Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:55 AM

Chapter 516: The president's appearan e in love is too unexpe ted

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After confirming the departure time at noon, Su Chen told Yan Bingxue the first time.

Yan Bingxue also immediately put aside the work at hand, suspended the meeting halfway through, and stood up and said, "Let’s end today’s meeting. You can sort out the rest of the content and send it to Special Assistant Zhang in the form of a report. In the mailbox, I will come back later. I have something to go out now."

Yan Bingxue left as soon as he finished speaking, leaving the general staff of the company staring at each other.

"What's the situation? The CEO actually left halfway through the meeting. This is the first time this happened!"

"Yeah, isn't our president always a workaholic? Although today's meeting is an internal employee meeting, the presidents used to participate in person. They actually received a WeChat message and left. Could it be something? Did something happen?"

Knowing the inside story, Zhang Tezhu glanced at everyone, and while helping the president tidy up his things, he said: "Spend more thoughts on work and spend less time gossiping about the company. There is no problem. The president is just going to see Mr. Su! "

When a group of people heard this, their hearts became even more gossip. After Zhang Tezhu went out, they immediately spoke freely.

"I just can't think that our president was like this when we were in love. We can immediately suspend the company's meeting for the sake of my husband. It seems that the president is really being manipulated by Mr. Su!"

"Mr. Su is such a good man, no wonder the president will value it so much. Although the meeting was suspended, the company is getting better and better after our president and Mr. Su are together. Now we are not only because of Mr. Su’s salary increase, but also I thought that Mr. Su suspended the meeting and got some rest time. The relationship between the president and Mr. Su really made us employees receive a lot of benefits~"

Mr. Yuan personally sent Su Chen downstairs. Just as he was about to call him into the car, he found Yan Bingxue's car waiting there.

Yan Bingxue got out of the car and greeted Lao Yuan, "Lao Yuan, I will personally take my husband to the highway intersection today. Don't bother with the Long Academy of Sciences vehicle."

Old Yuan glanced at their loving couple and said with a smile: "Okay, Miss Yan, it took up Xiao Su's time. My old man is really embarrassed. Then you can give Xiao Su today, the car behind. Will follow you."

Yan Bingxue drove along the road. Su Chen was sitting in the co-pilot. At first, Yan Bingxue didn't speak, and the atmosphere inside the car was a bit low.

Su Chen knew that his wife was reluctant to bear herself, so when she stopped at the intersection, she took the initiative to hold his wife's hand and put it to his own mouth and kissed it.

This kiss caused Yan Bingxue's emotional breakdown in an instant, and she looked at her husband with red eyes: "I'm sorry husband, I said it was fine yesterday, but today I think of you leaving me for so long, I still can't bear you~"

"Stupid wife, what's so sorry about this kind of thing, I also hate you." Su Chen said with a smile.

The two held tightly together until the green light turned on. The vehicles behind were from the Academy of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Knowing that Yan Bingxue was driving in front, he did not drive when the green light was on. The vehicles behind did not dare to urge. Can only wait silently.

hugged for a long time, and when the green light was about to end, Yan Bingxue finally continued to drive.

"Husband, you can rest assured to go to the imperial capital, I will take care of everything in the house, and my children and I will wait for your return at home~"

"Wife, when I'm not at home, you have to take good care of yourself. I will send you a video every day."

When they arrived at the high-speed intersection, the two said goodbye to each other in the car. It was Huo Xinzhi who was sent by the military region. Knowing that the person who was meeting today was Su Chen, they got off the car early and waited. Seeing their car stopped, the first time. Going up.

At this time, Lin Feifan of the Long Academy of Sciences suddenly came over and stopped Huo Xinzhi's pace.

"I'm sorry, but I should bother you to wait a while, our brother Su is saying goodbye to my sister-in-law Yiyi."

Huo Xinzhi was taken aback for a moment, thinking that when he was in the imperial capital last time, seeing Su Chen's family in such a good relationship, now that they are leaving for a while, they must have something to say.

So, at the highway intersection, a large number of vehicles stopped there and waited until Su Chen reluctantly got off.

In the imperial capital, the six middle-class families have also begun urgent preparations.

They got news that Su Chen was leaving at noon today, and he should be able to reach the imperial capital by night.

All the big families responded urgently and sent a lot of people to block people at the airport high-speed rail station and highway intersections. It was bound to be the first person to see Su Chen.

All the important people in the house were dispatched, and several heads of the house were still discussing with the family.

"We have to see Mr. Su the first time, but at the moment I don't know which vehicle Mr. Su will take."

"Mr. Su is going to transport three mechas to the imperial capital. It must be the expressway like last time. Why don't we go to the expressway and wait."

"Mecha really needs to be transported over the highway, but Mr. Su Chen is a hero, and the military area has the best arrangement for him. I think maybe Mr. Su Chen will come by plane. UU read www.uukanshu. com or grandpa, you should go to the airport and wait, this time we can't take the air!"

The Patriarch of the Sun family felt that what Sun Tzu said was reasonable, so he immediately took people to the airport, because the plane from Zhonghai can arrive in about two hours, so the time is very short.

The other two family owners had the same idea. Everyone rushed to the airport together. Several big families were dispatched at the same time. As a result, there was a rush hour at noon, and the road to the airport was actually jammed!

The family owners sat in the car anxiously, for fear of missing Su Chen, looking at the traffic jam in front of them, they wanted to grow wings and fly to the airport.

At this moment, the mobile phones of several owners rang.

Grandpa Sun immediately answered the call. Grandson said on the other side: "Grandpa, I just told that there was an urgent message over there, saying that Mr. Su personally took the mecha over, and the military area sent someone from the Huo family to pick it up. They I'll walk at high speed together later!"

After Grandpa Sun hung up the phone, he looked at the same blocked car behind him. Without saying a word, he just stepped forward and walked back.

Several other families also learned the news. Suddenly, many pedestrians appeared on the viaduct, and everyone walked back in a hurry.

The scene was extremely chaotic. After the big families met, they didn’t say hello to each other. Knowing that everyone was here for Su Chen, I didn’t dare to delay for a while. Go to the high-speed intersection.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!