Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:18 AM

Chapter 500: Play with ball

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After Su Chen and Yan Bingxue ate lunch with the group Lele at noon, they went back to work. The two children also started their normal kindergarten life.

In the afternoon, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu went to pick up the two children from school, and then Lin Xiu started to prepare dinner, and Su Haoqian took the group and Lele out to walk the ball.

The ball has now finished the third shot, the body's immunity has improved a lot, and the environment in the villa area is very good, so Su Chen allowed Tuan Tuan and Lele to take the ball to the community to play.

Su Haoqian led two children, and the children led the ball.

The ball doesn't seem to adapt to the feeling of being pulled by the tow rope. When he first went out, he didn't want to go forward.

The whole figure seems to be growing with the floor. Without knowing how to move his four feet, Lele pulled it twice, and the little guy was dragged a certain distance.

"Grandpa, what happened to the ball? Did it hurt its leg? Why does it seem that it can't walk anymore?"

"When I was at home, the ball ran very happily. My brother and I went home and the ball rushed over."

Su Haoqian looked at these two little guys and explained to them with a smile: "The legs of the ball are okay, Tuan Tuan Yue Le, today is the first time you come out to play with the ball, isn't it?"

Tuan nodded, thought about it and said, "But before, my brother and I would take the ball to play in the yard~ Ball likes to come out to play~"

Tuan Tuan finished, looking at the ball on the ground that was unwilling to move.

Su Haoqian touched Tuantuan’s little head, “Tuan Tuan, the ball is fine, but she is not used to wearing this leash for the first time today. Let’s walk with the ball for a while, and the ball will be better. "

Tuantuan listened to Grandpa’s words, and said with a small mouth: "Is it because I feel uncomfortable wearing this ball? Is it OK not to wear it?"

"No, Tuantuan~ If the ball is not wearing a traction rope, she will be too excited to scare other neighbors, and there are cars driving past on the road. If there is no traction rope, the ball will be very dangerous, the puppy Dogs don't know how to avoid danger yet." Su Haoqian explained patiently.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le squatted beside Qiuqiu. After listening to grandpa's words, the two began to persuade Qiuqiu.

"Ball, don't you be afraid, okay? This rope is used to protect you and other children. It won't hurt you~"

"Yes, ball, you have to be brave, just like you used to protect your brothers and sisters, you are a brave puppy dog, you can definitely overcome the leash, right?"

"Qiuqiu, brothers and sisters believe in you~"

The ball was lying on the grass, his tongue was stuck out, and his big round eyes looked at the two little masters. Although they couldn't understand them, they could feel their emotions.

The little guy whimpered and stood up slowly.

looked at his brother and grandpa happily, and said excitedly: "The ball is standing up~"

Su Haoqian whispered to them: "Well, our ball is very brave, like our team and Lele, next, you take the ball to practice the traction rope slowly."

Lele nodded and slowly pulled up the traction rope. When the rope was taut, the ball seemed to be frightened again. Tuantuan quickly squatted down and stroked the back of the ball, soothing her emotions.

"The ball, it's okay, you just follow the strength of your brother~ We won't hurt you."

may have been encouraged by Tuan Tuan, or it may be because it is the young master Lele who is holding him, the ball mustered courage, and slowly took a step forward.

Tuan Tuan said patiently on the side: "Yes, the ball is like this, will you continue to follow your brother?"

The little guy followed slowly, Lele also carefully walked forward step by step. Tuan Tuan encouraged by the side. Soon, the ball adapted to the traction rope. On the road, the little guy ran forward happily, Lele following. Behind her, chasing happily.

Tuantuan happily took Grandpa's hand, raised his head and said with a smile: "Grandpa, our ball is really amazing~ I learned so soon~"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "The ball is great, and our team and Lele are also great teachers~ I soon taught the ball."

Tuantuan and Lele heard what Grandpa said, and both laughed happily.

The three of them were walking their dogs outside, and they met a neighbor kid who also went out for a walk. When Qiuqiu saw the kid, he was excited to go forward, and Lele quickly tightened the rope.

But the excitement of the ball still shocked the kid on the opposite side, and quickly hid behind the parent.

Tuantuan hurried over and touched the ball and said to the kid: "It's okay~ Miss Sister, the ball is very good, she won't bite, she just likes you, so I want to come up and smell you~"

When the parents saw two cute children and a cute puppy, they immediately smiled and comforted their children, "Baby, don’t be afraid, look, the little sister and the little brother’s puppies are very friendly~ and little The younger brother is still pulling the puppy, and the puppy will not hurt you."

After Lele held the ball, he knew that his behavior might be wrong, so he stopped by Tuantuan's side and looked at the opposite kid friendly.

The little girl poked her head out from behind her mother, and looked curiously at the group music and the ball.

Finally, she couldn't help but look up at her mother and said, "Mom, the little brother and the little sister have cute dogs."

The woman smiled and said, "Yes~ This little dog is very cute."

"Can I go up and touch it?" the little girl asked her mother.

The woman said: "You have to ask the owner of the puppy~ Go and ask the little sister and brother, can you play with their puppy."

The little girl took two steps forward, UU reading www. stood in front of Tuantuan Lele, and said shyly: "Little brother, little sister, can I touch your puppy?"

Tuan Yue nodded generously.

"Of course it can~"

The little girl came over and squatted next to Tuan Tuan, the ball looked at her curiously.

She stretched out her hand, but then retracted in fear, looking at Tuantuan embarrassedly, "I'm still a little scared~"

Tuan Tuan said with a smile: "It's okay, Miss Sister, my ball is super friendly, you see~"

Tuantuan said, he reached out and touched the little head that touched the ball. Not only did the ball not resist, but he obediently delivered the little head to Tuantuan's hands. That was so cute.

Seeing Tuantuan's movements, the little girl couldn't help but muster up the courage again, and quickly touched the ball head lightly.

Then she ran back to her mother excitedly and said happily: "Mom, I touched the puppy~ The puppy's fur is so comfortable~"

Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le heard this and said to the ball on the ground: "Yuqiu, did you hear it? Miss Sister likes you very much too~"

Su Haoqian stood behind and watched this beautiful scene, smiling involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

So cute.

Ball is cute, Tuan Tuan and Le Le are more cute.

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