Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:51 AM

Chapter 477: Su Family Dinner

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Rika's face changed slightly, and he quickly said, "Mr. Su Chen, it has nothing to do with me!"

"These people weren't sent by Mr. Ike. Mr. Ike can find out about your visit to Cloud City this time, and others can definitely find it too."

Su Chen sneered, without saying anything, he directly twisted the big arm with one hand, and slammed into force.

That big guy wasn't a vegetarian either. Although the incident happened suddenly, his physical reaction was pretty good. Knowing that Su Chen's posture was very unfavorable for him, if he was controlled, the people under his hands would definitely not dare to do it.

Scar man made a decisive decision and directly withdrew his arm. At this time, his right hand was directly dislocated, and he was attached to his shoulder softly, and his painful forehead was sweating.

The people under his hand saw that his eldest brother had dislocated his hand, and immediately became angry, "Brothers, give it to me!"

More than a dozen groups of people attacked, Su Chen calmly moved his wrists and neck, fingers clenched his fists, making a powerful creaking sound.

But Su Chen hadn’t made a move yet, and Rika suddenly rushed out behind her. She was really good at fisting, but the other party was not weak. They were all real practitioners, facing the siege of more than a dozen people, Rika It's not that easy.

Su Chen, who had originally planned to get it done, now calmly leaned against the wall to watch the show.

He took out a cigarette and lighted it, and smoked it leisurely.

When Rika saw this scene, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on her forehead. She didn't dare to be distracted. These people in front of her were very powerful. At the glance of Su Chen, she received a fist on her arm, which made her take a step back. , His eyes became fierce.

The other party took out a long knife weapon, Rika also pulled out the nunchaku around her waist, and the sound of metal collision was endless.

Su Chen glanced at the monitor above, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Rika was struggling to deal with it, but seeing that Su Chen didn't mean to help, she didn't dare to speak out, gritting her teeth and continuing to fight with the other party.

Rika has outstanding ability. After all, he is the imperial thug for pushing t. It is not a problem to deal with these more than a dozen people. The other party can't help but see the injured brothers. Withdraw first!"

After the opponent ran away, Rika firmly supported the wall. She was also injured. She was slashed in her arm, and the blood flow continued. She suffered a few hits and wounds all over her body. More importantly, she was struggling. She was almost exhausted. Exhausted, leaning on the wall and breathing slightly.

She looked up at Su Chen and asked weakly, "Mr. Su, why don't you take action?"

Su Chen just finished smoking a cigarette and trampled the cigarette **** out. He smiled and said, "If I did, wouldn't it be a waste of the good show Miss Rika specially arranged?"

Rika frowned and asked, "Mr. Su Chen, why are you so sure that these people were sent by me? If they were really people sent by me, how could they put such a heavy hand on me?"

She showed her **** arm, her eyes were slightly angry.

When most people saw this scene, they would be grateful to her for saving her life, but facing Su Chen, this trick was still too weak.

"Then I have to ask Miss Rika, why use such a bitter trick." Su Chen said.

Rika frowned, pursing her lips and said, "Mr. Su Chen, it's really not me."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Su Chen said with a smile before planning to leave.

Rika couldn't help but followed curiously, and stood in front of Su Chen and asked, "Mr. Su Chen, can you tell me why you think these people were sent by me? Just because I was in the bar just now. I told you that only I can protect you?"

Su Chen glanced at her impatiently, "This is the corridor of a star-rated hotel. A group of people who are here to make trouble enter with knives. You have been playing in the corridor for ten minutes, and the surveillance overhead is like a display, Rui Miss Ka thinks these are all reasonable?"

Rika was speechless, and looked at the monitor over there with a look of chagrin.

"Mr. Su Chen is really smart. My little trick can't deceive you, but I didn't intend to let these people hurt you. I arranged all this just to let you know that if I'm by your side, I will protect you! Even..."

"Even if I pay my own life!"

Rika looked at Su Chen firmly.

Although the matter was revealed, she still did not panic, because these people were carefully arranged by her, and they were not really to deal with Su Chen. In order to let Su Chen see her true abilities, she found a lot of people from the world. A powerful bodyguard organization, and requires them to attack with all their strength at other times as long as they don't hurt their lives, and don't need to show mercy.

It wasn't to play a bitter trick in front of Su Chen, but she knew that Su Chen was smart, and if she falsified, she might be seen through at a glance, but Rika still missed this monitoring problem.

"Miss Rika, please don't waste your efforts. Go back and tell your family Ike, Su Chen, it is impossible to cooperate with the Twitter group."

Su Chen turned around and left without even looking at Rika's injured arm.

Rika clutched her arm and frowned as she looked at his leaving back.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen was so indifferent to her. He really lost his wife and broke down tonight, not only hurting himself, but also failed to pull Long Su Chen.

With such a result, how can I go back and go back?

Rika returned to her room and took out the medicine kit to clean the wound. When she was about to bandage, she suddenly stopped, took out her mobile phone, and made a video call to Ike.

In the video, UU Reading Ike saw the wound on Rika's arm and frowned and asked, "What's the matter? I asked you to use beauty tricks. Why are you still injured?"

Rika said: "Chairman, I'm sorry, I failed to convince Mr. Su Chen, he seems to have a soft spot for his wife, my advantage is force, so I arranged a play, in order to be realistic, I let the other party With all his strength, he hurt his arm, but even so, Su Chen still..."

"This Su Chen is really a hard bone!" Ike said angrily.

"Okay, you quickly deal with your wounds, don't come back first, continue to stay with Su Chen, this time our strategy fails, Luxi also has actions, you stare at it, what we can't do, can't Let the other mecha groups take the lead!"

"I see, chairman."

Rika hung up the phone and then continued to deal with her wounds.

Today's hard work did not impress Su Chen, but fortunately, Ike could see that he did his best.

Next, she must stop the plans of other mecha groups. If other people get Su Chen's mecha data, she might be really fatal after returning.

Rika sighed heavily, and said softly: "Su Chen, don't you really like me at all?"

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