Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:45 AM

Chapter 481: Su hen simply has no weaknesses!

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Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! After Luxi finished the phone call with Yuli, he immediately sat in the office leisurely and hummed a song.

He hummed, he couldn't help laughing.


"Ike, you old fox, this time I finally lost it!"

"When I get Su Chen's mecha data, let alone you stinky old man, even if you push the group, I won't take it seriously!"

"In the past few years, the losses I have suffered in front of you, I want to repay you twice."


Luxi's pride didn't last long. When Yuli came back the next day, Luxi saw her appear in the conference room with surprise in her eyes.

"Yuli? Why are you back!"

Yuli lowered her head, "I'm sorry, boss, my mission failed."

Luxi frowned, "What's the matter? Didn't you say that everything went well when you called me yesterday? How could it suddenly fail!"

"Boss, I always thought things were going well, and my acting was perfect, but I don’t know what happened. Su Chen didn’t know when I started to doubt me. Yesterday we had an appointment together. I went out to play, but their family directly released my pigeons. I originally wanted to inquire at night. My attitude was very good, but Su Chen had already seen everything. He asked me to come back to you and tell you... No matter what our conditions are, it is impossible for him to come to our group..."

When Luxi heard this, his face immediately changed, and he sat back to his position weakly.

"Where is the problem?"

Yuli lowered her head and shook her head, "Boss, I'm sorry, I really don't know how he could tell."

"I am trying my best to get close to Yan Bingxue in accordance with your instructions. I have always avoided suspicion about Su Chen, but in fact, Yan Bingxue's attitude towards me has been neither lukewarm nor cold in the past two days. Little girls with autism are better."

Luxi let out a heavy sigh, and did not speak for a while.

At this time yesterday, he was still proud. He felt that he had beaten the old fox Ike this time. He even had a dream in his heart. When he gets the mecha data, or draws Su Chen to the treasure group, then he can do it in the future. Riding on Ike's head, he returned all the humiliation he had suffered over the years.

But now, when he woke up, he realized that this was just a daydream he had done.

Without obtaining the data of Su Chen and Mecha, the Bao Group will never be able to surpass the Push Group, and he will be severely crushed by the old fox Ike.

The people in the audience looked at Luxi in a bad mood, so they all said below.

"Boss, don't be angry, Su Chen was originally a hard bone to chew, didn't Ike also failed?"

"Yes, boss, you think you only sent Yuli out, but I heard that Ike sent seven beauties to Su Chen in various ways, but Su Chen ignored them."

Speaking of this matter, the men in the conference room showed shocked expressions.

As men, they really couldn't imagine that Su Chen could see through all kinds of beauties and various ways of sending them to the door one by one, and was unmoved.

And they also knew that at the Mecha Summit before, their boss offered Su Chen very superior conditions, and even said that even the Bao Group could give in, but Su Chen still refused.

Does such a man who is not moved by any wealth, power, and beauty really exist?

Govey also received recent news from Su Chen.

The assistant reported to him about Ike and Luxi's situation. After Govey listened, he couldn't help but laugh.

"President, Tweet and Bao have already taken action, are we really doing nothing?"

They are also one of the three big groups. Originally, they lag behind the other two groups in mecha technology. If Push or Bao really succeeded in wooing Su Chen, after that, the survival of their group would be even more difficult.

Govey smiled and said, "What are you doing? Isn't the result obvious? All the people sent by Ike and Luxi went back in disgrace. At this moment, is it possible that you still want to touch this mold?"

"But if we don't do anything..."

"It's not that we don't do nothing, we can't do anything!"

"Last time we met with Su Chen, he made it very clear that he would not betray the Dragon Kingdom. As long as the mecha he made, it must represent the Long Science Academy and the Dragon Kingdom. It is impossible for us people to win him. We have to ask for cooperation, but there are some opportunities, but it is a pity that our group is not qualified enough to be in the eyes of others." Govey said calmly.

"So, how to approach Su Chen's road, Su Chen told us last time, we are working hard to do our own mecha research work, and when we are qualified to cooperate with them, we will go to Su Chen. This This is the only way to get close to him."

"Like the practices of Ike and Luxi, it is impossible to shake a man like Su Chen if he wants to use the infamous tactics of beauty."

After listening to his own president, the assistant chuckled softly: "President, you still have a thorough view."

"But I was really surprised when I heard this news today. UU Reading pushed Hebao Group to send out, but they are all first-class beauties, and I heard that even Ike’s side That Rika went into battle in person, but that is the baby beside Ike. I took it all these years for important occasions, but never let her accompany any boss. I didn’t expect that Ike would do this for Su Chen this time. ."

"But what makes me even more surprised is that when Su Chen faced so many beauties, he could still be calm and calm. He could see through the identity of the other party at a glance, and he was not moved at all. This Mr. Su Chen is really amazing!"

Govey remembered the last conversation with Su Chen, and his eyes were full of approval.

"Su Chen is indeed a talent. Although I only met him once, his conversation and temperament are still fresh in my memory until now."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that a young man in his early twenties could have such an aura."

"At that time, I knew that he would have a bright future in the future. After Dragon Kingdom announced the mecha this time, the name Su Chen is also a household name, but I believe that his future achievements will be even greater. Hurry up and order. Let’s not listen too much about things, and don’t want all the researchers to hurry up and do professional research in this area according to the mecha announced by Longguo. We must improve our level as soon as possible so that we have the opportunity to cooperate with Su Chen."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!