Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:07 AM

Chapter 508: Leyue Guardian: Stay away from my sister!

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Tuantuan never expected that Liu Yi was going to say this to him, so she was stunned on the spot. Then, she immediately took a step back and said with a serious expression: "Student Liu Yi, you misunderstood!"

"I said I want to help you because I am the monitor. You can ask me about things in study and life, but this kind of thing is not good!"

"We are still children, we should study hard, and we can't just focus on this kind of thing, it is wrong to do so."

Liu Yi said: "But I really like you, Tuantuan."

Lele had always been paying attention to the situation here. At this moment, seeing his sister’s panic expression, he rushed over and shielded Tuantuan behind him. He happened to hear Liu Yi’s last words again. He suddenly Frowning and said: "Student Liu Yi, you really have other thoughts about my sister, stay away from my sister!"

Liu Yi was a little angry when he saw Lele. Today’s arrival has already ruined his two chances to get along with the Tuan Tuan. This time, he is confessing to the Tuan Tuan, and Le Le ran over again, even if Le Le is a Tuan Tuan. Brother can't do it either!

So Liu Yi said firmly: "Lele, I just like Tuan Tuan, I will not stay far from Tuan Tuan, I will be by her side every day!"

Liu Yi said he was going to look for Tuan Tuan behind Lele again, Tuantuan subconsciously took a step back, Lele rushed up angrily, and smashed his little fist.

Liu Yi was punched by him, and he was a little dumbfounded for an instant.

happily said: "This is just a small warning, if you dare to approach my sister again, I'm not welcome!"

Where did Liu Yi suffer such a grievance, and immediately rushed to fight with Lele.

Although Lele has never learned martial arts fighting skills, she has seen her father play two games and also learned some of his father's moves. This professional fighting action is used in heads-up against the children, just like it is. Divine help.

Liu Yi was not Lele's opponent at all. He was beaten to the ground in a few strokes, and was riding on the ground by Lele, unable to fight back. He could only cry.

This voice quickly attracted the teacher. The physical education teacher and Teacher Chen felt a little surprised at this scene.

Because Lele has always been one of the best children in the class and has never bullied his classmates, why did he fight with the new transfer student today?

Teacher Chen and the physical education teacher immediately went up and pulled them apart. Lele did not continue to beat him, but still stared at him.

Liu Yi was completely afraid of being beaten by Lele. He hid behind the teacher and cried loudly. He complained: "Teacher, Lele beat me, Lele is too much, you have to punish him!"

Tuantuan immediately came forward, "Ms. Chen, no, my brother didn't hit him on purpose, it was him...he did it wrong!"

Teacher Chen asked: "Tuan Tuan, you are the small monitor of our class. Tell the teacher what is going on?"

"The teacher said that fighting is a very serious matter. Children must not fight."

Teacher Chen's expression was serious, but Lele said solemnly: "Teacher, I know that as a child, I shouldn't fight with classmates, but as the brother of Tuan Tuan, I absolutely don't allow anyone to bully my sister!"

Tuantuan pulled Brother Largo, and then explained the situation to Teacher Chen just now. As a bystander, Lily also confirmed what Tuantuan said.

Teacher Chen listened to the original, and couldn't help but look at Liu Yi behind him.

This new classmate is really precocious.

The physical education teacher and Teacher Chen discussed how to deal with this matter.

The physical education teacher said: "Mr. Chen, I don't think this matter should be too much trouble. I just checked classmate Liu Yi's body. Lele is still very measured. Although it looks like he was riding on the ground and hitting him, it is also It was just to frighten him. He didn't really do it. He hit the thighs and arms, not the important parts."

"And when it comes to talking about it today, it is indeed classmate Liu Yi who is not right. Are the children so precocious? This is just going to kindergarten, and just a few days after coming, I started to think about our lovely group? If I am Lele , I can't bear it either, this kid is a toad who wants to eat swan meat!"

Teacher Chen listened to what the physical education teacher said, and said angrily: "Teacher Sun, you are a teacher, so pay attention to what you say."

After speaking, she smiled herself.

In the end, the matter was not dealt with seriously. The teacher told Liu Yi that he should do school things in school so that he would stop thinking about other messy things, otherwise he would notify his parents.

Liu Yi heard that he was going to be called Mom and Dad. He cried out in fear, saying that he would never dare anymore. He also took the initiative to move the position to the previous place so that Xiaoyu would come back to be at the same table with Lele again.

After solving Liu Yi’s side, Teacher Chen called Tuan Tuan and Le Le, and looking at Le Le’s dynamism, Teacher Chen said: "Le Le, the teacher knows that you did this to protect your sister, so the teacher doesn’t Punish you, but the teacher must tell you that next time you encounter this kind of thing, if it is in the kindergarten, let the teacher handle it. After all, everyone’s children are very bad, right?"

Lele heard this and nodded gently, "I'm sorry, Teacher Chen, I am a little impulsive, but I really can't see others bullying my sister."

Teacher Chen touched his head and said with a smile: "The teacher knows that Lele is a great little brother, so let's forget about this today. The teacher has already told classmate Liu Yi, I believe he will not do this in the future. , Then don’t do anything to Liu Yi anymore~"

"As long as he is far away from my sister, I won't bother him again when UU read"

The two came out of Teacher Chen’s office, looked at his brother with concern, and asked, "Brother, are you okay? We just fought with Liu Yi, did you get hurt?"

Lele shook her head and looked at her younger sister and said: "Sister, do you think your brother has done something wrong? Your brother just became an adult, are you afraid?"

"No! I think my brother is great! I know, my brother is protecting me. My brother was just super powerful, especially brave, like a superman, standing in front of me~ hee hee~"

Lele laughed when she heard her sister say this, patted her chest and said: "This is what I should do, after all, I am my brother~ I will always protect you!"

"Tuan Tuan, you have to pay attention in the future, but you can rest assured that even if you don't notice, your brother will definitely protect you, and will never let those stinky boys have a chance to approach you!"

Tuantuan couldn’t help but laughed when he heard this. He looked at his brother and said, “Brother, but you are also a boy~”

happily said: "I am different, I am your brother~"

The two little guys looked at each other and laughed, and said roundly: "Brother, don't you tell Mom and Dad about this matter today? I'm a bit shy, and I don't want Mom and Dad to know about the brothers fighting.

Lele nodded, stretched out her little finger and said: "Okay, let's pull the hook, this is the little secret between us!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!