Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:55 AM

Chapter 474: My family is so ute

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At seven o'clock, Su Chen's family went downstairs to the hotel restaurant.

The woman and nun in the afternoon have been waiting there. Seeing Tuan Tuan and Lele, the expression of the nun did not seem to have changed much, but the person has stood up and followed Tuan Tuan's figure.

The woman also stood up and looked at Su Chen and his wife with a smile.

"Hello, I'm so sorry. I just remembered that in the afternoon, I forgot to introduce myself, and I forgot to ask the two surnames. Hello, my name is Yuli. This is my daughter."

Yan Bingxue said: "My two children are called Tuan Tuan Le Le, my husband's surname is Su."

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, Tuan Tuan and Lele are really lively and cute, like two little angels." Yuli said softly.

Yan Bingxue said: "The girls are also very cute."

Speaking of her family's daughter, Yuli's eyes changed slightly, and her tender eyes were stained with sadness.

But she recovered very quickly and seemed to be used to this situation.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, sit down quickly and go to school. Order whatever you want. Auntie pays the bill today."

"No, Miss Yuli." Yan Bingxue raised his hand.

Yuli shook her head, "Mrs. Su, I know that you and Mr. Su are not ordinary people at first sight. Tuan Tuan and Lele are also expensive, but today, I am really happy. It is rare for my daughter to meet someone I like outside. Kids, so I want to treat you to this meal."

Yan Bingxue saw her say so, so she stopped talking.

Tuantuan saw the chocolate tower over there, licked his mouth and said, "Mom, I'm going to get ice cream to eat~"

Yan Bingxue said: "Okay, but I can only eat one ball. I'm going to eat later. It's not good to eat too much at this time and it's cold, do you hear?"

Tuantuan nodded, and took the initiative to ask 囡囡, "囡囡, do you want to eat ice cream?"

囡囡 did not nod, but her body slipped off the stool.

Yuli saw her go with Tuan Tuan Lele behind her, tears in her eyes.

Turning her head to see Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, she wiped her tears with embarrassment, "Excuse me, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, I made you laugh. I have never seen my nanny play with the children so actively. "

"It's okay." Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Is my daughter... born like this?" Yan Bingxue knows that some children are born with autism, but it is very rare.

Yuli shook her head, "No, my nanny was also a very lively little girl at the beginning. Two years ago, her parents had a car accident. The nanny was just over two years old and was in that car. In order to protect her from failing to make it to the ambulance, her parents suffocated in front of her. The little girl has been suffering from this disease ever since."

Yan Bingxue's eyes were a little sad when she heard this.

Su Chen asked: "Then Miss Yuli and her daughter are not a mother-daughter relationship?"

Yuli nodded, "Mr. Su, I am the sister-in-law of her daughter and daughter. After her parents passed away, the daughter and daughter have been following me. There are very few relatives in the family and the children are too young. Although I was still in college at the time, but... …Seeing the girl alone, he took her to my side."

Yuli and Nun Nun look alike, if it weren't for her mother or aunt, I would have said it.


At dinner, Yuli seemed very active and took the initiative to take care of the three children. She is now only 25 or 6, but when she takes care of the children, she looks very gentle, especially for her daughters and daughters.

囡囡 This child is indeed pitiful, and he doesn't say a word when he eats, and his eyes are silently watching Tuan Tuan.

Yan Bingxue heard about the little girl’s experience and felt very sympathetic, so at dinner she asked her daughter, “You love our family, don’t you like Tuantuan?”

囡囡 still doesn't speak, but her eyes are staring round and round.

Yan Bingxue said to Tuantuan: "Tuan Tuan, my daughter is not a little sister, she is one year older than you."

Tuantuan was a little surprised, "Huh? Is the daughter bigger than me? I think she looks so thin and small, I thought she was a little sister~"

This afternoon, she and her elder brother always thought that 囡囡 was a little sister, and when they introduced them to their parents, they also said they were new little sisters.

Yuli heard the words: "The daughter has grown a little bit slowly in the past two years. With autism, she is a little thin, and looks shorter than Tuantuan, but she is more than four years old this year."

Special children are always pitiful.

Yan Bingxue is a mother herself. Seeing this situation, it is inevitable that she feels a little more sympathetic to her daughter.

Su Chen had a good attitude towards Nun Nun, and took the initiative to put Nun Nun's favorite dishes in front of her.

But to Yuli, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue did not say much.

After eating, a few people went upstairs together, and when they arrived at the door, Yuli said in surprise: "Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, do you live here? What a coincidence, it turns out that we have been living next door."

said, she took out her room card and opened the door of the suite next door.

Yan Bingxue was also surprised, "What a coincidence."

Yuli nodded, "Yes, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, how many days are you going to play in Yuncheng? My daughter really likes Tuan Tuan and Lele. If I have the opportunity, I wonder if the kids can still play together?"

"Actually, I brought my daughter to Yuncheng this time, just to let her change the environment and see a different scenery. I hope her condition will be better. The doctor said that the child still has a chance to get better at this time."

Yan Bingxue nodded when she heard this, "Okay, we should play for a few more days. The children should still have a chance to play Yuli looked at her gratefully, "Thank you. With Mrs. Su, it is her greatest luck to meet such a cute little angel as Tuan Tuan Yue Le. It is not too early today, so let's go back and rest first. "

Yuli advances and retreats well, and after getting Yan Bingxue's consent, she doesn't say much immediately.

Yan Bingxue returned to the room and settled down the two little guys before returning to the master bedroom.

"Husband, the child is so pitiful." She sighed softly.

Su Chen circled her from behind, "Well, the kid has autism, which is really distressing and regrettable."

"Yes, I have been eating for so long today, and my daughter didn't say a word. When our group Le Lego was happy to eat, I saw Yuli's expression really envied us, hey, it's really unpleasant to see people."

"Wife, don't think so much, everyone has their own destiny." Su Chen whispered.

His eyes are slightly deep, making people unable to understand what he is thinking.

In the next room, Yuli looked at her, sighed softly, and said to herself like: "Nanny, tomorrow morning, let's go find a group and have fun with Lele, okay?"

囡囡 did not answer her, lowered her head and silently played with her Rubik's Cube.


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