Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:48 AM

Chapter 479: Su hen's family is not easy to fool

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Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Yuli returned to the room and immediately called her boss.

"Boss, everything is going well here. Neither Su Chen nor Yan Bingxue found out who I am. We went to the lake together yesterday and the snow mountain this afternoon. Before they return to Zhonghai, I will definitely be able to gain their trust. They became good friends!"

Luxi laughed on the other end of the phone, "Very well, that old man Ike, I must have never thought of it, my technique is much better than him!"

"Boss wise, your approach is really great. This autistic little girl can impress Tuan Tuan and Lele, as well as Yan Bingxue's sympathy. And I did not target Su Chen, but Listen to your instructions and be friends with Yan Bingxue first, so that they won't refuse our approach."

"Although this method is slow, it is effective. The old man Ike would not understand. They have a good old saying that they can’t eat hot tofu if they are impatient. Let’s take it step by step. You have become like them now. Friends, return to Zhonghai with them at that time, and find a way to be a guest at their home. You must remember that your ultimate goal is to get the data of Su Chen Mecha!"

"The boss can rest assured that I have never forgotten my mission."

"Well, try to contact me as little as possible over there. Su Chen is a very smart person. Now that you have not been discovered, you must know how to hide your identity. The little girl with autism must be optimistic, although she Don't dare to betray us, but you also try to avoid letting her and Su Chen's children get along alone. Let's make sure that nothing goes wrong!"

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely pay attention. I have to pack my things first, and I will go climbing the snow-capped mountains with them later."

Yuli hung up the phone and happily began to pack her things.

After half an hour, the luggage was ready, the thick clothes were put in the suitcase, and the rental car was already downstairs.

But Su Chen and Yan Bingxue's family have not yet come.

"Why are you preparing for such a long time?" Yuli was a little dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to urge her next door.

Can only continue to wait, this wait for another half an hour, seeing that the time has reached nine o'clock, Su Chen's house is still not moving.

They have to drive to climb the snow-capped mountains. If they don't leave, it will be a bit late.

And it takes such a long time to change clothes and pack a little baggage?

Yuli thought for a while, and decided to go to the next door to inquire.

As a result, she stood next door and knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from inside.

At this time, the hotel attendant pushed the car over, and Yuli said, "Hello, can you help me ask if the guests inside? I just knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response."

"Madam, sorry, are you sitting in this room?"

"No, I live next door. The person in this room is my friend. We made an appointment to go out together. However, they have been preparing for a long time. I just knocked on the door and there was no response. I was a little worried. , Can you please do me a favor?"

The other party looked at Yuli, with a little suspicion in her eyes.

"Madam, I am here to clean the room. The guest has already left. I received a call half an hour ago and asked us to do the housekeeping service."

"You said you are a friend of the owner of this room, and you have agreed to go out together. Didn't your friend tell you?"

Su Chen and the others have already left!

Yuli went back to the room and sat on the sofa frowning.

How could this be?

Didn't you say that you should go to the Snow Mountain together? How could Su Chen and his family leave half an hour ago?

"Did you forget to leave with me?"

"No, since I always remember to call room service, how could I forget that I was waiting for them next door!"

"Could it be that I showed my feet somewhere, did they find anything?"

Yuli was full of worries now, but she took out her mobile phone and looked through it for a long time, only to find that she did not have any contact information for Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

I just told the boss that she had become friends with Yan Bingxue and the others, but Yuli only realized now that she just thought they had become friends...


At this time, Su Chen and his family were already on their way to drifting in the mountains.

Tuantuan and Lele heard that they are going rafting today, and they are very much looking forward to this project.

"Mom and dad, didn't the aunts of the daughters and daughters say that they are going to play with us today? Why didn't they come?" Tuantuan asked in confusion.

Su Chen didn't want to tell the two children too many things between adults, and just asked her, "Tuan Tuan, do you want to be friends with the nanny?"

"We are friends, there is nothing to think about~"

"Then you want to play with them today?"

Tuantuan thought for a while and shook his head gently, "Although I and I are friends, but I don't think friends can stay together every day. My brother and I still prefer to play with mom and dad~"


Tuantuan pursed her lips, frowned and said, "I don't like her aunt very much. I think she is also very afraid of her aunt. Sometimes she and I play nicely with my brother, but when his aunt comes, She will tremble with fear."

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were a little surprised when their daughter said this.

Yuli is already a superb technique, and Nun Nan is a genuine autistic child. She originally thought that the two children would not find any clues, but she did not expect them to be so careful.

Su Chen was driving So Yan Bingxue explained Yuli's identity like two children.

Hearing that Yuli, like those aunts a few days ago, was here to quote her father, Tuantuan was immediately upset.

"Huh! No wonder I don't like this auntie, she is not a good person!"

"Dad, you are the best dad in the world. You can't be fooled by these bad aunts~ Tuantuan and Lele will protect you. My brother and I will not be fooled like those bad aunts! We want to Protect Dad!"

Su Chen heard her daughter's heart-warming words and looked at her in the rearview mirror with a smile, "Okay~ From then on, Tuantuan and Lele will do what they say, you must protect them when you encounter these bad aunts. Good father."

"Don't worry, Dad, Tuantuan's eyes are brighter~ You can tell who is the bad aunt at a glance!"

"Dad, Lele will work hard~ Although it was my younger sister who saw first this time, Lele also knew that her sister-in-law is very strange. Although she likes to play with us, we don’t know her. She is old Come to play with us, it's not right at first sight!"

The analysis of the two children is very clear.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!