Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:38 AM

Chapter 486: Huo Xinzhi

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Although this banquet hall is big, the big guys' gossips also spread to the Xu family's ears, and the people in the Xu family can see clearly when they look at the lively eyes.

The Xu family felt that their face was about to be lost, especially when they saw the Su family and the Huo family talking happily on the main table, everyone in the Xu family gritted their teeth with hatred in their hearts.

On this occasion, they dare not say much.

Today, the Su family arranged them at the second table. It was nothing more than a matter of losing face. If they had a complete fallout with the Su family on this occasion, the Su family would definitely not let them go in business matters in the future. .

Old man Xu looked at the group of people and warned them with his eyes not to act rashly, so the family sat there swallowing.

It happened that the Sun family who was on the opposite side took the initiative to come up and chat with them. In the Xu family's view, the Sun family and them are not at the same level. But sitting at a table for dinner tonight, everyone else is watching jokes. Talking to Sun's family, I'm afraid the people around will even have to talk.

Old man Xu was already behind him, and he secretly said in his heart, this Su Chen is really clever, such an arrangement, their family is really hard to tell!


The atmosphere at the main table is very happy. The Huo family is in the martial arts business. Although they have been in the business field over the years, they have also been contaminated with some worldliness. However, since everyone is a martial artist, it is inevitable to look upright Looking at it, I think they are upright.

"Second Lord, Grandpa Su family, really congratulations. The Su family has been doing business in the military area all these years. This time, the Dragon Kingdom’s mecha business is in the hands of the Dao Su family. We civilians, that’s 100 Don't worry, besides, this mecha was made by Master Su Chen. Second Master Su, the Su family is really talented!" Master Huo smiled heartily.

Huo Xindao followed his grandfather and said sweetly: "Grandpa Su, Master Su Chen is now the great hero of our Dragon Kingdom. I am really honored to be able to have dinner with your family today. This will be enough in the future. I've been blowing the bull for half my life!"

Second Master Su smiled and talked to them, Huo Xinzhi over there always kept his eyes on Su Chen.

His eyes were direct and enthusiastic, with a bit of provocation between men. Su Chen quickly noticed and looked up at him.

His eyes were facing each other, Su Chen saw that the other party was a stern and majestic man, he was about 30 years old, in a straight suit with open shoulders, and he looked like a practicing family.

And he sat there with his waist upright, and his posture was a bit like a military person.

Huo Xinzhi saw Su Chen look over, immediately stood up, and reached out to Su Chen, "Hello, Master Su, my name is Huo Xinzhi."

Su Chen shook hands with him, and the second master Su looked at them with a smile, "Xinzhi is also back. No wonder I was overjoyed when I saw Huo's old man today. It turned out that it was the grandson of the baby who came back."

"Chenchen, you don't know this person yet. This is the grandson of the Huo family. He has taken up a senior post in the military region at a young age. It is the pride of the Huo family."

Huo Xinzhi looked at Su Chen and said, "Master Su Chen, I am afraid we will have a lot of opportunities to meet next. This time I will hand over the mecha-related matters in the restricted area. I have never had the opportunity to say hello to you before. When I came to the military area to practice, I happened to go out for a mission, but after watching the video, I have been in contact with your mecha during this period of time. You are very good, and this mecha is also perfect. People in our team Shocked!"

Su Chen heard that Huo Xinzhi was in charge of handing over the mecha, so he smiled and nodded at the other party.

In this way, the two will probably have more intersections in the future.

The Xu family frowned upon seeing this scene.

Xu Yongsheng whispered: "Why is this Huo Xinzhi also here?"

The old man said: "Huo Xinzhi is the person in charge of the mecha of the military region. Otherwise, why do you think the Huo family can sit at the main table today? Right now, the Huo family has already taken the lead. We seem to have to find another way out."

Xu Yongsheng's expression became serious when he heard his father's words.

The guests below are also discussing this matter.

"Huo Xinzhi is back? It seems that this time, the grandson of the Huo family came to say hello to Su Chen. Master Su Chen made a mecha, and the eldest master of the Huo family happened to be in charge of this matter in the military area. After coming here, the cooperation between the Su family and the Huo family will probably be closer."

"Today the Su family arranged such a position, it seems that it is not only to punish the Xu family for what they did before."

"The young master of the Huo family is in the military area. He is a hot celebrity, not to mention the ability of Young Master Su Chen. If these two cooperate, it will be really amazing!"

Now the big guys are speculating whether Huo Xinzhi came back this time to establish a good relationship with Su Chen and the Su family. Huo Xinzhi at the main table suddenly looked at Su Chen and said, “Master Su Chen, I’m in the military area. When I heard about your fighting skills, I want to try to compete with you!"

Huo Xinzhi's voice is loud and loud, and the Xu family who sits at the second table can hear these words clearly.

The Sun family also immediately talked to the people next to them, spreading from ten to ten, and soon the guests in the whole hall knew that the young master of the Huo family challenged Su Chen as soon as he and Still the challenge of fighting skills.

Just now was still guessing whether the two met this time for cooperation, and now everyone showed a look of surprise.

"Master Huo family, what are you going to do? The Huo family is not in the footsteps of the Bush family, right? Today, the summer vacation has been seated at the second table, and the Huo family finally sat at the main table at this time. Why is the Huo Family Young Master challenging Young Master Su Chen at this time?"

"With Young Master Su Chen's temperament, I guess the Huo family might not have any good fruit this time."

"Our imperial capital has been really lively recently. What the Xu family did at the banquet last time, I originally thought it was a good show, but I didn’t expect that today’s banquet would bring another Huo family’s eldest master to challenge Su. Master Chen’s fighting skills, I’ve heard that the last time Master Su Chen and the Su Zixuan from the Xiao Su family’s fighting match were very exciting, but unfortunately only people from the Su family were able to participate at that time. I just heard people say something about it. Today If Young Master Su Chen really wants to compete with Young Master Huo Family, then we will be able to feast our eyes!"

These crowds who watched the lively melons didn’t think it was a big deal, they craned their necks and looked at the main table over there.

The old man of the Xu family even snorted, "Old man Huo brought his grandson here. He originally wanted to have a good relationship with the Su family, but his grandson is really going to offend people as always."

"I want to see how long they can sit at the main table this time."

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