Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:21 AM

Chapter 539: 1 reunion

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

There was a lot of fun at the table, with men drinking and women chatting.

Yan Zhenwei held up the cup and said, "Chen Chen, I really didn't expect that Yan Zhenwei would be able to be a good son at this age, and it was because my daughter found me a good son-in-law!"

"You are in the imperial capital these days, and many of my friends contacted me and said that you didn't know if you saw you on the news. I was so happy and proud at that time."

"Now your career is getting better and better. Dad believes that you will be able to become the top man in the world!"

"Come on, raise the glass, this wine dad toasts you!"

Su Haoqian heard the old father-in-law praise his son so, so naturally he couldn't neglect the daughter-in-law over there.

So Su Haoqian immediately said: "Dust Chen, my father-in-law is right. Your career is currently on the rise, and our family will definitely get better and better in the future. Moreover, the ice and snow road career has become bigger and bigger in the recent period. I went to a foreign country. I went on a business trip abroad a few days ago. It took just a few days to win such a big project. I see that the Internet is full of news about my daughter-in-law, saying that the daughter-in-law really made our Dragon Kingdom enthusiasm and defeated. Several internationally renowned large mecha groups have obtained this project today."

"This glass of wine, we have to toast together and toast to our daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law has been working hard recently. After all, Chenchen is back with this work. After all, he is also a member of the Chaofan Group. What can I do? Your daughter-in-law, just let him do it!"

Listening to my grandfather and grandfather's complimenting Mom and Dad, Lelehe Tuan Tuan was unwilling to be left out. Looking at everyone toasting to their mother, Tuan Tuanhe Lele also raised the cup with milk in front of him.

"Grandpa and grandpa, my sister and I have been studying very hard recently, and we will become especially good people like mom and dad in the future!"

When the family heard the words of the two children, they all laughed happily.

The elders encouraged: "That group and Lele must cheer up, and in the future, they will become great heroes like mom and dad!"

Su Chen touched the heads of his daughter and son, and said confidently: "Our family Tuantuan and Lele are so smart and work so hard. Dad believes that you will do better than Dad and Mom in the future."


Su Haoqian and Yan Zhenwei both drank a little bit, Su Chen's face looked red, although he couldn't see anything from the road, his eyes were slightly blurred.

Lin Xiu immediately persuaded them not to drink, "Let’s drink here today. It was originally a happy day. How bad is it to get drunk? Our son has such a good drinker, he drank a little too much today. The child stayed outside for half a month, and came back from the plane early this morning, so I can’t let my son sleep drunk at night!"

Su Haoqian is a wine lover, and he finally had such a good time to drink today, but when he heard his wife's words, he was naturally reluctant to bear his son, so he and Yan Zhenwei gave up and asked his wife to put away the wine.

After dinner, Yan Bingxue personally sent her parents to the car, and Zhang Special helped send them home.

When I returned to the house, my parents had already returned to the room to rest, and the two children went upstairs to sleep. My husband sat on the sofa and waited for her, rubbing his forehead as if a little uncomfortable.

Yan Bingxue walked over and gently rubbed his temples with his hands.

"Husband, do you have a headache?"

"Well, a little bit."

"Then you take a short rest, I'll cook you a bowl of hangover soup."

Just as Yan Bingxue was about to leave, Su Chen's wrist was suddenly grabbed. Su Chen turned his head, his eyes were not as blurred as they were just now, and his eyes were profound and clear, as if he wanted to **** his wife in.

Yan Bingxue was stunned for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Husband, this is... you just pretended to be, you clearly are not drunk!"

"Of course it was pretending. If I don’t pretend to be drunk anymore, the father of our two families will really have to drink tonight. I’ve been out for so many days, and finally came back and didn’t want to get drunk the first night. , Just go to sleep."

Su Chen said, pulling gently, pulling his wife into his arms and letting her sit on his lap.

Yan Bingxue's face couldn't help but flushed, and she turned her head and looked carefully at the location of the parents' room over there.

She lowered her voice and said, "My husband, don't make trouble, Mom and Dad must have not slept yet. How embarrassed if they came out to see this scene!"

"What are you afraid of? I am holding my own wife in my own home. Mom and Dad will be fine even if they see it. They will only feel happy." Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue still feels embarrassed. Although it is really happy to be held by her husband like this, there are elders in the family after all.

Su Chen saw his wife's shyness, so he stood up, and suddenly picked up his wife horizontally. Yan Bingxue was startled, and quickly reached out and hugged his neck.

The two of them returned to the bedroom in this posture. After Su Chen entered the room, he still didn't put his wife down, and directly hugged his wife into the bathroom.

Although Yan Bingxue was a little, looking at her husband who hadn't seen for a long time, she missed her very much, so she blushed and said nothing, letting him do whatever he wanted.


The next morning, Su Chen sent Tuantuan and Lele to school, and met Lily's father.

"Mr. Su is back, great. Next time, I can invite your family to go to the riverside barbecue. Yesterday you didn’t make it. It’s a pity that our family Lili kept talking after knowing about it, saying that if you visit your uncle, you can eat it. Barbecue is better."

Hearing this, Tuan Tuan looked at his father in confusion: "Dad, how did you know that Lily's family went to the riverside barbecue yesterday?"

Lily's father explained to Tuantuan, Lele already understood before Tuantuan could react.

After leaving Lily's father, Lele said mysteriously: "Hey, I know how Dad guessed the surprise we gave him yesterday!"

"Dad knew that the parents we were talking about were lying to Dad because he received an invitation from Lily's father, right?"

Su Chen smiled and touched the head of the earphones and said, "Lele is very smart, but you are only half right. In fact, when Dad was talking to you on the video, he found that the expressions of the three of you were very strange. Mom is a person who can’t lie. Dad thought there was a problem, so he went to the circle of friends to like Lily’s father, and then Lily’s father sent a message asking if I wanted to go to the barbecue together. I asked him the time. He said it was the morning, so I knew that the kindergarten didn't hold any parent meetings at all."

Tuan Tuan figured out the whole thing. He smiled at his father and said, "Dad is too smart. From these clues, I inferred the conclusion that we are lying to you~ Hmph, it seems that I want to surprise my dad. It must be smarter!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!