Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:27 AM

Chapter 494: The ball is so ute

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Tuan Tuan and Lele just clamored to see the ball, but at this time they really saw the ball, but the two little guys didn't move.

The six pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the ball seemed to have finally recognized the ball. The person who came was his little owner. The little guy screamed, rushed over excitedly, ran to the feet of Tuan Tuan and Lele, and surrounded them. Two people go around in circles.

Tuantuan and Lele finally reacted, and immediately squatted on the ground, picking up the ball that was constantly wagging its tail.

The ball kept digging into Tuantuan’s arms, and his furry head kept rubbing against Tuantuan and Lele.

"Hahaha~ You are so excited about the ball~"

"Oh, ball, don't lick me~ it's brother and sister who are back~"

"Small ball ball, you calm down~ so brothers and sisters can't take a good look at you~"

Ball ball stuck out his tongue excitedly, separated from the little owners for so long, and now suddenly seeing them two, it is difficult to calm his excitement.

Tuantuan and Lele were arched to the ground by it, and two people embraced it.

Yan Bingxue saw this scene and couldn't help taking out his mobile phone to record it.

Buying a puppy at home is indeed the most correct decision. The scene of the baby and the dog being together is really healing!

The three little guys made a lot of affection for a while, the ball ball's mood finally calmed down, Tuan Tuan and Lele finally found a chance to stand up, but ball ball has been following them two, no matter where the group music goes, ball ball They have been following at their feet, keeping every step of the way.

"The ball has really grown up a lot~ Grandpa and grandma, you have taken good care of the ball. I can hardly hold the ball now that it is heavy~"

Su Chen said with a smile: "The ball is a large dog. It is estimated that in two months, she will be bigger than the two of you. I am afraid that she will hug you by then."

Tuan Tuan Lele listened to Dad’s words and touched the ball’s little head and said, “Ball, did you hear what Dad said? You have to grow up quickly, so that you will soon surpass your brother and sister~ "

"And when you grow up, we don't have to be separated anymore. When we go out to play in the future, we can also take you with you~"

Qiuqiu didn't know if he understood what the little master said, he happily pulled Tuantuan's arm, and his little tail waved.

Tuantuan was turned over by her cute appearance, and hurriedly yelled Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu, "Grandpa and grandma, come and see~ the ball is really cute~"

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu came over and saw such a cute puppy, they couldn't help reaching out and touching the little guy's head.

Qiuqiu seemed to feel the taste of their family members. He did not reject the two grandparents who met for the first time. Instead, he kindly smelled them at their feet, and then put his little head on Lin Xiu's. There was a soft rub on the pants.

Lin Xiu saw this scene and touched the ball's head and said: "Our ball is really smart. The first time I met with grandparents, I knew we were a family~"

Tang Shuyun over there smiled and said, "Yes, our ball is indeed a super smart dog. Although it is smaller than the one next door, it is smarter than the one next door. too much."

"Recently, we often go out for dog walks with Grandma Xu next door. Our ball is very well-behaved. We always follow Lao Yan and me. Even if we encounter something that interests me, we won’t run very far. ."

"Last time, I took the ball out with a courier in my hand. There were a lot of things. A small courier bag accidentally fell. The ball saw that I didn’t have any hands to pick up things. I went home with me while biting on the courier bag. Such a small guy is so smart, and he will definitely grow up in the future."

Tuantuan and Lele listened to their grandmother telling these stories about Qiuqiu at home, and couldn't help touching the little guy’s head and complimenting: "The ball is really good~"

"The ball is doing such a great job, brother and sister brought you gifts~"

Tuan Tuan bought a lot of delicious food for the ball, and now the ball can't eat too hard food, so Tuan Tuan bought it milk cake, and the fragrant milk cake bag opened, and the aroma came out.

Qiuqiu seemed to realize that this was his food, and happily went around in circles.

can't wait to pull Tuantuan's arm, wanting to eat the milk cake in her hand.

Tuantuan broke a small piece, but I was a little afraid to feed the ball with my hands. When feeding the ball at home, I put the food in the food bowl, but now I have milk cake in my hand, I have to break it. Cut them into small pieces and feed them to the ball. Now the ball is already in a hurry, and Tuan Tuan can't get the dog bowl.

Feeding by hand for the first time, I felt a little scared in my heart.

But she believed in the ball, so she calmed the ball and said: "Ball, you can't be too anxious. If you are too anxious, you will bite your sister's hand~ My sister feeds you, you eat slowly. OK?"

Qiuqiu looked at Tuan Tuan, seeming to understand her words seriously.

Tuantuan carefully stretched out his hand, but the ball was still very anxious. Such a small dog suddenly saw the fragrant food, so he opened his mouth and bit down in a Tuantuan hurriedly took his hand back. Although he didn't bite her, Tuantuan was still taken aback.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue hurriedly walked over, but Tuantuan waved their hands at them, "Dad, Mom, I'm fine, the ball didn't bite my hand, she was just a little anxious, so I will tell her well. Let's talk about it~"

Seeing that his daughter is so sensible, Su Chen didn't step forward, but he still stood by and watched carefully.

Although Qiuqiu is a very well-behaved puppy, he is a dog after all and cannot understand language as well as humans. Moreover, even human children cannot control their behavior when they see food when they are young.

But Tuan Tuan was very patient with Qiuqiu, and continued to talk to her, "Yuqiu, you were too anxious just now, you scared sister, you can’t do this~"

The little guy seemed to understand what she meant. He just took away the food in a hurry, and found that Tuantuan was taken aback, and the little guy shrank aside.

At this moment Tuantuan stretched out her hand again, holding a piece of milk cake in her hand. The ball did not rush up as excitedly as before, but carefully came to Tuantuan’s hand, slowly opened her mouth, and took away what was in her hand. food.

Tuan Tuan jumped up happily, "Dad, I just said that the ball is very good~ She is no longer as anxious as before~"

The four elderly people over there also relaxed, watching the beautiful scenes of children getting along with puppies, and they felt extremely warm in their hearts.

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