Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:24 AM

Chapter 537: Su hen saw 2 babies

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million in the opening!

The two chatted for a few words, Su Chen suddenly thought of something, so he asked: "Dad Lily, I will end my work tomorrow. I can rush back in the morning. When are you going to barbecue?"

"We are going to go by in the morning, isn't the weather getting cooler now? It's not as hot as before. We are going to get it all day long! But Mr. Su, you just come back from work tomorrow, so you should go home and have a good rest. Let's play together next time."

Su Chen ended the chat with Lily's father, and couldn't help laughing when he saw that he explained that he was going to make a whole day's barbecue.

Now Su Chen has completely determined that during the video call just now, his wife and two babies were lying.

But why would they do this?

Su Chen thought for a while and quickly guessed it.

It seems that the wife and children want to give themselves a "surprise", so I said so on purpose tonight.

Thinking of their careful preparation, Su Chen's mentality was very sweet. He was lying on the bed, with an idea in his mind, he decided to prepare a "big surprise" for his wife and children!


The next morning, the family got up very early, Tuan Tuan and Le Le wore newly bought clothes, and Yan Bingxue also dressed carefully and put on light makeup.

The plane arrived at ten o'clock, and after eight o'clock, Yan Bingxue set off for the airport with the team and Lele.

The three men stood guard at the exit of the airport and kept looking inside.

The Tuan Tuan and the musicians also took homework they had done in the handicraft class and prepared to give it to Dad.

Yan Bingxue carried the thermos barrel, which contained the breakfast that Lin Xiu had just cooked in the morning. It was still hot at this time. He planned to give it to her husband as soon as she got off the plane.

The three of them were full of expectations, waiting for Su Chen's return.

When the plane arrived, Yan Bingxue immediately took the hands of the two little babies happily, "Dad will be out soon, let's be prepared to welcome Dad with a surprised expression!"

The two little guys are also looking forward to it.

The passengers inside walked out in groups. At first, there was a large group of people together. Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan Lele stared closely, for fear of missing Su Chen.

They found that there was no Su Chen among the large group of people, and a few came out behind them, Yan Bingxue and the others still stared closely.

However, the tourists are almost gone as long as they are walking. There has been no one coming out for several minutes, and the next flight will arrive in ten minutes.

Until this time, Su Chen did not appear.

Sitting around and looking up at his mother, "Mom, where did Dad go? Everyone else has already come out, so why is it that only Dad hasn't come out yet?"

"Mom, could it be that Dad just came out and we didn't see him?" Lele had a deep doubt.

Yan Bingxue didn't know what was going on, so she touched the heads of the two little guys comfortably, "Don't worry, Tuan Tuan Le Le, mom calls Dad to ask."

Yan Bingxue called her husband immediately, but Su Chen answered it as soon as possible.

At this moment, Yan Bingxue did not dare to let her husband find out about them at the airport, so she pretended that nothing happened and asked: "My husband, you should have already got off the plane, right? I and Tuan Tuan Yue Le are already in kindergarten. There is a parent meeting."

At this time, Su Chen, standing not far behind them, had a panoramic view of the anxious expressions of the three of them.

But since his wife wanted to continue to pretend, he also deliberately didn't say it.

The husband didn't say anything, but he just responded softly, not knowing what it meant.

Yan Bingxue was a little anxious and said, "Husband, you have worked hard along the way. Xiao Zhang is waiting outside the airport, but she said that many people have come out but haven't seen you. Are you still in the airport now? "

"No, my wife, I have already come out. I am going through the VIP channel. Let Xiao Zhang go back quickly. I am already on my way to kindergarten now. I don't want to miss the parent meeting of the two little guys, so I deliberately came out from the VIP channel early. Although I was late for a while, I believe that my appearance will make the two little guys feel happy!"

Yan Bingxue was dumbfounded when she heard this, and she didn't know what to do.

Why did my husband go to kindergarten?

Then this is not a mistake, it is completely messed up!

Just when Yan Bingxue was in a hurry, Tuantuan suddenly looked behind him and shouted, "Dad!"

"It's Dad!"

When Yan Bingxue heard this sound, she turned her head and looked over, and saw Su Chen, walking towards them with a smile, holding the child's dazed Yan Bingxue in her arms and leaning in his ear softly. Said: "Surprise, wife~"

Yan Bingxue was completely dumbfounded. After hearing these words, she realized that her husband had just lied to herself on the phone.

He just saw through the tricks of himself and the children, so he deliberately hid and gave them a surprise.

After figuring it out, Yan Bingxue stretched out her hands and hugged her husband It seemed that she wanted to put all the thoughts about her husband these days into this hug.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan watched Mom and Dad hugging each other, walked over anxiously, and took Dad by the arm to say, "Dad~We also want to hug!"

"Dad can't just hug mom alone~"

"Yes, father, you have two babies! We miss you too~"

When Su Chen heard the words, he let go of his wife, and embraced Tuantuan and Lele in his arms one by one.

The two little babies didn’t even think of the episode just now. After they saw Dad, they left everything behind. They circled Dad’s neck, and Lele sat on Dad’s arm obediently. Su Chen felt a pain and told how he missed him these days.

"Dad, Tuantuan really misses you. I can finally see my dad and be held in his arms. It's such a happy feeling!"

After the little guy finished speaking, he hugged his father's neck and gave him a kiss.

Lele was immediately inspired by her sister's movements.

If he hadn't done such a move before, there were so many people around the airport, but since his father came home, Lele has become more and more brave.

So he also learned from his sister, kissed his father on the face, looked at Su Chen sincerely, and said with a bit of shyness: "Dad, I miss you every day!"

Su Chen returned two kisses on the tender cheeks of the two little babies, "Daddy misses you very much, too, let's go, let's go home together!"

Holding two little babies in his arms, Su Chen looked back at his wife along the way.

He and his wife finally had a chance to hold hands until they reached the underground parking lot and settled the two little babies in the safety seats.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!