Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:33 AM

Chapter 489: Bravo

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Huo Xinzhi saw Su Chen coming on stage and seeing Su Chen's figure, his eyes became more and more excited.

It seems that this time I will definitely be able to have a good fight against the opponent!

Su Chen's figure looks like a trainer. This body's muscles are not like those piled up on protein powder in the gym all day long. The smooth lines are the result of long-term training.

Huo Xinzhi was very excited when he could meet Su Chen's opponent.

He can't wait to have a wonderful duel with Su Chen in the ring!

The game is about to start, Huo Xinzhi looked at Su Chen and said, "Master Su Chen, since we two are in the ring, we don’t have any identities. Later, we will all rely on reaching out and meeting each other. If we don’t Please forgive me for hurting you!"

When Su Chen heard this, he raised the corner of his mouth and tilted in a voice: "Young Master Huo is too confident. It's not always the one who hurts!"

Huo Xinzhi heard it, and his heart became even more excited. The referee announced the start of the game, and the two immediately shot.

This time Su Chen’s style of play is completely different from the last time Su Zixuan’s style of play. He understands the advanced fighting skills of the system. He has no skill. Moreover, Huo Xinzhi is different from Su Zixuan. Huo Xinzhi is the king in actual combat. Like Su Zixuan, what he learned was the game routines.

Therefore, the most test of the duel with Huo Xinzhi is the ability to respond on the spot. There is no need to listen to the reality of the opponent. The beginning is the climax.

The audience under the stage did not expect that the game was so wonderful from the beginning.

The two sides attacked each other and the offensive was very fierce, and everyone was too late to react, but I kept cheering.

The relatives of the Su family had the loudest voice. They had seen the match between Su Chen and Su Zixuan. They thought they had already seen the world, but they didn’t expect that today’s game was completely different. At first, it was as exciting as the finals. No, it's even more exciting than the finals!

Huo Xinzhi is a very strong opponent, and Young Master Su Chen is also inviting, and the match between these two men looks really exciting.

"Master Huo's family is really good, today's game is much more exciting than that day!"

"The opponent that day was Su Zixuan. Master Su Chen didn't need to exert all his strength, but this time it was Master Huo Jia personally. Both were powerful players. The process was definitely more exciting than that day."

On the stage, Su Chen turned around in a beautiful way and escaped a fierce attack by Huo Xinzhi. At the same time, his right leg swept back, and a beautiful sweeping leg was swept out.

Huo Xinzhi, who was on the opposite side of the attack, took a step back quickly, avoiding this trick dangerously.

After the two pushed them away, Huo Xinzhi wiped his nose excitedly, and said to Su Chen: "Master Su Chen is really amazing, I didn't mistake you, you are a very powerful opponent, come again!"

The two continued to fight, and the scene on the ring was very lively. Even the referee hid behind the stage, watching the match on the ring with anxious eyes. .

A game was very exciting. Although neither of them reached the other's key points, they both played very happily.

Su Chen also recognizes or knows this opponent very much in his heart. This feeling of meeting the opponent makes them feel excited for both of them.

At the end of the first half of the game, the two were still intact. Except for physical exhaustion, neither seemed to reach the other side's vitals.

From this point of view, the result is a bit difficult to distinguish.

The referee announced an intermission. After Su Chen and Huo Xinzhi shook hands, they returned to their respective arenas.

The women under the stage saw this scene, and they sucked in cold air one after another, and looked at the sweat coming down from the two of them, especially Su Chen.

In this scene, people can't help but feel weak.

Yan Bingxue saw her husband's sweaty look on her body, and could not help but clear her throat with affection, and her eyes began to erratic.

Seeing her husband walking towards her, she hurriedly took the prepared towel and handed it to her husband.

Su Chen didn't reach out to pick it up, but moved his face closer.

Yan Bingxue understood, chuckled, took the initiative to take the towel, helped Su Chen wipe the sweat from his cheeks, and then wiped the sweat off his body.

When the towel wiped Su Chen's chest muscles and abdominal muscles, there was a sound of cold breath under the stage.

When Su Chen heard this sound, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

These women seem to be completely fascinated by their bodies!

This **** nowhere charm.

It is estimated that tonight, the material in these women’s dreams is today’s game.

Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le ran over, and Tuan Tuan handed the water cup inside to Dad. Le Le said from the side: "Dad, you just had a wonderful fight~"

"Dad want to work hard~"

Su Chen touched the heads of his son and daughter, and smiled softly: "With the encouragement of our family group and Lele, and my mother wipes the sweat on my father herself, my father now feels full of vitality."

"Hee hee~ That dad must win later!"

"My dad is the best dad, no one is his opponent!"

"Husband, the young master of the Huo family is really good, but I also believe that my husband will definitely be able to beat him, my husband, come on!"

With the encouragement of his wife and children, Su Chen nodded confidently, "Relax, UU reading will give you the first place later."

After the start of the second half, Su Chen and Huo Xinzhi were not exhausted at all, and after a short break, their offensive became even more fierce.

The crowd in the audience couldn't believe it.

At first, everyone was discussing and cheering enthusiastically, but now there is no one talking, everyone is watching the game intently.

This game is really more exciting than professional!

Su Chen hit Huo Xinzhi's chest with a fist, Huo Xinzhi on the opposite side did not show any weakness, took the blow and swept Su Chen's thigh with one foot.

This was the first time that the two attacked the other's vital part, and they both took a step back involuntarily.

The people under the stage saw the thrilling, especially the people of the Huo family. Seeing the two people fighting so fiercely, the old man of the Huo family stood up excitedly.

The Huo family's mentality is very tangled right now. Of course they hope that Huo Xinzhi can win, but the opponent is Young Master Su Chen. Even if they win on this occasion, they don't know what price they will pay.

But if he really loses, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, Huo Xinzhi has been playing invincible hands all over the world since he was a child.

Old man Huo was still entangled at first. Now when he sees the two of them attacking each other, he only hopes that the game will end quickly. No matter who loses and who wins, don't cause any trouble.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!