Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:24 AM

Chapter 496: 2nd generation me ha

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Su Chen came to the Dragon Academy of Sciences today, and the second-generation mecha also plans to do research at the Academy of Dragon Sciences, but all the research data is shared with the mecha research department of Chaofan Group.

Knowing that he was back, Yuan Lao came to Su Chen the first time, and the two of them sat in Su Chen’s office and chatted.

Before Yuan Yuan had time to speak, the office door was knocked suddenly, and Lin Feifan stood at the door, looking at Su Chen with a smile on his face.

"Brother Su, I heard that you came back and came here the first time. I didn't expect the teacher to be more anxious than me. He came to you so soon. Are you going to say something? Will I be here? Excuse you?"

Old Yuan saw his own land and said angrily: "You have already come, I think you have been talking about your Su brother every day recently. If I drive you out now, I guess you don't have any thoughts about work. Just come in and sit down!"

Lin Feifan walked in and closed the office door.

He sat next to Su Chen with a smile on his face, "Brother Su, I have been earnestly completing the tasks you gave me these days when you were away. I have already remembered what you told me last time. I lived there, and made a simple design drawing according to your instructions. After you talked with the teacher later, can you go to my work cabin with me to take a look?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "No problem."

Lin Feifan smiled happily, and looked up at the teacher and said: "Teacher, are you here to find Brother Su, do you have anything to say? Tell me quickly, I will take up Brother Su's time later."

Yuan Lao looked at Su Chen, and then at his apprentice, the gap was really obvious at a glance.

Old Yuan Yuan said with a smile: "Fei Fan, you are really right when you call Brother Su. Although you are a few years older than Su Chen, I think you are not as mature and stable as others!"

"Sit here and wait, I do have something to talk with, Brother Su."

"Xiao Su, I heard something recently. Did you take your family to Yuncheng to play?" Yuan Lao asked.

Su Chen nodded, "Yes, the summer vacation between Tuan Tuan and Lele is about to end, and our family went to Yuncheng to play."

"I heard about the things that happened to you in Cloud City. I really didn't expect that the major mecha groups are panicking now to win you over. They actually came up with such a trick and sent so many beauties to you. Plan, did this have some influence on your journey?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, my wife and children only concentrate on playing with ourselves."

Old Yuan smiled heartily, "Haha, I also heard about this, I heard that the women they sent out, you can see through it at a glance, their conspiracy is in front of you, there is no room for time."

"Xiaosu, you are really young and promising, and your willpower is very firm. I heard that both the tweet group and the treasure s group have taken action. I took a lot of various beauties to look for you. I originally wanted to Using the beauties, I didn’t expect all of them to fail."

When Lin Feifan heard these words, he couldn't help but praised: "Brother Su, you are really amazing. How do you see that those mecha groups in the world have sent out? If I meet beautiful women to accost me, I must think this My own charm is extraordinary."

Old Yuan laughed at him, "If it were you, you would be fooled right away, so you can only call Su Chen as Brother Su. No matter at the level of research or in other aspects, you still have a lot of money. A place to learn from Su Chen."

When Lin Feifan heard this, he immediately sat down and looked at the teacher solemnly and said: "Teacher, don’t worry, I now regard Brother Su as a role model for my life as my goal, although I know I definitely can’t catch up with Su. Brother's pace, but I will try my best to follow him and learn from him, and strive to be able to give Su Ge a start in the future."

Old Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and continued to say to Su Chen: "Xiao Su, the major mecha groups are so anxious, presumably because they know that you have already started the second-generation mecha plan, but in this respect, you don’t know what you are now. How are your preparations? Although the first-generation mecha is powerful enough, the second-generation mecha is not in a hurry, but now that you have proposed it, I believe you must have an idea in your heart.

Su Chen nodded, "I have completed the design drawing, and the details may need to be improved. After the design drawing is completed, the second-generation mecha will officially start production."

Lin Feifan immediately said with excitement: "Brother Su, you are too powerful. You have completed the design of the second-generation mecha so quickly. I think the first-generation mecha you have made is already powerful enough. I really can’t imagine the second generation mecha. What kind of product will the first-generation mecha be? I wonder if I have the honor to take a look at the design drawings of the second-generation mecha?"

Before Su Chen could answer, Yuan Lao immediately glared at him, "Feifan, you stinky boy is too proud of yourself, right? The design of the second-generation mecha is before the second-generation mecha is produced~www. is absolutely confidential. How could your brother Su tell you this content at this time? Neither you nor me are qualified to know the content of the design drawings. After your brother Su finishes it, let’s do it again. Strive to be the first audience."

Lin Feifan nodded, "That's right, I'm sorry, Brother Su, I was so excited just now."

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, but now I am the only one who knows the design of the mecha. It's better for me to know about it. All major mecha groups are paying attention to this matter. One more person knows it is more dangerous. ."

Old Yuan nodded, "Xiao Su is right. At this time, only Xiao Su knows that the content of the design is the best, and it is useless if we people know it, Feifan, you have this time to be curious. It's better to study the first generation of mechas made by your brother Su, maybe you can gain something.

"Xiaosu, you can do the second-generation mecha with peace of mind. No matter what your requirements are, just ask us. Even if our Dragon Academy of Sciences can't meet them, the military area will definitely meet them."

"There is nothing wrong with the second-generation mecha. I will arrange it. What I am concerned about is the actual operation of the first-generation mecha. Now that the second-generation mecha has been researched, the first-generation mecha must complete the follow-up part as soon as possible. , The operator’s training must be paid close attention to.” Su Chen said.

"Xiao Su, don't worry about this matter. The military area is doing it as you want. And when it comes to this, I have to say that your cousin Su Zhe is also a great talent! "

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