was still playing in the Imperial Capital, and now he takes you out again I'm traveling~"

Yan Bingxue couldn't help but raise her mouth when she heard Ms. Gu say this.

proudly said: "My husband is gentle and considerate, and he is very kind to me and the children. He will take us out to play whenever he has time~ How about Ms. Gu, are you envious and jealous?"

"Yes, yes, what I envy is about to lie flat! How can the relationship between you and your Mr. Su get better day by day? Others say that after getting married, love will gradually fade. I think this is you and me. It’s getting sweeter and sweeter~ Between you two, I guess you won’t be able to tolerate Tuan Tuan and Lele soon~" Gu Yuxin said jokingly on the other side of the phone with a smile.

Yan Bingxue pursed her lips when she heard this.

Gu Yuxin blinked when she saw that she was silent, "What's the matter? Xueer, did I say something wrong?"

"No." Yan Bingxue's voice was dull.

"Is it still called? We have known each other for so many years. Even if we make a phone call, I can tell your tone, okay? Come on, what happened?"

"It's nothing terribly important, but what you just said to me reminded me of one thing."

Yan Bingxue told Gu Yuxin what had happened at the tender meeting.

After hearing this, Gu Yuxin roared on the spot: "How come Xu Ruhui is so standing and standing again? When I apologized to you that day, she pretended to be like a grandson, but she didn't give up yet? She is really good, knowing you and Mr. Su They are both married, and both of them have children, and they even hug Mr. Su. They have such wishful thinking!"

"I don't know what she thinks, but I know, my husband must have no idea about her. That day, Su Chen ignored her at all."

"Your Mr. Su is so good, why are you still upset?" Gu Yuxin asked.

"I'm not upset, I'm just thinking, you said my husband is so good, should I work harder to become the woman who can stand beside him?"

"Xue'er, you are finally getting your mind. I am so relieved! I think your idea is right, but your thinking is a bit off~" Gu Yuxin's voice on the other end of the phone became excited.

Yan Bingxue always felt that what she was going to say next might be beyond her expectation.

But still couldn't help asking: "What's the deviation?"

"You think, your husband is so good, and he told you that he wouldn't like those women. What can you do at this time?"

"You must not be jealous when you are jealous, because your Mr. Su has done a great job, so the only thing you can do is to show off your charm in front of your Mr. Su at any time, so that he has no time to see other women~ prison Hold his heart firmly, and bind his people!"

Yan Bingxue frowned upon hearing her remarks.

"Ms. Gu, have you been reading any weird novels recently?"

"No! I'm serious with you! Men like women to be dignified and generous when they are outside, but in front of themselves, it's better to be enchanting~"

"Didn’t you say that your Mr. Su is a unique good man, both excellent and dedicated, you feel that you must be worthy of him, then I think your current strength is already very good, although compared to Mr. Su... …It’s a little worse, but you are better than 99% of women!"

"So I think that for things like strength, you don't need to work hard anymore. What you have to work **** now is in your husband and wife life~"

" listen to me..."

Gu Yuxin on the other end of the phone chattered endlessly, Yan Bingxue's face slowly reddened, and his heartbeat continued to accelerate.

"Yu Xin, how do I think your approach is not very reliable..."

"I haven't tried, how do you know if it's reliable? Xueer, trust me, judging from my years of experience in romance novels, if you want to catch a man's heart, you have to first... ahem, you know~ Okay, I won’t bother you anymore. I will leave the time to Cher you to play freely. I believe in your abilities and your charm~"

hung up the phone with Ms. Gu, Yan Bingxue couldn’t help swallowing.

She walked back to the room slowly, and saw Su Chen sitting there, Tuan Tuan and Lele also playing on their mobile phones.

Yan Bingxue thought of what Gu Yuxin had said, so she said to Tuan Tuan He Le Le, "Tuan Tuan Le Le, I just saw a children’s paradise on this floor, so we turned right when we went out. The hotel said that there is a children’s paradise here. It's free, do you want to play for a while?"

The two little guys heard that there is a children's playground, and immediately ran out.

Su Chen raised his head to look at his wife, with a little scrutiny in his eyes.

What did the wife want to do after giving up the two children?


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