Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:31 AM

Chapter 491: Su hen is too good!

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"Second Lord Su family, our Xu family has always respected you, but what you did tonight is too disappointing!"

"Although there are no express regulations on the arrangement of positions, every time our Xu family’s banquet does not place your Su family at the main table? Today, my old man came to congratulate you in person, but your family nevertheless Arrange us at the second table, that's fine, we didn't want to make trouble, but you are too much now!"

"What is wrong with my son just saying that? What the Huo family did at your party today is not to make it clear that they are going to have trouble with your Su family? Or is it that the Su family has already acquiesced to cooperate with the Huo family and intends to come? To squeeze out our Xu family together?"

"At the last dinner, my family's Ru Hui and Yun Cong were just PK with Mrs. Su and their two children. As a result, Master Su Chen asked our family to apologize in public. My old man had a face and brought My family apologized to you, but what the Huo family did today, shouldn’t it be the same as we did, and shouldn’t it be the same?”

Su Chen sneered after hearing what the Xu family said, "It turns out that the Xu family apologized to us in public that night and lost your Xu family's face? If that's the case, why didn't you say it that day?"

"When I listened to the words of Mr. Xu Jia, I must have felt that what I did was not wrong. No wonder you can’t see that I and Young Master Huo Jia’s match this time is exactly the same as the scene of that day. different."

"That day, Xu Yuncong bullied the children first. How come pk said that my two children were just fighting for justice for the other children, and your Xu family’s lady did not come to my wife with an attitude of discussing each other. For the test, I ask you to apologize. If you are not satisfied, you can say it on the spot. There is no need to find Huo’s unhappy on such an occasion today!"

"There is also today's location arrangement. This is a decision I made. In the business field, cooperation interests are emphasized. The Xu family doesn’t even understand this truth, right? Whoever has the ability to cooperate with our Su family can sit there. The main table, there is nothing wrong with my arrangement!"

"If the Xu family is not convinced, there is no need to hold it. The door of the Su family is there, and we won't keep guests!"

The Xu family was stunned.

Old man Xu never expected that Su Chen would say this in public!

He clearly wants to drive them away!

Originally thought it would be too much to arrange them at the second table, but I didn’t expect that now Su Chen said that he would not leave the slightest affection, and would directly drive their Xu family out of Su in front of everyone. Family banquet.

The old man of the Xu family gritted his teeth angrily, but seeing Su Chen's attitude, he knew that things had not turned around.

So he turned his head to look at the second master Su. He felt that Su Chen had just returned to the imperial capital and became famous when he was young. He was indeed too arrogant, but the second master of the Su family has been in the imperial capital for so long, and he has been in charge of the Su family. Do you give them the honor of Xu's family?

"The second master of the Su family, I don't know if Su Chen's remarks represent the attitude of your Su family. If this is the case, then our Xu family has nothing to say!"

The reason why the old man Xu dared to say this was because he believed that the second master Su would definitely not drive their Xu family out.

Otherwise, the scene tonight would be too embarrassing.

Who knows at this time, Su Erye smiled and looked at Su Chen and said: "Master Xu family may not know. At the last family meeting, Chenchen was already the heir of our Su family. What he said naturally represents us. The meaning of the Su family."

Su Jianqing directly greeted the security personnel next to him, "Did you not hear what the young master said? Don't hesitate to open the door for the Xu family!"

This attitude of chasing guests is surprisingly consistent.

Old man Xu was embarrassed and wanted to find a place to get in.

Looking at the guests watching the excitement around, the old man of the Xu family was about to bite his teeth.

waved his sleeves heavily, and gritted his teeth and said, "I want to stand here and do anything. People have already drove people out. It's impossible for us to stay and congratulate them, let's go!"

Before Xu Yongsheng left, he couldn't help but look back at the Su family's people and said, "Master Su Chen really spares no leeway in doing things. When we meet in business in the future, don't blame our Xu family for being merciless!"

The people from the Su family seem to have ignored the threat to him. Xu Yongsheng's last words not only did not restore any momentum, but made their Xu family look more like a joker.

Old man Xu was so angry that he kicked Xu Yongsheng's lap, "Hurry up and let me go, what do you do with so much nonsense!"

Watching their family leave, the hearts of those guests couldn't help but boil.

Regarding the development of the situation tonight, everyone said that they were shocked.

Master Su Chen is too rigid!

actually drove out the Xu family directly, in front of so many people, this is a direct announcement that they will not be with the Xu family anymore.

Never mind if it is a general family, but the Xu family is one of the three major families in the imperial capital anyway, and Young Master Su Chen's attitude is really admirable for his courage.

The Huo family did not expect things to develop like this. Seeing the Xu family go away in despair, the Huo family was delighted. UU read but in such an environment, they did not dare to relax at all.

Although Young Master Su Chen was not angry just because of Huo Xinzhi’s behavior, and he scolded the Xu family in public, but this is a matter between the Su family and the Xu family. Now that the Xu family has already left, I don’t know if the next unfortunate thing is. Their Huo family...

Su Chen on the stage didn't mean to embarrass Huo Xinzhi at all, and nodded gently with him, then turned and stepped down.

Huo Xinzhi followed in two steps and smiled heartily: "Master Su Chen, I have made you a friend. You are not only skilled, but also different from those in the business field. I admire your courage! "

"But what I admire most is your hand and foot skill. Next time in the military area, we must choose an open field and play a good game. This small ring is really not conducive to performance. I don't think we can play today. Have fun."

Su Chen believes now, this Huo Xinzhi is really a martial idiot.

"No problem." Su Chen smiled.

The two got off the stage and went to the back to take a shower and change clothes.

The guests also gathered around and congratulated the Su family members one after another: "Second Lord, Master Su Chen is really skilled, I didn't expect that even the high-level military district officers are not Master Su Chen's opponents!"

"Master Su Chen is too good!"

"Today we really have the blessing of Master Su Chen. We watched such a wonderful game, Second Master, your Master Su Chen is really an almighty genius!"

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