Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:14 AM

Chapter 503: Wat h dog artoons

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Hearing what his father said, Tuantuan seemed to have regained confidence, turned his head and said to Lele who was walking by: "Brother, then we have to keep working hard and teach the ball a few more times. The ball will definitely be able to learn!"

Lele also just heard those words that Su Chen said, and the expression on his face became relaxed again.

He nodded and cheered on with his sister, "Yeah! Tuantuan, let's be a good teacher with patience, just like our teacher Chen. Sometimes when Teacher Chen teaches us to learn, we don't listen to it again. It will happen, but Mr. Chen is very patient. When I ask him, she will tell me again very seriously. We also have to treat our **** patiently like Mr. Chen!"

"Brother is right, we must have confidence in the ball, and we must also have patience. I believe our ball and ball can definitely learn~"

The two children comforted each other, then squatted down on the ground to comfort, there were some missing **** over there.

After a short while, Tuan Tuan and Le Le took the ball to the sofa.

Lele excitedly said to her father: "Dad, Tuantuan and I just discussed a good way to help Qiuqiu learn and make her a genius dog as soon as possible!"

Su Chen asked curiously: "Really? Did you and your sister think of a good way?"

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan: "Not only did my brother and I learn a lot in school, but also learned a lot of new knowledge when watching TV and movies. A lot of words were learned while watching TV!"

"So my brother and I decided to let Qiuqiu also try this learning method. Mom and Dad, can you give me and my brother the remote control now? We want Qiuqiu to watch cartoons, cartoons about puppies. , In this way, the ball sees its own kind, even if it does not understand our human language, it can also understand its own kind of actions. Maybe a smart ball, just like my brother and me, I learned something by myself~ "

Although I don’t know if this method of the two little guys can be effective recently, I hope that at this time, there should be no way to become interested or concentrate on the things shown in the video, right?

However, since Tuantuan and Lele are willing to try hard for this matter, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue naturally support them.

So Su Chen handed the remote control to his son and daughter, and Tuan Tuan immediately found Snoopy's cartoon. While watching TV, he was holding the ball, and he kept explaining Snoop in the video to the ball. Than some actions made and the meaning of this action.

At the beginning of the ball, the attention did not seem to be on the TV, but because he was lying in the arms of the little master, listening to the little master’s gentle and patient voice, the ball did not leave, and obediently lay on the ball’s leg. .

Slowly, Qiuqiu seemed to understand. The little master was telling herself about the flashing pictures on the TV, so the little guy looked at the TV.

Lele discovered this scene, quietly touched the arm of Tuantuan, and then silently pointed at the ball, his eyes full of excitement.

Tuan Tuan found that Qiuqiu was also watching TV earnestly, and immediately like his brother, he was not happy.

Tonight, the two of them watched an hour-long cartoon with a ball. When Su Chen and Yan Bingxue called them to go upstairs to sleep, the two little guys were still discussing this matter.

"Brother, I think it’s very useful to watch cartoons to let Qiuqiu learn. Although Qiuqiu may not be able to learn anything yet, it can at least concentrate on watching TV with us. Just watch some more dogs. Balloon should be able to understand the animated cartoons, right?"

Lele thought for a while and said, "Sister, I think we shouldn’t just let Qiuqiu watch these cartoons. Although Snoopy’s cartoons also tell stories about dogs, Snoopy’s image is very similar to ours. The ball at home is very different. The ball at home may not be understood. Snoopy in the cartoon is himself. Or I will find some movies about dogs after I come back tomorrow. It’s best to talk with the ball at our home. It is the same breed, so that the ball can learn better, what do you think?"

"Brother, you are so smart. You are right. Although Snoopy is a puppy, he looks nothing like our ball. Snoopy may not be able to see it. I think this is her kind. If it's a movie, and it happens to be the same breed as the ball, then the ball will immediately understand it!"

The two little guys were talking bluntly, and decided to come back tomorrow to find some movies about dogs. From now on, they will spend one to two days a week with the ball and the ball to watch the movie together, and try to cultivate the ball into one. Only a genius dog.

Seeing the two of them working so hard, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled knowingly.


Next, the Su family returned to the previous state.

The two children started the life of going out early and going to kindergarten every evening, and they also had to spare a day to attend hobby classes every weekend.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are struggling in their respective jobs. In recent days, Su Chen has been busy with the second-generation mecha

And Yan Bingxue, as the president of Chaofan Group, naturally stays here.

Recently my wife doesn't know what she is doing, but after going home every night, there are still a lot of phone calls and video conferences to be held.

Su Chen is also continuing to work hard for the second-generation mecha, and both of them are busy in the process.

But this time Su Chen and Yan Bingxue handled their work and family very well. Although the two of them occasionally worked overtime until eight or nine o’clock before returning home, they learned from the last Su Chen incident. Whenever you work overtime, you will call in advance to tell the other party.

Although this kind of food has saved them a lot of time alone, this kind of life is very fulfilling.

And after a few days of such a fulfilling life, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue seem to have found a balance. Both of them can find suitable opportunities in their busy schedule to solve their emotional needs for each other.

For example, when Yan Bingxue is not busy, she will take out her mobile phone to send Su Chen WeChat, say a few love words, or problems encountered at work, or just such trivial things as what she had eaten this morning, some Su Chen was busy at the time and couldn’t reply immediately. Yan Bingxue didn’t think there was anything. When she was busy, she put her mobile phone aside and picked it up when she was free next time. Her husband must have replied. The news.

Although the chat was intermittent, they both felt very satisfied.

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